Super Dimension Technology Era

Chapter 427 Going straight to Huanglong

Light Crystal Universe——152 Star District.

100,000 carbon-based alliance warships gathered here.

670,000 light-years away is the Hydra Star Belt of the Qingmu Empire. Yunku's eyes are filled with murderous intent as he looks at the Qingmu Empire's control area from a distance.

"Report, all warships are in place, weapons reserves and energy reserves are restored to their best condition." The big-headed man with many eyes reported respectfully.

Yunku did not immediately order an attack, but asked about the situation of the Sangwen Empire.

The big-headed man with many eyes quickly reported the relevant information: "The Red Eye Civilization closest to the Sangwen Empire has discovered the Sangwen Empire's fleet."

"Oh? It seems we have to fight quickly." Yunku turned around, looked at the situation on the star map, and gently circled some positions on the star map with his fingers.

There are ten enclosed areas in total, all of which are key areas of the Qingmu Empire, such as the capital star of the Qingmu Empire, the transportation hub Weir River System, etc.

"The raid plan begins."


100,000 carbon-based warships are launching wormholes one after another, and the target is clearly the key area of ​​​​the Qingmu Empire.

Among them, Yunku personally led 10,000 battleships and appeared directly in the capital star area of ​​the Qingmu Empire through the wormhole.

Bursts of rapid sirens resounded throughout the capital star of the Qingmu Empire.

In the empire hall, Qingmu Barry, who had just received a notification from the Sangwen Empire, was dreaming of driving all the carbon-based people away.

The rapid siren sounded like a sledgehammer hitting his heart, and he roared uneasily:

"what happened?"

The left prime minister looked confused and hurriedly ordered his deputies to investigate the matter.

But there was no need to send anyone over. The Minister of Intelligence just crawled in and explained hurriedly in an unstable electronic voice:

"My king...the enemy appears..."

The enemy appeared? Qingme Barry looked in disbelief: "Why did the enemy appear? Weren't they just in the Yamen Star Belt?"

The Minister of Intelligence stabilized his core a little, and explained in a panic: "The enemy has appeared near the capital star, please my king to move as soon as possible."

"I don't believe it!" Qingmu Barry's cyan electronic eyes flashed fiercely.

The Minister of Intelligence, who was so anxious that his brain was overheated, sent one detection report after another to Aome Bari, and tried his best to explain.

Qingmu Barry was completely frightened. The distance between the two sides was close to 50 million light years, but the battleship of the Carbon-based Alliance appeared directly here.

"My king, move to a safe area as soon as possible! We can turn defeat into victory as long as we support the Sangwen Empire's fleet." Zuo Xiang suggested anxiously.

Qingmu Barry, who was suffering from illness and was indiscriminately seeking treatment, immediately agreed with the left prime minister's suggestion and prepared to move to other areas.

Yunku, who came prepared, obviously would not let the tiger go back to the mountain.

A large number of zero-point energy rapid wave disruptors were released, and then concentrated on annihilating the active forces of the Qingmu Empire.

The Qingmu Empire fleet and local defense systems were caught off guard and were completely defeated, unable to even organize an effective counterattack.

The main reason is that the intermediate civilization of the Light Crystal Universe is very watery. Facing the battleships of the Carbon-based Alliance, they are completely restrained to death.

There is no way to use its own wormhole jump, but the Carbon-based Alliance can jump in the wormhole interference area. On the curvature engine, the Carbon-based Alliance has the advantage.

These alone can crush the Qingmu Empire, and now the Qingmu Empire seems to be facing a large river-level civilization.

Aome Capital Star.

Aome Barry and others had just ran onto a battleship, but found that they could not escape.

"What are you doing? Start the wormhole jump!"

The captain replied with a horrified look on his face: "My king, the wormhole jump cannot be launched."

"What? Trash, quickly replace a warship." Qingmu Barry became angry with embarrassment.

Although he was very unconvinced in his heart, the captain still explained: "My king, the same situation is true for other battleships."

"..." Qingmu Barry's heart trembled, and a desperate fear descended on him.

"What's going on? Find out the reason quickly. Didn't it mean that the interference range of those bugs is not that large?" Zuo Xiang asked hurriedly.

The captain also looked constipated and didn't know how to explain this.

However, Yunku didn't have time to listen to the frightened wailing of these Qingmu people, and launched an attack on the Qingmu capital star with all his strength.

Antimatter torpedoes, black hole bombs, and neutrino star collapse bombs were projected to various planets and star systems in the Qingmu Capital Sector.


Endless destruction.

The ruthlessness of cosmic war is evident at this moment.

On a silicon-based life planet, the terrified Qingmu people are snatching escape ships and the like.

Suddenly a missile appeared near the planet. The missile exploded past the planet at 12 times the speed of light. It stopped in the low-Earth orbit of the planet, and then the missile automatically detonated.

In an instant, an invisible substance swept across the entire planet.

Life on the entire planet seemed to have stopped in an instant. After being swept away by the invisible matter, the green-eyed people on the planet fell down in pieces like wheat.

Their bodies were intact, but they died.

If someone can observe the other side of life, they can see that the dark souls of these blue-eyed people have completely collapsed.

This is the dark matter soul annihilation bomb newly developed by New Humanity. It uses specific dark sub-combination substances to directly act on the soul of living things, and can directly annihilate the soul of living things.

This kind of attack can preserve the integrity of the planet to the greatest extent and can also reduce the entropy increase of zero-point energy.

Some important planets in the Qingmu Empire were cleared in this way.

Qingme Barry was close to despair at this time, but he was still making the final struggle.

He shouted to the Carbon-based Alliance through cosmic broadcasting.

On Yunku's battleship.

The big-headed, multi-eyed people reported: "Report, Qingmu Empire's cosmic broadcast."

Yunku took the translation document, browsed it through, and said sarcastically: "The Sangwen Empire is coming? Do they really think we will be afraid of the Sangwen Empire? Send these Qingmu people on their last journey."


A dark matter soul annihilation bomb was detonated directly near Qingmu's capital star. In an instant, Qingmu Barry and others died in silence.

The entire Qingmu Empire's top management was brought to a boil, and now the Qingmu Empire was completely torn apart.

The remnants of the Qingmu Empire in various regions fled in all directions, with the rhythm of falling trees and hozens.

In this regard, Yunku did not order a chase, but let the fleet rest and prepare to attack the Sangwen Empire's fleet next.

Defeating the Qingmu Empire is nothing to be proud of, because Yunku understands that all of this is the support of the new humanity, the sect leader. If he can't even defeat the Qingmu Empire, he might as well commit suicide.

But the Sangwen Empire is a tough one.

Yunku ordered a warning and sent a large number of scout spacecraft to collect information about the Sangwen Empire.

On the other hand, let the Carbon-based Alliance expand the scale of warship production as quickly as possible and conduct war mobilization.

After all, the Sangwen Empire is one of the four major alliance countries of the Star Alliance. Once a war begins with the Sangwen Empire, the Star Alliance may also end.

In addition, we must beware of the shepherd civilization and the Hailu Empire taking advantage of the situation.

After the Carbon-based Alliance destroyed the Five Eyes Alliance, the news immediately detonated the entire light crystal universe. The first reaction of many civilizations was disbelief, and the second reaction was to investigate the Carbon-based Alliance.

Including the Shepherd Civilization and the Hailu Empire are all ready to take action.

As for the Sangwen Empire, they were already furious and were directly slapped in the face by the Carbon-based Alliance. They immediately dispatched 50 million warships to completely wipe out the Carbon-based Alliance.

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