Super Dimensional Fantasy Shop

Vol 3 Chapter 105: Teresa: It's all grandpa's fault

   A fiery red arc was drawn around Fu Hua.

   The whole person turned into a red kite (Red kite = Jingwei) and rushed over.

  The blade formed by the rapid rotation suppresses the surrounding air.

   The wind was torn apart, and there was only an apologetic knife mark on the ground wherever it passed.


   Cheng Lixue watched this scene worriedly.

   "Don't worry, Hua can't be hurt at this level." Compared with other people's worries, Kevin is much calmer.

  How could the comrades who can stand with him be weak?

   Listening to Kevin's words, Cheng Lixue also suppressed the worries in his heart and looked towards the battlefield.


   Fu Hua turned into a lifelike Jingwei, traversing space with all the flames that burned.

   collided with Ling Yun's Dao Ran Thunder.


   The cutting sound was extremely harsh on this silent battlefield.

   Ling Yun turned into a blade and looked at Fu Hua's pupils, who had blocked his attack, flashing with surprise.

   "It's worthy of being Mortal Chitou, even after so long, his strength is still so strong."

   "Brother Ling Yun."

   Xiao Xilin, who was supporting Bella, looked at the Jingwei who resisted the attack of Lingyun with worry.

   Fu Hua’s powerful Xiao Xilin has also been seen in the comics.

   The influence of the Taixu sword shape on her is not inferior to Walter's all-round blow.

   Although I don't know why this woman hasn't used the too virtual sword shape, she can't deny her power.

   I won’t lose if I continue like this.

   "Don't worry, Ling Yun will never do anything unsure, trust him." Thor said confidently from the side.

  It's just a human being, Ling Yun is a matchless existence with her father, Emperor Yandi.

   She believes him!

   "Huh! I naturally believe in Brother Ling Yun the most." Xiao Xilin said proudly.

   "That, Celine..."

   Xiao Xilin felt someone poking herself behind her back and turned her head.

Ok? No one.

   "Here, here!" Teresa raised her hand. At this time, Xiao Xilin noticed this white-haired dumpling which was a head shorter than herself.

   A hint of surprise flashed through the golden pupils.

   "Delisa? Why are you here?"

   "Do you know that your behavior was excessive just now!" Teresa, wearing the Twilight Knight, now puts her hands on her hips and pouted her small mouth.

   not only does not have a trace of seriousness, but adds a bit of cuteness.

   Xiao Xilin glanced at her.

  What's the matter with this outfit? Shouldn't it be winter clothes in the original work?

   Is it possible that Otto’s guy specially customized it.

   Haha, what a mad granddaughter.

   "Do you have a lot of the children you brought back from the Tower of Babylon to Santa Freya Academy?" Xiao Xilin asked.

   After hearing this, Teresa, who was still a bit "angry", lowered her hand on her waist.

   "St. Freya Academy has not been completed yet, but you can rest assured that I have registered every child and placed it in my yard. No one can take them away without my order."

   "That's good."

   Xilin nodded, and continued to look at Ling Yun after replying.

   Xiao Xilin now only reveals her sincerity in front of Ling Yun. Others are as cold as they are.



   "Thank you..."

"you are welcome!"

   De Lisa's pupils shrank slightly.

   then laughed happily.

   As expected, it was Grandpa's fault, Xilin was not bad at all.

   Otto: So are you willing to let her beat your grandfather? My lovely Teresa! Grandpa is so sad, woooo~

   the dust spread

   Ling Yun quickly fell to the ground.

   Fu Hua, who was on the opposite side, slammed his feet, broke through the dust and rushed with his fists.

   "Six Inches!"

The six types of   inch heart are divided into fierce wave, instant dust, tremor wind, broken return, split air, and waning moon!

   Every move has extremely powerful lethality.

   Endless fists blasted out of Fu Hua's hands.

   At the moment when the feathers fell to the ground, there were already no fewer than a thousand fists wrapped in flames.

   Ling Yun didn't dare to be careless, and quickly bent down with a horse-pace attitude.

  The index finger and the **** are together.

   "The enemy is all slashing, and the slashing is endless!"


   A soft drink fell, Ling Yun's figure disappeared instantly.


  In the dark world, only two golden cross rays of light flashed through people's pupils, breaking the darkness.

   When everyone came back to their senses, Fu Hua and Ling Yun had already exchanged positions.

   Fu Hua fisted and stood, but Ling Yun was half squatting.

   The second generation of Miron in the original work does not use these **** because they are needed to hold the brush.

   But Ling Yun didn't need it, and instead of his fragile little finger, he switched to two more stable middle eater fingers.

   And, this time it's not one hand, but two hands together.

   "How is it?" Looking at the two standing in the battlefield, Cheng Lixue looked at Kevin quickly.

   "Fu Hua lost." Kevin closed his eyes.

   As expected, after Kevin's voice fell.


   A cough sounded.

   Fu Hua's pupils widened, and a crossed light appeared again in front of him.

   A sense of weakness instantly covered Fu Hua's consciousness.

   The whole person knelt on one knee.

   Fortunately, the left hand should support the ground in time, otherwise, he would just get down because of the feeling of collapse.

"This move is very powerful, and it can easily break the scales of a Judgment-level Collapsing Beast. Fu Hua's fist was cancelled out the instant he approached. If it hadn't been for Ling Yun's mercy, it is estimated that Fu Hua would have fallen by now It's down." Kevin explained! "

   Once again, a piece of blood was coughed up from Fu Hua's mouth and fell on Yu Duchen's feathers.

   Ling Yun shook his hand, lowered his head, and looked at his hand.

   "It's so hard, my hands hurt."

   The bones are really hard!

   My hands are swollen.

   Fu Hua: "……"

  Your sister, don't forget to bury me at this time.


   Cheng Lixue quickly ran over, bypassing Ling Yun and coming to Fu Hua's side.

   "Master, are you okay?"

   "Li Xue, help me up, my body has no strength at all." Fu Hua laughed bitterly, his chest hurt, and his hands trembled slightly because of lack of strength.

   "Master, I will take you back to the fate." Cheng Lixue said with red eyes.

   "No need." Fu Hua shook his head.

   "Thank you for your mercy!" Fu Hua turned his head to look at Ling Yun, and bowed.

   "Carry on." Ling Yun also clasped his fists and smiled.


   Just when everyone thought the matter was over, a roar sounded.

   "My dear, what's the matter with you?"

   Cecilia looked at Ziegfei, who was roaring up to the sky in shock, and was gradually covered by blue armor on her arms.

   "The blood of Parfanti broke out in the body?" Kevin, who was waiting by the side, frowned when he looked at it.

   But it shouldn't be, his reflection in the genes of the Kaslana family has not been triggered.

"Step aside!"

   Kevin didn't have any mercy, and he pulled Cecilia away directly.

   punched Qigefei in the abdomen.

   The icy cold air was sent crazily, temporarily suppressing the blood of Pavanti in Siegfried.


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