Alexander’s catastrophe soon swept the world.

** is no exception.

“Our reporter broadcasts; The city of Alexandria in Country M was attacked by a mysterious force, and the entire city was shrouded in a strong birdcage, which happened at four o’clock yesterday afternoon, and a huge and strong birdcage suddenly appeared in the sky. ”

“This birdcage quickly shrank as soon as it appeared, its sharpness exceeded that of the cutter, the city of Alexandria was severely damaged, all kinds of buildings were cut into ruins, and our reporter is doing his best to obtain information on the mysterious power, so stay tuned.”

Early in the morning, ** was shrouded in this explosive news.

Journalists in country M transmitted the latest footage, yesterday at 16 pm; At 30 minutes the birdcage began to shrink and stopped at 19 o’clock on time.

The birdcage contracted again at six o’clock this morning, and it has been going on for an hour, which is a huge disaster.

The messages below the video are also varied.

“The people of Tianhai City sent a congratulatory message.”

“The people of Jiangdu City sent a congratulatory message.”

“The people of the magic capital sent a congratulatory message.”

“Congratulations to Country M for welcoming the dangerous attack.”

“Is this birdcage going to strangle Alexander’s millions?”

“It’s terrifying, and although it feels terrible, there is an urge to applaud.”

“Deserved, more than ten years ago, it was because of what experiments they carried out in the EU to link different dimensions, and the result was that the dimensional wall was broken, and the whole world was invaded by the dimensional atmosphere.”

“But no, how many times have we been invaded by monsters from different dimensions over the years? How much damage has been done to our homes? ”

“Kudos to this behind-the-scenes hero.”

At half past seven in the morning, the reporter finally obtained the information of the mastermind behind the scenes.

“Our reporter broadcasts: It is understood that the person who caused this disaster in Alexandria City is an Oriental named Li Bad, a former member of the Poisonous Fang Danger Organization, who was ordered by the organization to hunt down and kill because he disobeyed orders.”

“At the same time, he is also listed as a wanted object in the world, with a reward of up to 90 million US dollars, equivalent to more than 500 million soft sister coins.”

“At seven o’clock this morning, the commander-in-chief of country M, Obato, asked for assistance from our female emperor, trying to obtain all the information of Li Bad, but was rejected by our female emperor, and it is my traditional virtue to be a family member.”

**, in the Supreme Council Hall, a group of bigwigs sat around.

“This little guy named Li Bad is making a lot of trouble in M Guo, although we yearn for peace, I have an urge to like it.”

“Country M is the culprit that caused the invasion of monsters from different dimensions, but it has not paid for it to the whole world, and it has long been unpleasant to see them.”

“This Li Bad’s background has been clearly investigated, he has been an orphan since he was a child, lacks love, and grew up with the help of neighbors, no wonder his heart has become so twisted.”

“No, as far as I know, he is a very motivated and promising young man, who was admitted to a prestigious university in country M by his own hard work, but he doesn’t know why he joined the dangerous organization.”

“He has a relationship with a girl in the neighbor’s house compared to me, we should protect this girl, in case she is arrested by country M, there will be a disaster to the family, and there is also an important purpose, that is, to prevent this person from sabotage in the home country, we also have an important bargaining chip.”

A few big guys, you talk to me sentence by word.

A female secretary walked in and said, “Lord Female Emperor has ordered you to protect all those who have a relationship with Li Bad, and arrange for someone to always pay attention to this person’s movements. ”

Li Bad, this person, has really attracted the attention of the whole world.


Li Bad stood lazily in front of the window, looked at the crowd scattering outside, and glanced back at Catherine, whose body was looming, and smiled slightly.

The birdcage had shrunk by almost a few minutes, to their hotel, and downtown Alexandria was crowded.

He checked his union points, which had reached 11200, and he could upgrade the union authority once.

As soon as the mind moved, the birdcage stopped shrinking, allowing the atmosphere of fear to be eased.

Li Bad slapped Catherine’s butt and said, “Get up, we should hurry.” ”

Catherine opened her sleepy eyes and smiled at Li Bad: “The experience of being a princess is really wonderful, although a little tired.” ”

She wrapped around Li Bad’s body and exhaled, “Aren’t you ready to develop a good habit of exercising every morning?” ”

“Give you five minutes to wash up, or stay here forever.”

“It’s really not gentlemanly.”

“Do bad guys need gentlemanship?”

Catherine rolled her eyes and entered the bathroom with red stripes.

Li Bad also took advantage of this time to enter the union chat box.

As before, the guild chat box is lively at all times.

President: “What is the rise of the conversation?” ”

The strongest young master: “In the world of talking about bone scrapers, the painting style of her world is very similar to mine, we are a category of dimensional universe.” ”

Mrs. President: “And me, husband, you haven’t been in the guild for thirteen hours, what are you doing all this time?” ”

President: “Eat, exercise, sleep.” ”

Mrs. President: “Sports? It’s all so strong, do you still need exercise? ”

President: “Yes, exercise in bed with a beauty.” ”

Mrs. President: “(Angry) Husband, how can you be with other women behind my back?” No, it’s not fair to me. ”

President: “If you come less, you are not a person of the world, we can’t do it.” ”

Estes expressed his anger and secretly decided to speed up the handling of the Empire incident.

The color is a bone-scraping steel knife: “@会长: How beautiful is beauty?” Am I sexy? Is my moaning good? If I have the opportunity, I would also like to play sports with the president. ”

The president’s wife: “@色是刮骨钢刀: Fuck off, you slut, the elder’s husband is mine, don’t rob me.” ”

The color is a bone-scraping steel knife: “@会长夫人: Little sister, you still don’t understand men, men eat what is in the mouth and look at the bowl and think about the pot, this animal can’t be fed by you alone, and my sister can help you unconditionally.” ”

Mrs. President: “You in the picture are so unbearable, the elder husband will not like a watery poplar woman like you, if you accidentally go green, it will be a lifetime of shame, and I, will be dead.” ”

The color is a bone-scraping steel knife: “Gee, this is just my future, it hasn’t happened yet, has it?” I can completely put an end to this kind of coquettishness, if it is the request of the president, what does the president think of me? Do you want to have some trouble with me? Moreover, a woman like me can only go to kindergarten to find it, do you understand what it means? ”

Estes is angry, I have never seen such a thick-skinned, and such shameless coquettish woman, but what does it mean that a woman like her goes to kindergarten to find it?

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