“Wow, Sister Dongfang is so powerful.”

Daji said excitedly.

Although in terms of combat strength, Daji is even undefeated compared to Dongfang, after all, martial arts and spells are not superior!

However, in terms of combat experience, Daji felt that she could not be compared with the Eastern Undefeated at all.

White Ghost: “It’s so powerful, I didn’t expect Dongfang Bai to be so powerful!” ”

The undefeated ghostly figure of the East left a deep impression on the white ghost.

Bai Ghost felt that even if the East was undefeated in the higher sub-world, as long as she was given exercises, she would still be the leader of the higher dimension!

Li Bad stood and did not speak, and his eyes were staring at the undefeated side of the east.

Dongfang’s undefeated performance far exceeded Li Bad’s expectations.

Originally, Li Wei thought that if the East was undefeated, killing these people would definitely require some wasted effort.

But in fact, the undefeated East simply beat these people!

It’s completely one-sided abuse!

After Dongfang Undefeated killed Master Fang Zheng, “Four Eight Three”, his whole body exuded amazing momentum!

He turned around and faced the direction where Ren Yixing was fleeing.

When Ren Yixing was fleeing, he saw that Dongfang Undefeated actually killed Master Fang Zheng in an instant, and he was immediately frightened, frantically raised his true qi, and quickly fled.

To see that the gondola is in front of me, let me do it with great joy.

The undefeated figure in the east moved, and then turned into a ghostly red figure.

Ren I walked on the gondola.

A ghostly red figure caught up with him.

Feeling the strong wind, the sweat hair of the whole body exploded, and the reflexive palm was a palm.

“Star Absorbing Dafa!”

The undefeated palm force of the East struck on Ren Wuxing’s palm, and in an instant, that palm power dissipated without a trace.

Ren Xing saw that his star-absorbing Dafa was useful to Dongfang’s undefeated palm, and immediately laughed.

“Haha, Oriental old thief, you know how good I am at absorbing stars!”

Dongfang Undefeated snorted softly.

“Leave it to me, you think I’m just so angry? More, I’m afraid you won’t be able to eat! ”

After speaking, Dongfang Undefeated Arm’s arm shook, and an even greater True Qi fiercely spread to Ren Ixing!


Ren Xing felt a fierce and powerful True Qi attack, and instantly wanted to retract his only remaining arm.

However, it was too late!

The Oriental Undefeated True Qi was too strong, and his Star Absorbing Dafa couldn’t be digested at all.

In an instant, his arm swelled, and finally exploded with a “bang”, and the flesh and blood flew out.

At this moment, both arms of Ren Xing were wasted!

He never thought that he would lose two arms because of the Star Absorbing Dafa!

“Sect Master, my current achievements are all because of you, so you can rest assured that the Sun Moon God Sect will flourish under my hands!”

After Dongfang Undefeated finished speaking, an embroidery needle flew out of his palm, and instantly disappeared into Ren Yixing’s eyebrows!

Ren I Xing, who once ran amok in martial arts, was killed in an instant!

Oriental Undefeated Kill Wuyue New Head and get a total of 5,000 points!

Oriental Undefeated Kill Chong Void Dao Chang and get 2000 points!

Oriental Undefeated Kill Fang Zheng Master and get 2000 points!

Oriental undefeated kill you can do and get 2000 points!

Dongfang Undefeated looked at his gains and felt a little satisfied.

During this time, he asked the sect leader to slaughter the disciples of these sects and lured them all to the Blackwood Cliff.

Then she will single-handedly hit the leader of the faction and earn points!

Otherwise, relying on her to find and kill one by one will be too time-consuming!

“Sister Dongfang.”

A familiar cry came.

Dongfang Undefeated turned his head and looked in the direction where the voice came from.

Seeing Li Bad, Daji, and a man in white walking towards him.

“Why are you here?”

Daji approached and said.

“Sister Dongfang, you were too powerful just now, we all saw it, we saw that you didn’t make any noise, and then the elder brother was not at ease, so he brought us here.”

Dongfang Undefeated listened to Xiao Daji’s words, and not only looked at Li Bad with a pair of beautiful eyes.

“Thank you.”

“Xie what, you are my person, how can you let others bully you?”

Li Bad said.

“Wow, brother president is so domineering.”

“President is mighty!”

The white ghost also shouted.

This cheap does not shoot white!

“This is?”

Dongfang Undefeated looked at the white ghost with a puzzled expression.

She hadn’t seen the white ghost.

“Oh, this is the white ghost.”

Daji explained.

Dongfang is undefeated: “White Ghost, it’s nice to see you.” ”

The white ghost hurriedly said: “Oriental girl, I am also very happy to see you. ”

After speaking, Bai Ghost rolled his eyes, and then busily said to Li Bad.

“President, can I walk around alone?”

If he didn’t have this look, what else would the white ghost shoot?

Now Li Bad and the East are undefeated, Daji is together, what kind of light bulb is he here …..

Li Bad nodded.

“I’ll call you later, and you’ll come back when you hear the sound when I call you.”

“Okay, President, then I’ll go first!”

After speaking, the white ghost farted and ran away.

As soon as the white ghost left, only Li Bad and Daji were left, and the three were undefeated in the east.

A congregation ran forward.

“Sect Master.”

“You found someone to dispose of these corpses, and, without my orders, don’t come and disturb me.”

“Yes, Sect Master!”

With that, the believer left in a hurry.

Dongfang Undefeated returned to her residence with Li Bad and Daji.

“Wow, this is Sister Dongfang’s boudoir.”

As a native of the Shang Dynasty, the color tone of the buildings of the Shang Dynasty at that time was far from comparable to that of the Ming Dynasty.

After entering the East Undefeated, the room full of pink, Xiao Daji’s girlish heart suddenly flooded.

“Well, you can see for yourself.”

Dongfang Undefeated nodded and said.


Daji nodded excitedly, and then began to tour the Eastern Undefeated Room.

Dongfang Bai sat in front of the dressing table and cut his hair with both hands.

“President, did you see them all when I killed those people just now?”

Li Bad nodded.

“Well, I saw it, your strength is even higher than I thought, if you get good exercises, you can completely dominate those high-level sub-worlds!”

“President, I want to go to those worlds to practice!”

Dongfang Undefeated suddenly said.

“Okay, I can arrange it for you.” 1.1

“However, those worlds are full of dangers, with your current strength, I am afraid that there will be many dangers, but if I take care of you, nothing big should happen.”

Li Wei thought carefully and added.

Dongfang Undefeated shook his head and said.

“President, I can do it myself, if I want to make myself stronger, I am not under the protection of others, but I need to continue to be strong with my own ability.”

Li Guo listened to Dongfang’s undefeated words and did not speak.

“President, it’s not that I don’t want you to protect me, I just want to rely on my own ability.”

Dongfang Undefeated saw that Li Bad did not speak, and explained.

“I know.”

Li Bad nodded, agreeing with the statement that the East was undefeated.

Dongfang Undefeated suddenly showed a smile on his pretty face, and then gently grabbed Li Bad’s hand.

“There will come a day, sir, I need your protection.” _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – favorites, recommendations

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