Super Dimension Technology Era

Chapter 393 Disaster strikes

New Era 18, November 5th.

Galactic Centauri Cantilever - Winged Man System.

Inside the Deep Space 135 base of the Platinum Third Reich, the empire's top scientist Bai Yuguangzhi is excitedly directing experiments.

The large particle collider, powered by a controllable nuclear fusion power station, stimulates streams of high-energy particles. From the high-energy particles that annihilate each other, the initial light of the universe seems to be born.

"It's coming, it's coming, I have a hunch that we will definitely be able to create an artificial black hole." Bai Yu Guangzhi looked at the data and was trembling with excitement.

However, another old scientist on the side had a solemn expression. He opened his mouth to persuade, but the assistant quickly pulled the corner of his clothes, and his eyes clearly reminded him not to speak.

After all, Bai Yu Guangzhi is a member of the royal family of the Platinum Third Empire. He is headstrong and arbitrary. If the old scientist tries to dissuade him at this time, he will be kicked out by Bai Yu Guangzhi.

well! The old Yiren scientist sighed in his heart and could only watch the experiment continue.

However, neither the old Yi Ren scientist nor Bai Yu Guangzhi knew that there were other "people" silently watching in this laboratory.

A Wingman guard calmly stared at Bai Yu Guangzhi and others who were conducting experiments. There were some tiny particles attached to his brain.

at the same time.

On the engineer monitoring spacecraft hidden on an asteroid, the automatic monitoring artificial intelligence is meticulously performing its tasks.

Through nanorobots and quantum communications, every move of the entire Winged Civilization is observed.

[Skar Civilization: Branch - Platinum Third Reich, the 569th Large Particle Collider collision experiment, data recording...]

[...Civilization comprehensive level assessment: Level 1 48%... Development potential assessment: Level 2 80%~95%... Future threat level assessment: Low → Medium...]

It is obvious that the engineer civilization is silently watching the Yiren civilization and collecting everything about the development of the Yiren civilization.

The purpose of creating these experimental objects by the engineer civilization is mainly to observe and collect the conditions during their evolution and development, and then absorb useful technologies and theories from them.

Don't think that intermediate and advanced civilizations are completely ahead of primary civilizations. If you really hold this idea, then sooner or later this civilization will be replaced by latecomers.

For example, the neutrino shielding radioactive technology controlled by the new human civilization is not a technology that all intermediate civilizations have mastered.

Another example is quantum communication technology. New humans have not yet mastered it, but some uniquely endowed primary civilizations may discover this technology by accident.

The rating of civilization is not a rigid rule, but an assessment of comprehensive strength. A relatively comprehensive technical system is the essence of intermediate civilization.

Therefore, the engineer civilization gave birth to experimental products such as winged civilization, red crystal civilization, one-eyed civilization, and hollow bone civilization.

Stones from other hills, can learn.

Engineer civilizations also understand this. They spread genetically modified organisms, conduct cultural experiments, and absorb technology and theory from the development process of these civilizations.

During the development process of each civilization, unique technology trees may appear. Obtaining the technology trees of these civilizations can allow the engineer civilization to accumulate profound knowledge and achieve civilization promotion.

Among the genetically modified organisms spread by the engineer civilization, the Winged Man civilization has the most potential in the galaxy. As long as enough time is given to develop, the Winged Man civilization may be promoted to an intermediate civilization.

Of course, the engineer civilization will not allow the Yiren civilization to advance to the intermediate civilization. Once the development level of the Yiren civilization approaches the intermediate civilization, the Engineer civilization will take action to strangle it.

They are just doing it for themselves, and they are not really good people. They will not let these experimental subjects have the opportunity to threaten themselves.

However, the Winged Man Civilization and the Engineer Civilization behind it did not notice that another hunter hidden in the dark was also watching here.

Shi Chaolong, who was in the Cooper Belt Base, looked at the virtual model in front of him. Thousands of quantum wormholes were densely packed inside the Winged Man system.

"Report, the large particle collider base of the Winged Civilization has reached its predetermined orbit."

Shi Chaolong, with murderous intent in his eyes, narrowed his eyes slightly and ordered: "Everyone get to their positions and execute according to the plan."

"Understood!" the officers present said in unison, full of determination and solemnity.

For the future of the new human race, even if they kill the entire universe, they will do it ruthlessly. This universe is so cruel.

If we put ourselves in their shoes, today the Yiren civilization and the new human civilization have switched places, and the Yiren civilization will also destroy the new human beings without hesitation.

Kindness is the epitaph of the kindhearted. Every helmsman who is burdened with civilization is not qualified to be kind, because your softness is the greatest betrayal of your own civilization.

Whether it is a primitive civilization, a primary civilization, an intermediate civilization, or an advanced civilization, it is essentially the law of the jungle where the jungle prevails.

The Virgin Mary had already been crushed to ashes, and only the cold butcher was qualified to live.

At this time, in the Winged Civilization, the asteroid with a large particle collider base has flown to the appropriate location.

This position is just in the middle of the three stars of the Winged Man system.

In order to restore the glory of the Platinum Dynasty, Bai Yuguangzhi has been conducting experiments day and night. They have successfully stimulated artificial black holes 17 times.

"Come on, come on, I will lead the Platinum Empire to unify the winged people and wipe out the damn black and gray feathers in one fell swoop." Bai Yu Guangzhi said to himself crazily.

In fact, things have not been easy for the Platinum Third Reich these years.

Because the Platinum Dynasty had unified the Great Winged Star twice, both the Tukvi Alliance and the Red Star Empire were afraid of the Platinum Dynasty's restoration. Both sides had always had the same attitude towards the Platinum Third Empire, which was to suppress it as much as possible.

If it weren't for the fragile balance between the three pillars, the Platinum Third Reich would have been destroyed long ago.

Therefore, the Platinum Third Reich, which was jointly suppressed, has always been the weakest of the three major forces.

The White Wings of the Platinum Dynasty are very hostile to the Black Wings and Gray Wings, believing them to be traitors who caused the disintegration of the First and Second Dynasties.

The hatred that has existed for thousands of years has reached an irreconcilable point. Unless the other two parties perish, or an external threat emerges, this hatred will continue.

Bai Yuguangzhi, who was born in the royal family, has been responsible for reviving the Platinum Dynasty since he was a child. His ideal is to end the troubled times and lead the Platinum Dynasty back to its peak.

Artificial black hole technology has been his lifelong effort, and now it has entered the initial stage of success. The revival of the Platinum Dynasty is just around the corner. Bai Yu Guangzhi naturally cannot suppress his excitement.

Another experiment began.

The same collider experiment as before, except this time the energy level of the collider has been increased.

The guard was still quietly observing all this, and the engineer behind it, Civilized Artificial Intelligence, would not actively interfere with the development of all this.

But none of them knew that a quantum wormhole was quietly appearing inside the collider, and a weak gamma ray stirred on the magnetic binding controller chip in the particle collider.

In an instant, the particle collider's magnetic confinement went out of control for 0.6 seconds, and the artificial black hole collided with the wall of the collider's collision chamber.

The disaster is irreversible.

Thank you for your support (ω`), and thank you book friend "Tiancan Xiaojian" for the reward

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