Super Dimension Technology Era

Chapter 380 A pool of stagnant water

New Era Year 7, February 1st.

Zhuoguang Mountain System-Songxing.

(Note: From "The Classic of Mountains and Seas, Volume Three of the Northern Mountains", three hundred and fifty miles to the north, it is called the Mountain of Zhuoguang. ...There are many pines and cypresses on it, and many palms and cypresses below it)

Despite 37 blue star days of flight, the expedition fleet's squadron arrived in the void near Pine Star.

At this time, the six warships were in a state of invisibility, which was a comprehensive shield that shielded electromagnetic waves and natural light. Only some residual gamma rays could be detected in the void.

"Report, found spacecraft debris."

"Report, radio signal detected..."

Listening to the reports one after another, Luo Feng stared at the living planet in the virtual model - Pine Star.

Pine Star is a planet very similar to Blue Star, about the same size and mass, and its gravity is 1.1 times that of Blue Star.

However, these data are not what Luo Feng cares about. What he really cares about is the life situation on this living planet.

Vice Captain Zhou Yuan added some of the data he had just collected to the database, and the virtual model generation system continued to add information about Pine Star.

"Commander Luo, these are the suspected intelligent creatures discovered, a total of 12,643, specifically distributed in..." Zhou Yuan reported the relevant situation in detail.

Luo Feng asked: "Have you deciphered their radio signals?"

"Part of it has been cracked, but there is not much reference data."

When you enlarge one of the areas in the virtual model, you can see that many humanoid creatures are moving, but these people are in bad condition.

According to the data detected by the neutrino stream, many people's genes have been severely damaged, and leukemia, malignant tumors, and malnutrition are flooding the entire camp.

Severe radioactive materials and nuclear radiation remain in Pine Star's atmosphere, soil, and oceans. A large number of animals and plants died, and the remaining creatures have initially adapted to the harsh environment.

Obviously this is a world after a nuclear war. The dense explosion craters and glassy material on the land surface all illustrate how cruel wars have broken out on this planet.

This is a pool of stagnant water, poisoning the pond on which it depends for survival. This is a civilization that has failed to "promote". The civilizations in the universe that died in the home star stage account for 99.9% of the total number of civilizations in the universe, or even more.

"Nuwa, can these people re-establish civilization?" Luo Feng asked flatly.

[Under analysis...]

Fifteen minutes later.

Nuwa, the artificial intelligence responsible for the assisted life science type, gave the answer.

[The probability of the civilization's demise is 97.6%, and the probability of rebuilding the civilization is 2.4%...]

The parameters analyzed by Nuwa did not include new human interference factors.

The new humans will not save them, because this destruction is the Pine Star people's own choice, and they are not eligible for salvation.

Any civilization must bear the corresponding consequences for its actions, whether good or bad.

New humans have never been saviors and have no obligation to save other civilizations. This is a provision of the Alien Civilization Management Law. All new humans are not allowed to save lower-level civilizations without authorization.

"Commander Luo, who are we next?"

"Observe for a while longer."

"Okay." Zhou Yuan turned around and got busy.

Luo Feng looked at Songxing quietly. There was no pity in his eyes, only endless calm.

Pine Star, the edge of the desert filled with wind and sand.

In a small, dilapidated city, many people are watering crops under strong ultraviolet rays.

"Ahem..." An old Pine Star man coughed violently as if he had asthma, and then he fell to the ground and twitched.

The surrounding Pine Star people, however, were busy minding their own business with numb eyes, as if they were used to this kind of situation.

Death may be a relief, there is nothing they can do about the old man's condition.

Radioactive dust is everywhere in the air, especially after the environment has been destroyed, and the endless sandstorms will roll up the radioactive materials that fell on the ground.

Thirty-four years have passed since the End War, and the entire world's population has dropped from 12 billion to just over 10,000 people living on their last legs.

Moreover, most people are terminally ill, and 90% of newborns are deformed. It is difficult for newborns who can barely survive to reach the reproductive stage.

[This is a desperate world. ]

On the sand dunes a few kilometers away from the small town, two holographic invisible figures were walking towards the small town.

The footprints they left on the sand were smoothed by nanorobots, as if they did not exist in this world. They were indeed not products of this world.

There are some withered yellow grasslands on the edge of the desert, as well as trees that have gradually adapted to nuclear radiation.

On the farmland, the crops looked dejected.

The old man who fell to the ground and twitched gradually became silent. Luo Feng walked to the old man's side, placed his hand gently on the other man's head, and activated the brainwave reading system.

The old man's lifelong memories were extracted, and the stand-in robot transmitted the data back to the battleship supercomputer.

[Let’s go! ]

The two of them walked into the small town.

Three skinny Songxing people passed by Luo Feng.

They put the old man's body on the trolley and headed into the small town, while the other working Pine Star people seemed to turn a blind eye.

Soon the three people pulled the body and surpassed Luo Feng and the two. They did not feel the invisible Luo Feng.

Walking into the small town, dilapidation and garbage came face to face. The three people pulled the body into a room, and then murmured for a while.

After a while, the sound of chopping meat and breaking bones came from the room.

at dusk.

Luo Feng received the data package from the battleship, which was formed by analyzing the memory of the old Pine Star man, including the Song Star language, Song Star text, and Pine Star history.

Choosing to load the data package, he soon mastered the language and history of the Pine Star people.

He was standing quietly on the roof of the second floor of a dilapidated building. The setting sun in the distance was like blood. He had a sense of a desert with solitary smoke and a long river with a setting sun.

Boom, boom, boom! The sound of iron hammering appeared in the silent small town. At this time, there was only a trace of living people in the small town.

Hundreds of Pine Star people gathered together and then lined up in a long line, holding utensils similar to plates or basins in their hands.

Luo Feng, who had acquired the Pine Star Language, soon heard many Pine Star people talking in low voices.

"We're going to have extra food today."

"Who died?"

"Old Miff."


The three skinny Pine Star men who were pulling the bodies came to the crowd with two big buckets and opened the two big buckets.

The person from Songxing in front quickly handed over the basin, put a spoonful of green paste into the basin, and then took a spoonful of turbid soup from another large bucket.

The Pine Star Man looked at the few brown patches on the basin, and he immediately became happy and hurriedly went aside. The hungry Pine Star Man couldn't wait to eat.

Others were no better.

Even if the brown flesh is exactly the same as their skin, it can't stop their hunger.

Luo Feng and the two people on the roof watched all this with cold eyes. When society collapses and civilization is ruined, all this is an inevitable outcome.

It's not like this has never happened in human history.

After staying in this small settlement for three days and reading the memories of more than a dozen Pine Star people, the two of them walked into the depths of the desert.

Their landing flying saucer is parked deep in the desert. There is no need to investigate the situation of this civilization. The information that needs to be known is already known.

This is a purgatory located in the human world, and there are countless such purgatory in the universe.

Let the Pine Star Civilization disappear into this universe and become a line of text in the history of the new human universe. This is the only thing the new human can do.

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