Super Dimensional Fantasy Shop

Vol 3 Chapter 98: My name is walter

  In the end, Cheng Lixue not only did not stop Kevin, but was taken aside to practice with Qigefei.

   A group of Valkyrie wanted to resist, but they were all frightened by Kevin's cold vision.

   Of course, Qigefei was not an honest person, until Kevin took out the Skyfire Sacred Judgment.

   Seeing Kevin and his own hand exactly the same Skyfire sage Zieg flies stunned.

   When will their Kaslana family heirloom be mass-produced.

   After the commander-in-chief was taken away, the remaining Valkyries cast a glance at each other, focusing on Cecilia.

   "What is your purpose?"

   After seeing the sight of many Valkyries, Cecilia hesitated, looked at Ling Yun and asked.

   "I've already said it before, the only person we are looking for is Otto, um, add a Walter by the way." Ling Yun groaned and said.

   "The bishop and the leader of the inverse entropy?"

   "Don't you want to destroy humans?" Salome said.

"Hey, is there any benefit in eliminating it? It's nothing? Wouldn't it be boring. Think about it, a world without anyone but you, a world without games, the only thing you can do all day is to look at the sky In a daze, how boring it is." Ling Yun spread his hands.

   destroy the world? What a thankless thing, not only is it troublesome, but it's me who is upset in the end.

   "Ah this"

   Cecilia couldn't help thinking about her life before she met Siegfried.

   All day long except for research and battle, there is no fun in life.

  Really, it's boring.

   "Master Cecilia, don't be fooled by them. They are lawmakers and natural enemies of mankind! Don't believe them."

"Yes, Master Cecilia, have you forgotten how much damage the first collapse caused? If the previous collapse of up to one hundred thousand were not for the Bishop's destiny weaponry, I don't know how many innocents it would have caused. People died."

   "Liuzhe is the enemy of mankind!"

   "The Bishop will be here soon. Don't be fooled."

   After all the Valkyrie saw that Cecilia was shaken, Otto was hidden in the Valkyrie army and suddenly stood up and discouraged.

   Ling Yun discovered that this Otto brainwashing method is really powerful.

   was hit by Jiang Zhi one by one.

   Do these Valkyries have no thoughts of their own?

   "It's ridiculous, when did I hurt an innocent person? Are you talking about what my collapsing beast has done besides hurting your destiny Valkyrie?" Xilin sneered, her eyes full of disdain.

   "That's because you were blocked by the bishop before you implemented it." A Valkyrie jumped out and retorted.


   Xiao Xilin wanted to step forward but was pressed by Ling Yun.

   raised his head and looked at Cecilia.

   "I suddenly found that Dagu has a very good saying."

   "What are you talking about?" Cecilia started.

   "People who are beaten on the ground can better accept the light, but also, you and I are not relatives, so I wasted so much tongue with you, it is my fault."

   Lingyun's gray pupils were instantly soaked in wine red.

   A row of keys of truth behind was constructed from the void and aimed at the Valkyrie.

   "You...what do you want to do?" A Valkyrie and Ling Yun subconsciously took a step back after looking at each other.

   What kind of pupils are those?

   is like the monarch of hell, fascinating, but also accompanied by endless death.

Ling Yun glanced at her faintly, then looked at Cecilia again: "Little Xilin was drawn into the Tower of Babylon for the stigmata experiment. Now that she has come out, she just wants to seek revenge from the mastermind. You can think about the first collapse. What was the coverage area and how many deaths were caused at the time of the event? Look at this second collapse. Only a few Valkyries died. Is the gap too big?"

   "I'm not afraid to tell you that, as long as Xiao Xilin wanted, it would be easy for the collapse to cover the surrounding 500,000 square kilometers, but she did not do that."

   "Move your brains that can be burned by the collapse and think about it. I don't know if you are stupid or ignorant!"


   Cecilia looked at Xiao Xilin faintly.

   The eyes are full of distress.

   If the other party really wants to destroy the evil law of mankind, she will have no hesitation.

   But now it looks more like a little girl seeking revenge from her enemies, and she hasn't hurt any innocent people.

   And what Otto did was really too much.

   The kind-hearted Cecilia has a hard time making choices.

   And the Valkyries are similar, most of them are to protect their families, and some of them are loved ones who died in the hands of Bengkuai and want to gain strength to join the destiny.

   Although they are not very clear about the experiment, Destiny often sends them to **** orphans into various laboratories.

   And they never saw those orphans come out of the laboratory again.

   "Papa, papa!"

   Just when some Valkyrie hesitated, there was a clap of applause.

   "Interesting, really interesting."

   A blond man walked over while clapping his hands.

   has a faint smile at the corner of his mouth.

   "Master Bishop!"

   Many Valkyries smiled after seeing the visitor and said respectfully.

   "Thanks for everyone." Otto also nodded with a polite smile.

   "Otto Apocalis!"

   The enemy was extremely jealous when they met, and Xiao Xilin couldn't restrain her intention to kill.

   If it weren't for Ling Yun, she would have directly shot the Spear of Yakong.

   is no stranger to Otto, Xiao Xilin, UU reading www. already knows from the comics that the person in front is the Bishop of Destiny, and he is also the person behind the Stigmata Project and the Babylon Tower!

  It was him who killed Bella and the others!

   "Oh yo, this lady, I asked myself if we met for the first time, how do you look like you have been grudges with me for a long time?" A faint doubt was exuded in Otto's pupils.

   looked at Xi Lin puzzled.

   He seems to have never seen this second law person before.

   "Brother Ling Yun, let me go, let me kill him!"

   "Protect the Bishop!"

   The Valkyrie suddenly became unhappy when she heard it, and quickly gathered in front of Otto.

   Ling Yun looked at Otto with a faint smile.

   "Otto Apocalis?"

   "Your Excellency?"

   "It's just a passing pot shop owner."

   "The jar shop? Your Excellency is a joke, I don't really believe that a small shop owner hides such a huge collapse energy."

   Otto's eyes became cold.

   Do you think he is blind? Can't see the row of keys of truth behind Ling Yun?

   "Are you also a lawmaker?" Otto asked.

   "Yes, my name is Walter." Ling Yun replied.

   There was a sound from the woods, and Walter, who had come from the inverse entropy base, just walked out of the woods, just in time to hear Ling Yun's self-introduction.

   Walter: "......"

   Otto looked at Walter, and Walter looked at Lingyun.

   The Valkyries looked at the three of them.

   The atmosphere suddenly became embarrassing.

   "Sir, don't be kidding. This is the leader of the anti-entropy, Walter."

   Otto gave a fake cough and stretched out his hand to say to Walter.


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