Soul Vampire: “After listening to you talk for a long time, I still don’t know the true identity of the Dark Lord, do you mind revealing it?” ”

Mechanical God Ultron: “Same as above, after all, I, the Black Queen, Thanos, Loki, and Hela are all people of the same universe, get to know each other now, and say hello when we meet in the future.” ”

Dark Master: “Hahaha, you, Black Queen, Loki, are all three of you strong in this multiverse?” ”

Son of Odin: “The strong do not dare to be the strong, I am the third son of Odinson.” ”

Big Brother: “To be clear, you are wild. ”

White Ghost: “No, no, no, he picked it up.” ”

Son of Odin: “(Anger) When you speak, can you take into account the feelings of others? I’m a god. ”

The woman who ruled the rivers and lakes: “It’s good that I’m also a god, understand.” ”

An emoji was sent by Oriental Undefeated.

The Hulk rubs against the weak Third Princess.

Loki just wanted to use the name of Odinson’s third son to bluff the god of this dark dimension, but he didn’t expect to set himself on fire.

In any case, he could not escape the fact that he had picked it up.

Mechanical God Ultron: “I should be considered a strong person, if I am given a body that is hard enough, I think, I can talk to Mr. Thanos about ideals.” ”

Gem Maniac: “Oh? Talk to me about life, have you thought about it? ”

Mechanical God Ultron: “@会长: I want to know if there will be some stronger metal on the shelves in the cross-dimensional store in the future?” I want to reinvent my body, and if the metal is strong, I am strong. ”

President: “Perhaps, I’ll go to Chiu later to talk about my ideals in life, and by the way, I will take some solid metal from his world.” ”

Jiuli Shengzu: “Rare metal?” I have a lot here, when human beings sought the protection of the witch race, they gave a lot of good things. ”

Mechanical God Ultron: “Then I will rest assured, Thanos, I think well, I have the opportunity to talk to you about life, but before I find you, I must first blow Tony Stark, and the next one will be your turn.” ”

Gem Maniac: “Oh? Tony Stark? Although I am at the far end of the void, I have heard of this person from a certain person, who, like me, is the crystallization of the wisdom of the universe. ”

Mad big brother: “@机械神奥创: Child, Iron Man is also your father, remember to show mercy to his subordinates, and his son beats Laozi to affect the atmosphere.” ”

Gem Maniac: “It’s kind of interesting, is this guy I’m talking to the son of Iron Man?” Tony Stark is good at studying the field of mechanics, no wonder he calls himself a mechanical god, and it turns out that he inherited the mantle of his old son. ”

Gem Mad Demon: “@机械神奥创: Weak poor worm, the rich people rely on technology This trick may be okay for ordinary people, but I am an eternal titan, do your homework before you talk to me about your life ideals.” ”

Mechanical God Ultron: “@狂派大哥大: I hate your piece of scrap copper and rotten iron more and more now, I was only made by him, not born by him, don’t confuse the two.” ”

Gem Maniac: “It’s getting more and more interesting, you turned out to be made by Tony Stark?” Robots? ”

Mechanical God Ultron: “No, it’s a mechanical god. ”

Dark Master: “I’ve been waiting for my identity to be revealed for a long time, how did you divert the topic?” Don’t want to know my identity? Insiders quickly let these mortals understand what kind of existence the God of Darkness is. ”

Gem Maniac: “I only know that you rule the dark matter space, I don’t know anything else, perhaps, the president knows you, he knows everything about all of us, including the future.” ”

Darkness reigns: “The future? It’s a terrible ability, but I seem to have it, I can’t overlap at any time in my world, I can’t understand the future, but I can stop time. ”

President: “@黑暗主宰: It seems that you are exaggerating, right? Can’t you really overlap time in your world? Perhaps, there is someone you can find out. ”

“Ding! Do you upload Doctor Strange memory files? ”

“Yes, upload.”

“Ding! Congratulations on uploading a memory file and earning 100 points. ”

President: “Dark Master, maybe you should understand this file video, the time of dark matter space will be overlapped, the same thing will happen infinitely, you should be distressed.” ”

The number of file downloads instantly exceeded 16.

Everyone was immersed in watching the film.

For two hours, Li’s union points were beating, and the whole city smelled of fear, and everyone’s fear limit was 1.

Every 100 points of fear will be exchanged for a little union point, and nine out of ten people in Alexandria are in fear with a million people.

All kinds of cold violence are being staged in all corners of the city.

More and more people are gathering in the center of the city, and even, the foreign army is trying to open the birdcage with firearms, and some mutants or qi practitioners inside are also doing everything, but the end is the same, no one can successfully destroy the birdcage.

This dark lord is the master of dark matter space, Dormammu, one of the few super bosses in Marvel.

He is a human wizard himself, but because he discovered the existence of dark matter space, he resolutely gave up his physical body and transformed into a magical flame to rule the dark space.

His interest is to conquer other dimensions, eager for war and battle, and he is almost an invincible existence in dark matter space, and Doctor Strange has been killed thousands of times by him.

Gem Mad Demon: “(Greedy) This human has the time gem I dreamed of, the power of the time gem is indeed strong, sir, is this human currently on Earth?” ”

President: “It is indeed on Earth, but you should not have obtained the Time Gem yet, even if you go, I am afraid you will not find it.” ”

Jiuli Shengzu: “@宝石狂魔: You finished watching it so quickly?” You watch the film pretty fast, I’ve only watched two-thirds of it. ”

Gem Maniac: “Primitive, didn’t you see the fast forward two words at the bottom of the video?” ”

Jiuli Saint Ancestor: “What does fast forward mean?” ”

Gem Mad Demon: “Speed up the progress bar in the lower left corner, primitive people are primitive people, and it is so difficult to watch a movie.” ”

Jiuli Shengzu: “…”

Thanos managed to pull back a round.

White Ghost: “Terrifying, this is another giant level existence, the next time the guild leader invites, can you invite two normal humans?” In this way, I still have some sense of superiority, although my strength has increased a hundred times, I still feel that I am the weakest one in the guild. ”

The color is a bone-scraping steel knife: “No, no, no, I am the weakest, you are all big guys, giant guys, seeing your strength, let me have a trace of pleasure.” ”

The people in the union are a thriller, and watching blockbusters can also produce pleasure?


ps: I found a fatal bug temporarily, now I am fully revised, these chapters will be revised before dark, and the zero point will be on the shelves as usual, sorry everyone.

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