The same nine years of compulsory education, why are you so good?

Bone scraper: “Cluck…, what a little brother with a black belly, I seem to like him more and more.” ”

Madam President: “@刮骨刀: This idea of yours is very dangerous, and I advise you not to try to have such an idea, I am very dangerous.” ”

Hegemonic brother: “Don’t learn from me to speak.” ”

A song of liver sausage broke: “This guy is really a human-faced beast, too treacherous, how is it treacherous, it is simply a bad stomach, how can this kind of union be associated with an honest person like me?” ”

White Ghost: “@一曲肝肠断: Don’t stick it close to your face, okay?” Being able to enter the bad guys union means that you are either a bad guy or have the potential to be a bad guy, just like Kaguya-hime, you see, how bad it has become now, the president blackmails Iron Man, she can’t tell where to snicker. ”

Goddess of Death: “@白色幽灵: Your tone is very unfriendly, it will put you in danger, don’t try to speak to me in an unfriendly tone, I am dangerous.” ”

Kaguya-hime changed her name to Goddess of Oto.

The hegemonic brother: “@卯之女神: It is dangerous to learn the way I speak, and I advise you not to try to learn my speech, I am very dangerous.” ”

The original danger comes to a set, yo yo chek trouble.

Gem Mad Demon: “The guild president, this guy is really bad, otherwise he wouldn’t have put us all in uniform, this kind of obscenity, who can bear it?” ”

Dark Lord: “I still try not to bubble up in the future, it turns out that his concern for members is based on his own interests first, I only understand it now.” ”

Horror artist: “He is not a bad stomach, but the whole person is broken to the bone, no wonder it is called Li bad.” ”

Nick Ferry has an authentic black question mark, Hela can’t stand it, big brother, you can’t catch a person and blackmail to death, right?

Chi You felt a little sorry for this guy and reminded: “President, it’s almost okay.” ”

Li Wei turned around and said, “Who are we?” We are bad people, and we must carry this idea through to the end. ”

Stark finally couldn’t stand it anymore, stood up abruptly and yelled: “Enough, what are you taking me for?” It is not humiliating to kill, if you don’t take you to bully people like this, you have to talk about business with your own money, if you can’t talk about it, you can kill or grab whatever you want. ”

Stark stopped drying.

Li Wei turned around and said, “Ultron, lead Mr. Chi You to Stark Mansion, kill the little pepper by the way, and bring the head.” ”

Stark immediately squatted down: “I think this business is good, I can do such a big project in my lifetime, I am also famous in other parallel universes, I think, we have to use a relatively gentle means to talk about business.” ”

“Are you serious?” Li Bad asked.

Stark nodded expressionlessly, “Well, I’m serious, but can you not rob me?” This is all my blood and tear money, there is a Fed bank on the left turn when you go out, if you don’t know the way, I can be your guide. ”

Li Bad thought for a moment and shook his head: “No, robbing banks is a matter of poor ghosts, it will only lower our identity as bad people, I am a serious bad person, or I think robbing you is reliable.” ”

Stark is about to cry, even if he has money, he will have four or five billion US dollars in private assets, and the company is worth money, but it is all shareholders.

Li Wei muttered, “In this way, I have a bold idea.” ”

“What thoughts?”

“How about you help me grab it?” Li’s bad eyes lit up.

Stark pinched his sword and put it on his neck: “You better rob me.” ”

“Should I rob the bank or you?”

“I want you to rob the bank, but are you going?” Stark was about to cry.

Nick Ferry can’t stand it, and the villain Iron Man is also a colleague and friend.

You can’t let others bully like this.

Nick Ferry said: “Mr. Li, I don’t think it’s as good as this, there are no outsiders here, I’ll just say it bluntly, I can’t bear to rob Stark, there is a large M Fed Bank in the city center.” ”

“There are hundreds of billions of dollars in cash stored there, and the Fed M is the bank of the government agencies of country M, and we can pretend to turn a blind eye.”

Li Bad frowned, “Nick Ferry, why are you so bad?” The bad face is pus, is there a public official like you? Eating the country’s grain and doing things that are detrimental to the interests of the country, I don’t want to talk to you. ”

Nick Ferry really wanted to take out a gun and shoot him, but he didn’t dare.

Li Wei nodded and said: “Stark, it’s better like this, I’ll give you an IOU, this money owes you first, you pack up before dark to take care of the aftermath, by the way, prepare 18 billion cash bills, how about returning it to you when I earn enough money?” ”

The corners of Stark’s mouth twitched, and it seemed that he could not change his fate of being robbed in any way.

He shook his head and said, “Forget about the IOU, I can trust you.” ”

“Yet.” Li Bad said: “I have a bolder idea now, that M Fed Bank money is temporarily stored there, and when I have the opportunity later, I will lead the clown over to withdraw the money, and let the DC villains make a cameo appearance in the Marvel world, which is interesting to think about.” ”

“Nick Ferry, I will say hello to you before robbing the bank, try not to let your people out of the horse, otherwise it will not be as simple as a meal of K.”

The clown muttered in interest, “Rob the bank?” Looks like I’ve wanted to do that for a long time. ”

Qianyou asked lifelessly, “So are we leaving now?” It’s so boring, I thought that Thanos’ child’s world was dangerous, but I didn’t expect it to be ridiculously weak, and I will never come to this low-level world again. ”

Low world? Superheroes are all scolding their mothers in their hearts, this world is terrifying.

Li Wei nodded and said, “It’s okay to go, but, I want to ask, Thanos, do you want me to help you cut out this Infinity Stone?” ”

Phantom Heart mentioned the throat eye, and Daddy Chiu’s big axe was already on his shoulder, and Thanos hesitated; Should I trust him or not?

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