Super Dimensional Fantasy Shop

Chapter 11: 3rd guest

   "The weather forecast seems to say it is raining?"

   When the flames in the sky went out, people looked at the sunny sky and looked at each other.

   It's raining... It's still going to rain.

   "Next fart, I would rather believe that tomorrow will be paid. I don't believe it will rain tomorrow."

   "I think it's pretty beautiful."

   "Huh? Oh! Boss, why are you here?!"

   "Did you forget that we were off work together."

   Not to mention the bewildered people of Yanghai City, Ling Yun has returned to the door of his shop with his sister.

   Only when Ling Yun opened the door, he was stunned.

   "Why are you still on the ground? Although it is summer, but you sweat so much, you will catch a cold when you lie on the ground."

   Ling Yun kindly reminded him that he did not help Zhou Nan who had fallen on the ground, and carried the unconscious Xi Lin onto the chair.

   Zhou Nan watched Ling Yun stepping past him bitterly.

   You are actually pulling me up!

   "What am I doing? You are squeamish, get up quickly, come and help prepare dinner, or you can eat the soil for me today."

   Ling Yun kicked in the past, and he couldn't give him a good face to a slut.

   "Cut, pay more attention to color than friends!"

   Zhou Nan glanced at Xi Lin, who was sleeping, curled his lips in disdain, and quickly got up from the ground.

   After a period of rest, he could get up on his own a long time ago. He would continue to lie down just to see if Ling Yun would apologize to him and help him up because of the guilt in his heart. Unfortunately, he was wrong.

   Lingyun said, a leek in a mere mere wants the owner to help you? Dreaming.

   Our owner only supports beautiful women.

   It was dusk in a blink of an eye, and a ray of sunlight passed through the glass of the shop and fell on Xilin's eyes.


   The dazzling sunlight caused Xi Lin to open her dim sleepy eyes, her golden eyes matched the dusk perfectly.

"What's wrong with me?"

   "Right! Earthquake! Brother Ling Yun!"

   Xilin was confused for a while and instantly remembered what happened when she was in a coma, and quickly searched for Ling Yun's figure.

   The building fell, and Ling Yun was buried in the ruins to protect her.

   "Wait... This is the shop?! Why am I here?"

   But when Xilin saw the familiar environment around him, she stood up from her chair and heard the sound of boiling water coming from inside the shop.


   Just when Xi Lin was about to go and have a look, the door was opened, and Ling Yun who was out was taken aback when he saw Xi Lin.

A smile appeared on   's face: "Good evening, is your sleep sound?"

   The next moment, with a soft body, Ling Yun stared at Xiao Xilin who was holding him in a daze.

   "Brother Lingyun! Sorry, it's all because of me..."

   Xiao Xilin buried her head in Ling Yun's chest, tightly hugging Ling Yun's waist with her hands, tears gushing continuously.

   After experiencing the departure of relatives and friends in front of her eyes again and again, Xi Lin's heart has long been closed, if it weren't for Ling Yun, she would not have shown the smile buried in her heart in this life.

   But after experiencing this incident, she was scared, and she didn't want to lose important people anymore.

   didn't want to leave the only person in front of her who could make her feel the warmth of the world.

   Feeling the wet chest, Ling Yun gently stroked the smooth purple hair, did not speak, just stroked it quietly.

   After crying for a while, Xiao Xilin seemed to be tired from crying, she just lay on Lingyun's chest like this.

   looked at the rosy corner of his eyes and couldn't help sighing.

   "Little Xilin's strength is so great, if this is an elderly person, I think I will lie down in the hospital the next day if you hold me like this."

   Ling Yun gently wiped away the tears from the corner of Xilin's eyes, and joked.

   "I hate it, I'm ignoring you."

   Xi Lin's face, lying on Ling Yun's chest, suddenly blushed, and she quickly broke away from Ling Yun's embrace.

   This is the first time she hugs a man of the opposite sex, her fair and pretty face flushed to the roots of her ears.

   tilted his head and did not look at Ling Yun, but his little hand gripped Ling Yun's clothes tightly.

   Xilin doesn't want to let go, only after experiencing the loss will she know how much she cares.

   "I said...I'm hungry."

   Suddenly, a cold voice came from behind Ling Yun.

  In an instant, Ling Yun and Xi Lin's eyes were directed at Zhou Nan ill-advisedly, as if a laser beam shot out, electrocuting Zhou Nan.

   The culprit that obstructs the convergence of electric currents, the light bulb, deserves the death penalty!


   "Come on, Xilin taste this."

   "Hmm~ delicious."

   "Come and try this again."

   "Hmm~ This is good too."

   "Brother Ling Yun, come, too."

   "Well, Xilin is the cutest."

   "Hee hee~"

   Zhou Nan looked at the two people who showed affection and showed a blind eye.

   He suddenly regretted coming here for dinner.

   looked at the dishes in front of him, but he didn't have any appetite, um, how should I put it, his stomach was a little full.

   After a sumptuous dinner, Zhou Nan left. He swore that he had never been so wronged.

   Being a single dog is too difficult, so let’s go home and chat with a pillow.

   After Zhou Nan left, Ling Yun and Xi Lin were left in the whole shop.

   "What's the matter? Is it uncomfortable?"

   Ling Yun looked at Xi Lin who was hesitating and couldn't help asking.

   "Brother Ling Yun, I want to go back!" Xilin hesitated for a long time, then said firmly.

   "I want to go back and accept the power of collapse, UU reading, waiting for me to become the law of the sky, with strong power, I don't have to drag Lingyun brother!"

   Ling Yun was taken aback for a while, smiled and touched Xilin's head: "I don't think you are dragging me back."

   "But I think." Xilin said stubbornly.

   Lingyun looked at Xiao Xilin's firm eyes and said: "The black card I gave you before can not only be used to record points, but it is also the key to my shop. Give me the black card."

   took the black card and said in his heart: "System, help me change the crossing limit to zero."


   Looking at the modified black card, Lingyun returned the black card to Xilin again.

   "Okay, you can come to me at any time through this card as long as you want to come."

   "If you go back, just open the door."

   Ling Yun said.

   After receiving Ling Yun's explanation, Xi Lin nodded, looked at the card in her hand, and then at Ling Yun, as if she had made some decision in her heart, she suddenly stood on her tiptoe and pecked on Ling Yun's face.

   "Brother Ling Yun, I will be back soon!"

   The next moment, the whole person quickly opened the door and left.

   Lingyun was in a daze, looking at the door of the shop in a daze, subconsciously reached out and touched, feeling the moistness, a smile appeared on his face.

   "This little girl."

   For the first time in two lives, I was kissed by a girl.

   I feel pretty good.


   Just then, the door of the shop was opened again, and a man wearing a mask of joy, wearing a white robe, hugging each other with his hands, and a long sword in his arms walked out.

   Lingyun looked at the mask full of joy and was startled on the spot.

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