Super Dimensional Fantasy Shop

Vol 3 Chapter 126: Hit the little ones, here comes Lao Tzu

"The manager?"

At this time, Zhou Nan walked out of the tent at the rear, and at a glance he saw Lingyun coming out of the imaginary space.

He was quite happy at first, but when he saw Xi Lin, who was holding his arms, his face collapsed.

It's this great god!

"Zhou Nan? I didn't expect your kid to be there too, and the next door hasn't heard anymore recently. I'm really a little uncomfortable."

Ling Yun came over, patted Zhou Nan on the shoulder and smiled.

The next door to the Dimensional Store has been quiet for almost a month. It used to be the sound of Zhou Nan's vibration every day.

Now that the silent one has disappeared, I am really a bit uncomfortable.

"Manager, I can now master my own abilities."

"The five minutes didn't hurt for nothing."

Zhou Nan's expression was overwhelmed: "The manager, isn't it a good idea to mention this!"

"Really? Then you show me a dragon soaking in water."

Ling Yun let out a surprise, and what he said almost made Zhou Nan choke to death.

Dragon **** water?

You can really think about it.

Although my awakening ability is related to gas, the dragon **** water... let's forget it.

But you can try it while drinking.

"Manager, why are you here?"

Zhou Nan automatically skipped this topic and asked.

Ling Yun spread his hands and said, "I can't help it. I saw my client being beaten by fat on the Internet. Isn't this hitting me in the face? So I came to find the place."

Zhou Nan glanced suspiciously: "Really?"

For so many years, the neighbor still doesn't know what Ling Yun's urination is, either he wants to pretend to be forced or he receives any benefits.

Otherwise, willing to shoot like Lingyun's salted fish?

Ling Yun said that you will never understand the joy of cultivation.

The early contribution is your reward for the rest of your life.

Hearing Zhou Nan’s doubts, Ling Yun glanced at him, patted Zhou Nan’s shoulder, and walked towards the distant battlefield. Only Lao Tzu has come to find the place."

Zhou Nan: "..."

Who are you, Lao Tzu!

That's right, you are still Ling Yun, and you still speak so awkwardly!

"I can go to you." Zhou Nan scolded with a smile.

"Remember to bring back Senior Xia Yuan!"

Ling Yun waved his hand, and the voice came from a distance: "No problem, wait for my machine gun to shoot!"


Zhou Nan was stunned, and depressed her earwax with some suspicion.

Did you hear me wrong just now?


This side

Xia Yuan knelt on one knee, and bright red blood ran across his sleeves from his shoulders, dripping to the ground.

There was a huge wound on his shoulder.

The bones are visible.

Xia Yuan was controlling the water flow to clean the wound and stop the bleeding.

"Lan Lin, are you okay?"

Turning his head, he saw the tyrannosaurus, who was as scarred as him, bowed his head and panted, and asked with concern.


The Tyrannosaurus replied weakly.

It has also reached its limit.

In the sky, the Biking Spirit Snake, whose entire body was wrapped around the building, looked at the two small figures below.

The snake letter confided, and the vertical pupil was full of disdain.

Two rubbish, even Armor cannot be broken.

"Damn it, if all the other partners stayed in the Jiangzhou branch, how could I..."

Feeling the mocking gaze of the Biking Spirit Snake, Xia Yuan hit the ground with a fist, gritted his teeth and said, his pupils were full of unwillingness.

"What? Can't hold it so soon?"

At this time, a ridicule sounded from behind Xia Yuan.

"This voice"

The moment he heard the sound, Xia Yuan's figure gave a fierce stature.

Turning his head in shock, he found that Ling Yun was walking over with Xilin and Thor.

"Ling Yun?"

Xia Yuan looked at him incredulously.

But why does he appear here? Is it possible to protect Yanghai City? !

"Don't get me wrong, Xia Ran asked me to help. She saw you being abused too badly at home." Ling Yun stretched out his thumb and pointed to the drone in the sky.


Xia Yuan also understood after seeing it and felt warm in his heart.

The major Internet trolls curiously looked at Ling Yun that appeared in the screen.

"Who is he? Reinforcement?"

"Trash, even he doesn't know."

Some people who had seen Ling Yun fighting with the final Emperor Yan from a distance said disdainfully.

"Then upstairs must know what his name is?"

"Uh, I don't know."

"What about Nima!"

The battle video was streamed, but no one really knew what Ling Yun was called.

Because I knew it, they were all invited by the government to be a guest and signed an agreement.

"Are I the only one who pays attention to the two beautiful girls behind?"

When people questioned, one person whispered.


"I don't have a girlfriend, so I don't want to pay attention."

"Damn! Upstairs why did you remind me of this cruel reality!"



The Green King Spirit Snake wrapped around the building confided the snake's letter, and also looked at it.

After seeing Thor, his pupils narrowed slightly.

It felt a very huge dragon nature in that woman's body!

"Put away your pets, then find a place to enjoy the cold, and leave the battle to us." Ling Yun glanced at Xia Yuan and said.

"This guy is crazy. That man has been entangled with that snake for a long time. If he doesn't help him now, he still drives people away? Newborn calves are not afraid of tigers."

Some netizens suddenly became unconvinced.

Because of his age, it is impossible for Ling Yun to be stronger than Xia Yuan.

They were more willing to fan Xia Yuan than Ling Yun who silently guarded them.

"If you have the strength, it's called pretending, and if you don't have the strength, it's called a fool!"



Not only was Xia Yuan not upset after hearing this, but he was relieved.

He nodded heavily, put the Tyrannosaurus away against Xuan Tian, ​​and staggered towards the rear.

"No, I left so easily, is it possible that this young man is really a big brother?" Netizens said in disbelief.

Some people who know Ling Yun's strength do not speak, I will watch you quietly pretend to be forced.

"Rimuru, don't you want to eat it? Do it yourself."

When Xia Yuan left, Ling Yun threw the slime in his hand.

"You don't need to tell me, I know." Limlu suddenly opened a pair of demon wings behind him, and finally turned into a black snake and rushed towards the Green King Spirit Snake.

"Fuck, what the **** is this? Slime has not only grown wings, but also turned into a black snake?" A group of netizens sat up from their chairs in shock.

Slime and the others know that there are many in the West, but the effect...emm, you all understand.

Winged snakes, they also know that some oss in restricted areas.

But... they really haven't seen the operation of a slime becoming a snake!

"Poisonous fog!"

The purple mist is sprayed out by Wow!

The Biking Spirit Snake gently shook its tail and directly blew the poisonous mist away.

"Slimes are slimes, no matter how they deform, they are all slimes."

Limlu, who was swept away by the gust of wind, recovered the slime's posture, and a lot of air was sucked in.

Verdola, who was sleeping in Lim's stomach, was suddenly startled.

Looking at the pale green dragon-slayer demon crystal with shining light in amazement.

"Storm Dragon's wind and moon!"

The next moment, a storm spit out from Lim Lu's mouth.

The strong wind swept through, and the powerful wind blade turned everything into dust.

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