Super Dimensional Fantasy Shop

Vol 3 Chapter 131: Tianyu Emperor


   With the oil and water evaporating, Ling Yun took the chopsticks and flipped the barbecue on Bella’s wings.

   "Come on, Bella, have a taste."

   Ling Yun looked at the almost roasted snake meat and picked it up.

   Bella turned her head when she heard the sound, and saw Ling Yun dragging it down with one hand and holding the barbecue with the other.


   Bella opened her mouth, and Ling Yun let it in.

"Is it tasty?"

   Ling Yun touched Bella's head.


   Bella nodded in response.

   Xilin: "······"

   Thor: "······"

   is really self-sufficient.

   Thor looked at his hands sadly.

   Unfortunately, her wings have no baking function.

   Celine: I think of you as my man, but you get along with my girlfriend?

   Netizens watched this scene and expressed their envy.

   They really want to keep a pet like this.

   When something happens, ride out to be awe-inspiring, and when it's okay, there is a dragon lady who can...

   "Sister Long Niang, I really want one too."

   "Wake up upstairs! You have eaten all the peaches!"

   "...Is it okay if I think about it?"

   "I heard that there is a transformed dragon king in the dark forest of the west. You can be his man."


   Zhou Nan ate the unscented snake meat in his hand in anguish.

   This scene is very much like when I had hot pot with Ling Yun and Xiao Xilin.

   It's just that there are two more people beside Ling Yun, and he is still a bachelor here...

   "No, I have to find an opportunity to ask Master if there are any daughters or nieces." Zhou Nan cried silently and thought.

   Zhou Rui: "······"

   I train you as a successor? You want to provide my cabbage and be my son?


at this time

  The huge dumpling that Limru turned into finally moved.

   It is estimated that the analysis of the great sage is finished.

   I saw that the wrapped giant dumpling actually started to rotate, and every time it turned, the dumpling would shrink by one circle, and instead, light smoke floated out.

   "Ah, it's so comfortable."

   Finally, it turned into a slime and fell in front of Ling Yun and the others.

   "Is the food okay?" Ling Yun asked with a smile.

   "Hiccups are simply delicious on earth."

   Limru let out a mushroom stomach, and said contentedly.

   Zhou Nan poked the slime lying on the ground curiously.

   I’m really curious, how did this guy swallow such a big snake corpse.

   Is it possible that there is dimensional space in the body?

   "Huh? It smells good, Ling Yun, what are you doing?"

   Limru's nose lifted, it smelled a very good smell, and the stomach that had just eaten was a little hungry.

   "Oh, I'm making barbecue, why? I'm hungry again?"

   Ling Yun stepped away.

   Limru's eyes lit up suddenly!

   At this moment, the barbecue on Bella's light wing is already tender on the outside.

   Limru bounced towards the blanket that fell on Bellenas, his eyes glowing.

   And Xilin, who was next to Ling Yun, seemed to have thought of something, her face suddenly changed.

   "Brother Lingyun, hurry up!"

   "What's the matter?" Ling Yun looked at Xilin in confusion.

   What's faster, I'm very stable, OK?

   Even if I win the race of hundreds of millions of people, you can't say whether I'm going to get better.

   "Bella! Bella is a dragon! It will be eaten!" Xiao Xilin tightly grasped Ling Yun's arm.

   Lingyun: "······"

   "Hurt, what did I think it was, don't worry, I still believe in Limru... Fuck! What are you doing?!"

   Ling Yun patted Xiao Xilin's hand to signal her peace of mind.

   But just halfway through the conversation, when he turned his head, he realized that Limru had a tendency to open his body.

   Isn't this the same posture as when it swallowed the corpse of the Green King Spirit Snake?

   Is it true that Xilin thought that Limru wanted to eat Bella?

   was so scared that Ling Yun grabbed it and threw it out.

   "Oh, what are you doing Ling Yun?"

   Limru staring at a cross bag on his head looked at Ling Yun puzzledly.

   It's just too comfortable to eat and want to stretch out and lie down.

   Is it necessary to throw it out like this?


Just when Limru wanted to jump up, four of Akong’s spears exploded from the void, three of them were inserted into the top, left, and right directions of Limru, and one spear protruded from the void and stopped abruptly. In front of Limru.

   Rimru fell to the ground again.

   The cold Akong’s Spear reflected a dazzling light under the sunlight.

   Limru: "That... girl, is there any misunderstanding during this period?"

   Seeing Xiao Xilin's cold expression, Limru was a little dazed.

   It did nothing!

   "Laughing so brilliantly, you won't be able to laugh soon."

   Looking at the magic circle that is about to be connected under his feet, the man in the black robe smiled darkly.

   At the same time, the other world

   "Yuanyuan, really, you can already go out. You don't need to accompany me to risk any danger after hunting down the B-class beast." Liu Yanran looked at Zhang Linyuan who followed behind in confusion.

   "If you hunt down a beast, will you leave me alone?"


   Liu Yanran was taken aback, but she couldn't answer it after a long time.

   "Right? So let me accompany you too. After all, if you have the Jizo Yuhun, you can also prevent accidents. It won't be good if you encounter a B-class fierce beast again." Zhang Linyuan chuckled.

   "Alright, let's go!"

   Raised Liu Yanran's jade hand, Zhang Linyuan smiled and walked towards the front.

   Liu Yanran looked at the figure holding her in front of her complicatedly.

   In fact, what she wants to say is...I will!

   Tianheng Mountain

   deep in the mountains

   A man covered in white animal skins gradually opened his eyes.

  The purple light flashed in the darkness.

   "Are there humans coming? Oh, those humans really use my Tianheng Mountain Range as a trial area."

   "Emperor, do you really need us to accompany you?"

   Beside the man, a rickety old man spoke.

"No, I can go alone. The space is too difficult to break open. I asked the snake to explore the way before, but the connection was broken in the blink of an eye." The man shook his head and rejected the old man's kindness~www. It should not be possible to be killed so quickly with the strength of the snake. The only explanation is that the barrier of that world is too strong! "

   "It's a pity, but as long as you master that side of the world, you can definitely become a new generation of beast gods!"

   The old man said frantically with expression on his face.

   "It's just that I have worked hard." Tianyu looked at the old man silently.

   The old man also calmed down, and then firmly said: "It is his honor for my son to do things for the emperor!"

   The Emperor Tianyu nodded in satisfaction.

   Give them more benefits in the future.

   "After I went to that world, Tian Hengshan was left to you to manage. If some of the beast kings disobeyed, just kill them."

   Thinking of the beast kings who had violated his righteousness, a killing intent flashed through the eyes of the Tianyu Emperor.


   The old man replied respectfully.

   "Okay, you step back, and by the way, clean up the two small things that broke in." The Tianyu Emperor waved his hand.

   When the old man left, the Emperor Tianyu silently looked at the space crack in front of him. Below it, a purple circle was gradually forming!

   A strange light flashed through the pupils of Emperor Tianyu.

   This crack appeared here decades ago, but it was sealed by a beast resembling an alpaca.

But that's okay.

   Today, he is going to break this space!

   The only pity is that... If it wasn't for this **** world barrier, he really wanted to bring his army of beasts over.


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