In place, the bumblebee clicked into a small yellow machine….

The army of country M on the periphery.

“Even Maika, isn’t this the little yellow machine that attacked the military base yesterday?”

“It turns out that this little yellow machine is by our side, quickly, notify the upper level.”

“Dispatch the annihilator, you must annihilate this little yellow machine.”

“The direction he went seemed to be the Alexander Microsoft Building.”

“Fak, he opened fire on the Microsoft Tower.”

This is not far from the Microsoft Building, and many people can see that the two barrels under the base of the small yellow machine are aimed at the Microsoft Building with two shells.

Boom, boom!

Two shells detonated on the Microsoft building.

Pierre Cardin, who was worried that he could not enter the birdcage, found that the birdcage had been lifted, and he was about to enter the Microsoft Building, when he heard two violent roars overhead, and then a huge brick fell from his head………….


Pierre Cardin frowned slightly, waved his hand gently, and a blast of wind shattered this brick and stone the size of the Eight Immortals table.

Li Wei smiled slightly: “This person downstairs seems to be very strong, he can make such a large masonry smash with a gentle wave of his hand, is he a master of the Microsoft union?” ”

Catherine’s face changed: “No, he is Pierre Cardin.” ”

“It turns out that he is Pierre Cardin, the ace grandmaster of country M.”

Pierre Cardin looked at the bumblebee circling in the sky and snorted coldly: “It didn’t take any effort to break through the iron shoes and find no place, but I didn’t expect that the little yellow machine that attacked the military base actually appeared here, which is really a bonus.” ”

Pierre Cardin jumped, his body rose like a sonic cannonball, and easily jumped to the thirty-story Microsoft Tower.

Several reporters chasing the yellow machine just captured this picture.

There were exclamations.

“It’s Pierre Cardin, one of the three guardian saints of our country M.”

“Ha, this little yellow machine is miserable, this is the real big news.”

“Five years ago, Mr. Pierre Cardin broke through the realm of the Great Grandmaster and became one of the top powerhouses in this world, and the little yellow machine may be broken apart with his bare hands.”

“Quick, let’s go to the roof of the opposite building to shoot the video.”

A few reporters frantically ran up to the roof of the opposite building.

Lee ordered Bumblebee to land.

Bumblebee transforms into a mecha form in the air, standing behind Li Bad and posing in an attacking state.

Catherine said with a solemn face: “Boss, you need to be careful, Pierre Cardin is very strong, one punch can destroy this building, moreover, Cook heard the movement and will come soon.” ”

“Catherine, you are so daring.”

There was an angry shout below, and a middle-aged man in a black trench coat jumped onto the rooftop, and his strength was also not weak.

The man in the trench coat came to Pierre Cardin: “Hello Mr. Pierre Cardin, it is an honor to see you again.” ”

Pierre Cardin was attracted by the bumblebee, and a trace of greed appeared in his eyes: “I can’t imagine that this little yellow machine will be such a sophisticated mechanical body, how can humans have the wisdom to create him?” It’s a clever one. ”

Bumblebee said in an icy voice: “It’s Bumblebee, not Yellow, you need to pay for this sentence.” ”

“Oh? Hahaha. Pierre Cardin laughed loudly: “Interesting, but it is a high-IQ machine, it actually has its own way of thinking, is it a mechanical beast that runs out of a loophole in another dimension?” ”

Pierre Cardin looked at Li Bad, his expression moved slightly, and said with a smile: “I finally understand the cause and effect of the matter, it turns out that your little yellow plane bombed the military base, you are the initiator of this disaster?” ”

“I came here to arrest you on the order of the commander-in-chief of Country M, and I didn’t have much hope, but I didn’t expect you to take the initiative to send you to the door.”

Cook said in a deep voice: “Mr. Pierre Cardin, this person has successfully drawn up a hatred with this guild, please let me solve him.” ”

Pierre Cardin shook his head and said, “I haven’t moved my muscles for a long time, although he looks weak, I still want to play with him, President Cook, it seems that this girl is a member of your union, has she been rebelled?” ”

Cook said with a gloomy face: “Catherine, as the captain of this action team, you are colluding with this dangerous element, have you eaten bear heart leopard bile?” Have you forgotten all the declarations when you joined the guild? Also, what about the other members. ”

Catherine stepped forward, stood on the same line as Li Bad, looked at Li Bad slightly, and smiled slightly: “President Cook, I didn’t eat bear heart leopard bile, I just feel that yesterday’s and previous life is not what I want, it was the great king who gave me a new soul, and I want to pursue a new life.” ”

Cook sneered, “A whole new life? Is destroying the world your new life? The union raised you, not for you to betray. ”

Catherine raised her sexy face and said proudly: “Betrayal is betrayal, what else do you say these for?” If you want to kill, you have to kill. ”

Li Bad smiled slightly, “Aren’t you afraid?” ”

Catherine smiled charmingly: “I have sworn allegiance, everything I have is king’s, what are you afraid of?” What is there if you are not afraid? Even if I die with Wang today, this is the path I have chosen. ”

Li Wei nodded: “Okay, Wang ordered you to stand down.” ”

“Retreat… Retire…… However, the two of them are very strong, my role can help the king drag one down, if the situation is not good, you still have a chance to escape. ”

“I said, stand down.”

Catherine had no choice but to retreat next to Bumblebee.

Li Wei moved his neck, looked at the two with low eyebrows, and spoke: “In the first battle in this world, I met a top powerhouse like the Great Grandmaster, it’s time to test what level of your strength is, come on, do you go together or come one by one?” ”

Cook taunted: “Against you, I alone is enough, you are not worthy of Mr. Pierre Cardin’s shot.” ”

Pierre Cardin casually pushed Cook out more than ten meters away with a wave of his hand, and said coldly: “Where do you have the part to speak?” This is a battle between me and him, you are going to intervene and slaughter you together. ”

Cook’s face was unpredictable.

Mad, worthy of being a grandmaster, speaking with such a strong demeanor.

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