After waiting for about half a minute.

There is a simple change to the products listed by internal members.

A new product pops up suddenly.

Quasi-Saint Peak Cultivation; The price is 1000 union points, and the seller is Luo Xiao.

What are you waiting for? Seconds.

Almost at the moment of jumping out, the Quasi-Saint Peak cultivation was directly broken by Li for a second.

Luo Xiao also received a prompt.

“Ding! Your Quasi-Saint Peak Cultivation has been purchased and you receive 1,000 union points. ”

Luo Xiao immediately said in ecstasy: “Is it really simple to sell it?” 1,000 union points, you can buy two bottles of genetic modification agent, my physical strength can be upgraded by a big level, if it really increases the strength of the physical body by five or six times, even the self-detonating Yuan God of Hongjun cannot hurt the main seat. ”

Luo Xiao was not stupid and thought about it.

Or decided to buy a genetic modification agent to try it first.

Spent 500 union points for a small bottle.

Immediately, it was poured into life.

The moment he poured it down, Luo Xiao felt that his physical body was getting stronger.

In just a few breaths, the physical strength increased at least three times.

This made Luo Xiao ecstatic.

Haha laughed and said: “Sure enough, I didn’t lie to me, the strength of the flesh has really increased by three times, if you come with a few more bottles, Lao Tzu can burst Hongjun with one punch.” ”

Suddenly, Luo Xiao’s gaze froze.

Look at a new product in the Interdimensional Store.

Double the strength of Dan; 2000 union points.

Take a look at the introduction: After taking this pill, my own cultivation doubled.

This made Luo Xiao’s eyes completely red.

You can also notice products that others put on the shelves.

In addition to strength, in his eyes, all commodities are just slag.

Luo Xiao muttered, “Since you can put products of any nature on the shelves, it is better to sell your physical strength and buy a strength doubling pill.” ”

Just do what you say.

That’s how Luo Ji hangs.

“However, my physical body has increased by three times, and I should earn back the points of the transformation agent, otherwise I will lose some money.”

Luo Xiao: Haha, Lao Tzu is really witty.

Immediately put his physical strength on the shelf.

3 times the strength of the quasi-holy flesh; The price is 1500 points; Seller: Big Devil.

Li Bad, who stared at the goods of the interdimensional store.

With a quick hand, he instantly photographed Luo Xiao’s products.

Luo Xiao was overjoyed: “Really fake? My product is so sought-after? After calculating it, it is already 2,000 points, and you can completely buy a strength doubling pill. ”

When Luo Xiao was ecstatic, Li Bad was also in ecstasy.

A powerful but very gentle force swelled up in his body, and he went from a scumbag with a cultivation of 1 to a cultivation that directly reached the peak cultivation of a quasi-saint in a short period of time.

Li Bad’s physical body was also strengthening, causing him to not know how many times stronger his body was in the end, and he always felt that a violent force was somewhat difficult to control.

After staying in the interdimensional store for two minutes, Luo Xiao no longer listed goods.

Li Wei smiled slightly, clicked on the big devil and began to chat privately.

“Luo Xiao, are you there?”

Big Devil: “In, just drank a bottle of genetic modification agent, my physical strength has directly increased by three times, and I feel that if I come to another bottle, I can completely sanctify my physical body.” ”

“Why don’t you put Genshin on the shelves?”

Big Devil: “Don’t worry, I just bought a cultivation doubling pill, I’m going to try it first, see if the cultivation can be doubled, if it really doubles, even if I don’t use the Four Immortal Swords, I can single out the four of them alone.” ”

“Then congratulations in advance, but let me remind you that Yuanshen is a strong hand, so many people in the guild are waiting for you to put Yuanshen cultivation on the shelves, it is very valuable, and it can be sold for 3,000 points.”

Big Devil: “Really fake?” 3000 points? Didn’t lie to me? ”

“Well, really, I remember there was a weapon booster card in the guild interior merchandise in the interdimensional store; Priced at 3,000 union points, you can increase the power of your weapon by five to ten times. ”

Big Devil: “What? Ten times more power to a weapon? ”

Luo Xiao was a little shocked.

Immediately entered the interdimensional store, clicked on the union store to check it, and sure enough saw a weapon amplification card.

It is clearly written; Increases weapon power by five to ten times.

Luo Xiao laughed loudly: “Hahaha, even if I don’t use the Strength Double Dan, just such a weapon amplification card, I can walk sideways in the Flood Barren World.” ”

The urgent Luo Xiao operated as fiercely as a tiger, and saw the income of four thousand five.

I don’t know if I will be angry when I wait.

Just now, after Li Bad photographed Luo Qi’s two goods, the members of the union also realized it later, staying in the interdimensional store and not coming out, waiting for Luo Zhu to sell the goods again.

But after waiting for a long time, Luo Xiao did not sell the third commodity, he should not sell it, but the next moment.

Quasi-Saint Yuan Shen cultivation; The price is 3000 points; Seller: Big Devil.

Li Bad was happy when he saw it, except for Thanos, who had more than 4,000 points, everyone else’s points were only hundreds, one thousand, two thousand, and none of them exceeded three thousand.

In an instant, the Quasi-Saint Yuan Shen cultivation was given a second by Li Bad.

Thanos, who was originally overjoyed, was as fierce as a tiger.

Your purchase is sold out.

Watt? Thanos was directly dumbfounded.

Li Bad checked his points, and there are currently 6100 left.

It took 5,500 to buy Luo Jun’s goods, which can be described as a big profit.

At this moment, Li Bad felt a strange feeling in his head, as if something was going to drill out of something strange, and it was very uncomfortable.

This feeling lasted for a few minutes, and he felt that there was an extra villain in the sea of knowledge that was exactly like himself, which should be that Yuanshen did not run.

This powerful force made Li Bad deeply obsessed.

After opening his eyes, Li Bad glanced at the sea level and clenched his fists.

It feels like you can blow the earth with a single punch.

Taking a deep breath, Li Bad opened his mouth and roared.


A layer of furious qi rippled out with the breath he exhaled.

The clouds in the sky instantly dissipated.

There was a roar in the sea, and the mountains were shaken all around.

Go down in one breath.

A huge wave of thousands of feet of height rushed directly over.

Li Bad’s neck was one, and he quickly stepped on the huge wave and stepped on the wave with one foot.

If the waves are really allowed to spread, then the earth is likely to be destroyed, and the waves that are thousands of feet high will wash the earth away.

Nevertheless, the place also made waves.

Catherine and Erica trembled all over, looking in horror at Li Bad standing on the waves, this… What exactly is the operation?

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