It will be on the shelves tomorrow at 12:05 noon. I hope you will make your first order.

   This book has been two months since July 15th to today, September 17th.

  I've been prostituted for so long, so you guys can't make a first order...

  I'm done with the order request, let's talk about the testimonials on the shelves.

  The testimonials on the shelves are nothing more than to talk about the original intention of writing and the miserable sales.

   Then I will sell it today.

   Anyone who has read my last book knows how miserable the author is.

   When I went to school, I had to be deceived by the class teacher.

   I just said it roughly before, this time I’ll talk about it in detail:

  Yi Yuan is a secondary vocational student. When he graduated in the last year, he had to fill in a volunteer. My teacher Zhou found me in advance and said that as long as I fill in the Changzhou Textile School, he will protect me and there is no problem in entering.

I thought it was pretty good at the time, and according to what he said, I filled in the public office as my first choice, and filled in the famous office in the others (I also suspected it during the period, but I saw that the number of enrollment on the Internet was 1600 and there was not much. I think, and my dad said just fill in that way), but what I never expected is that when the volunteers came out, no one at Changzhou Textile School would use it. Do you understand, it’s just no one at all. Kind.

   Many people in our class used textiles as their first choice, but they didn’t use it. They all went to private schools.

   And I also joined the admissions WeChat group of Changzhou Textile, and the admissions teacher there also insisted on keeping it.

   I now feel that these two people are really together!

   I was very angry when I found out that I was deceived. It was mainly not because of the private office, but was deceived...

   The author feels that it is quite difficult for me. Some people have tried to get rid of it before I enter the society.

   I went to Mr. Zhou to ask about the situation, but the guy told me: Didn’t I ask you to fill in a few guarantees before?

   I’m really convinced. You’re not hiring anyone. Tell me now. Tell me this now. When I said this, I was gentle. I also said that I was there. If he helps, I can keep it in. (The world is sinister)

   At that time, I was depressed for an afternoon. I really didn't expect a teacher to frame students like this, and he was still too young!

At the beginning of August, I went to the school to take the skill test. I saw that again. I was angry. The guy still drew a comparison. He even said something specifically to me. Now it doesn’t mean that Jinken is also a good school. Learn well. , My mentality exploded, this idiot, what the hell, if I had gone to find another admissions teacher with my classmates, I would have gone to the public office (my classmates went, and those who reported to that school would go to Up)

   Tell all my friends who go to secondary school outside, don’t trust the class teacher, maybe you won’t react until you are sold.

   It’s true.....

   In fact, the Yiyuan family is really miserable.

   Dad, he can barely be regarded as a workshop director, but he is a small city and his salary is not good.

   Mom, the job is not too stable.

  Yiyuan is a secondary vocational student. It doesn't matter if he doesn't send money at home, he still has to pay outside.

  Wait later, the privately-run tuition fee of 16,000 is really a huge expense for my family who has just had enough food and clothing.

and so......

   I really need your subscription! ! ! ! !

   Your subscription is really important to me! ! ! ! !

   rewards are also very important to me! ! ! ! !

   Because I am also very poor! ! ! ! ! !

   Yiyuan is a lower class who has no living expenses other than tuition fees when they go to school.

   In addition to class, there are codewords, and I usually do some part-time jobs.

   I know that the writing style I write is almost the same as the writing style of the third grade, which is very **** and not in the middle.

   Thank you friends who don’t dislike me, I love you the most. (つД`)

  Who makes me like it? Yiyuan likes yy. I believe there is no one who doesn't like yy. I want to write down my own things and share them together.

   You can also tell me the plot you want. Friends who are also yy, at the time of Yiyuankavin, your idea is the best dredging agent.

   It is better to tell me, I'll write it instead of listening to music and singing the song by myself!

   In fact, after all that, I still want to ask everyone to subscribe.

   This is really important to me! ! ! ! !

   (By the way, the 128-yuan lucky bag was actually not the author’s own, but a friend gave it to make up for Yi Yuan’s birthday...)

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