State of Alexandria, State of the Police, Headquarters.

The sergeant of the State Police Headquarters sits at the end of a long table with several police chiefs and senior cadres sitting on the left and right of the long table.

Sheriff William Smith of the State Police Headquarters pointed to the small map on the screen with a serious face and said: “This is a small town in western Alexandria, called Moose Town, according to the informant over there, Li Bad, a rebel member of the Fang organization, is currently staying in a small hotel. ”

He enlarged the map, pointed to the corner marked with a red dot and said: “This is the exact location of the small hotel, our operation today is only ten hours, first contact the local police for monitoring, keep in touch at any time.” ”

“We set off now, about eight hours or so to the small town of Mousse, this damn ** man, not only blew up the aristocratic mansion in Alexandria, but also killed more than a dozen of our police personnel during the flight along the way, and the police must annihilate it today, and we can’t let an alien dangerous element act as a blessing on our territory.”

A local chief said: “Mr. Sheriff, how many people are we going to police this time?” Do I need to find local troops to cooperate or support? ”

William Smith frowned: “Although this person is a dangerous element, as far as I know, he is just an ordinary person, his body has not been mutated by the dimensional aura invasion, nor has he undergone any transformation and strengthening, and he does not need to send troops to support.” ”

“In the past, there were only twenty or thirty people in the hunt, but this time we are ready to send out two hundred police officers to annihilate this dangerous alien in one fell swoop, now everyone is preparing their own manpower and going to the town of Mousse to clear it out.”

More than a decade ago, Country M joined forces with several other scientific and technological powers to conduct a secret experiment in an attempt to find a passage to link other dimensional worlds.

But accidentally made a mistake in the experiment, and accidentally broke the dimensional wall, which is a channel linking a monster dimension.

Breaking the dimensional wall, the joint base was attacked and invaded by large-scale dimensional monsters, which not only occupied a large area of land, but also repeatedly invaded the human world.

Many humans mutated in that experiment, and the dimensional breath caused a global change, and many people encountered the invasion of the dimensional breath and mutated their bodies, some gained superpowers, some became walking dead, and some could transform into monsters to dominate and devour people in the human world.

Li used an hour to plant three remote-controlled bombs on the bridge leading to the small town of Moose.

The major entrances of Mousse Town were also used by Li Bad as a habitat for remote-controlled bombs, and bridges, roads, and hunters in Mousse Town were all bombed by Li Bad.

There are many hunter guilds in this world, most of them are composed of mutants, and they receive commissions to hunt mutants, zombies, and monsters.

**There are also many hunter guilds, such as the Ali Hunter Guild controlled by Ma Dayun, the Penguin Hunter Guild led by Twist Vine, the Thousand Degrees Hunter Guild controlled by Li Yanhong, and the Weihua Hunter Guild controlled by Ren Zhengfei….

Country M, Country H, Country R, Country Y… Wait, almost all countries on the Blue Star have hunter guilds, and all the people in charge of the union are top powerhouses.

The dimensional aura contains a huge amount of heaven and earth aura, and the incident of breaking the dimensional wall more than ten years ago caused the earth’s aura to expand, and also caused a large number of qi practitioners.

The presidents of these unions are all amazing talents, who have reached a very high level through qi training, and they can destroy a building with a hundred miles in one step, they are the world’s top powerhouses, and they are known to the world as the realm of great masters.

This is the current pattern of the world and the division of power distribution.

The owner of the shabby small hotel is a European fat man with thinning hair, in short, when Li Bad came back, he looked at Li Bad’s eyes strangely, even with a hint of teasing.

Two old shotguns hung on the wall of the hotel bar, and after watching Li go up to the second floor, he took out a wad of old newspapers from the cabinet.

This newspaper was a few months ago, and it said that the aristocratic mansion in Alexandria was blown into ruins by a dangerous element from the ****, resulting in the death of hundreds of nobles, which caused a world-class sensation a few months ago.

Of course, there is also Li Bad’s somewhat unreal side face on it.

Although it was just an unreal side face, the owner of the small inn recognized him.

After Li Wei left, the fat boss with thinning hair smiled greedily, grabbed the phone on the table and dialed a number.

The call was quickly connected.

“Hello, this is the branch of the Microsoft Hunters Association in Mousse Town, the Mousse Town Hunters Association, I am George Roy, the president of the Hunters Guild in Mousse Town, and I am very happy to receive your call.”

The fat boss smiled greedily: “Hi, Roy, I’m the owner of the small hotel, Old Bard, there is a big business, I think we can do it together.” ”

Roy asked interestedly, “Oh? What big business can bother old Mr. Budd to join forces with me? This is a new thing, two old bongs old Bud has been crisscrossing the town of Mousse for decades, and you are proud of yourself, you actually want to cooperate with me? ”

The fat old Bud smiled sinisterly: “Roy, this is really a big business, do you remember the aristocratic mansion incident in Alexandria?” The culprit for that incident was in my hotel. ”

“As far as I know, the state police sheriff of Alexandria has known the news, and sent a large number of police officers to arrest him ten minutes ago, although this ** dangerous person is just an ordinary person, but his reward amount is higher than that of a difficult monster.”

“The three nobles of Alexandria jointly bid 90 million US dollars for his head, Roy, what you are doing is some small business of tens of thousands and hundreds of thousands of US dollars, I mean, we can join hands to do a big vote, not only can we get the reward amount of 90 million US dollars, but also become famous in the world and become the hottest gold hunter, aren’t you moved?”

George Roy’s eyes lit up, and he said hurriedly: “Is this true? Is that dangerous person named Li Bad really staying in your hotel? ”

“Yes, my friend Roy.”

Roy smiled sinisterly: “Old Bud, maybe we should meet and take a closer look.” ”

Old Bud said disdainfully: “Roy, you are really getting less and less daring, he is just an ordinary person, at best, he only has a few broken guns in his hand, you are a person who has been baptized by the dimensional breath, there are many strong people in the guild, do you still need to meet in total?” When you come with someone at two o’clock in the morning, while he is asleep, we may be able to catch a living one, and we have to do it before the police come. ”

“Well, my friend Old Bud, you’re right, he’s just an ordinary person, then at two o’clock in the middle of the night, I brought a few black iron hunters over.”

The two reached a consensus under the temptation of 90 million US dollars, and agreed to capture Li Bad alive or kill him at two o’clock tonight while he was sleeping.


ps: Don’t misunderstand, now the anti-gang crime is so terrifying, I won’t go to prostitution if I kill me, I just beat people, paid some medical expenses and detained for a day and came out, today resume the update, please support.

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