Super Dimensional Fantasy Shop

Vol 3 Chapter 136: Ling Yun: Can't beat it, wait for death

** Yuan looked at Ling Yun dumbfounded.

Looking at the other's dumbfounded face, Ling Yun gave a funny laugh.

"Come on, Limru sprays water."


Immediately, Limru's mouth sprayed a ball of water.


The icy cold water hit ** Yuan's face.

"Ah! It's cold!"

The cold caused ** Yuan to finally recover, slapped Ling Yun's hand off, and covered his eyes.

Liu Yanran: "······"

It's terrible, doesn't this man know Lianxiangxiyu at all? !

And what the **** is the slime next to him?

This man raised this disgusting thing! ! !

"Take a wipe." He took out a towel from the system space and handed it to ** Yuan.

** After taking a look from the corner of his eye, Yuan took it over and rubbed it randomly on his face.

Large pieces of lime were wiped off.

"Do you remember who I am now?"

Ling Yun spoke as she wiped her face.

"Give you a hint, the thing someone likes to do is call me for help."


Slightly stunned, this look completely stunned.

Watching Ling Yu slowly overlap with a familiar figure in his mind.

" are Ling...Lingyun?!"

"No, why are you here?"

**Yuan looked at the person in front of him in surprise.

I was really excited when I met old friends in another country.

It feels so good to meet fellow townspeople!

"This is my world, I don't appear here, I still appear at your house." Ling Yun gave a funny laugh.

Flick your fingers.

"It hurts!"

Touched his forehead, ** Yuan looked unhappy.

Liu Yanran, who looked at the two chatting and laughing: "0.0"

Why didn't I find out before, Yuanyuan is a social skill lever.

It's just such a short time.

Xilin and Thor, who were beside Ling Yun, glanced at each other.

Celine: ‘Who is she? ’

Thor: "It looks like a gardener, Lingyun's classmate"

Celine: "The gardener...can you be more perfunctory?" ’

Thor: ‘Hen, an animal that can lay eggs and has multiple cooking methods. ’

Celine: ‘. . . ’

Celine: ‘Where did you learn this? ’

Thor: "A person who called "Burn the whole world with a fire" told me. ’

Celine: ‘...Look at this person’s stuff in the future. It's too dark. ’

"How did you come here? The group chat hasn't turned on the pass-through function yet."

Ling Yun asked curiously.

"Ah, speaking of this, it's no wonder that the knife you gave me was the one that brought me peacefully."

"Space Channel!"

After Ling Yun listened, looking at the Jizo Yuhun in his hand, combined with what the source said before in the group, his eyes narrowed.

"Huh?!" ** Yuan was stunned.

Why is she a little bit confused?

"Some strong guys have broken through the cracks in the space and came here!"

Ling Yun said solemnly.

The next moment, the netizens who used the drone to switch the screen heard that Ling Yun's pupils all shrank.

"Hey, he's not kidding, is that space channel?"

"No, why is there so many disasters and disasters in Yanghai City!"


"What do we do then? Are we leaving?"

Although I don't know who the strong is, but if he can break through the void, he must be the strong!

**Yuan is the strongest person in this life.

Because you never know where you will offend him, and then you will be crushed easily like an ant!

hiss! It's scary to think about it!

"It's too late, you can hold this card, you can save your life at the critical moment."

Ling Yun raised his head and looked towards the sky.

He felt a very powerful force rushing towards here.

Xiao Xilin and Thor also looked up.

Xiao Xilin waved her hand, and Bella was taken into the imaginary space by her.

"What's the matter? Why does my body boil unconsciously?"

Limru's instinctive blow.


At this moment, purple rays of light lit up from the ground.

"Hahaha! Lord Tianyu is coming! Weak humans! Just wait to die!"

The black robe man came out laughing.

"Emperor Tianyu?!"

After she heard the name, Liu Yanran couldn't sit still, her pupils shrank slightly.

A terrifying figure appeared in his mind.

Those are the ten most terrifying beasts in the entire galaxy!

call out! call out! call out!

Several keys of truth emerged, and the burst of laser light turned the man into ashes.

"There is so much nonsense." Ling Yun put down his hand and looked at the ashes floating in the distance with disdain.

Liu Yanran was immediately anxious after seeing it, and quickly ran to Ling Yun to question: "You killed him, what if you can't find a way to deal with the emperor that day?"

Ling Yun glanced at Liu Yanran with a plain gaze: "Which people are long-winded, since they have all been summoned, don't kill him and let him talk nonsense?"

"Then you say how do we get back?!"

"Go back? Are you asking ** Yuan to stay with me, or return to that world to continue to be frightened?" Ling Yun said with a smile on his mouth and put one hand on ** Yuan's shoulder.

"Does this need to be asked? Of course it is good to return to our world! Yuanyuan's parents and sister are there!" Liu Yanran said subconsciously.

"Really?" Ling Yun chuckled lightly.

"How do you know what the source thinks?"

"Why? Could it be a source, you..."

After seeing Ling Yun's smile, Liu Yanran had a very bad idea in her mind.

"Don't worry, I will go back. Didn't you say that I am the protagonist? In this world, you can't be the protagonist."

At this moment, ** Yuan raised his head and stared at Ling Yun.

What she said also temporarily relieved Liu Yanran.

"Really ready?" Ling Yun asked tentatively.

"Yeah!" ** Yuan nodded firmly.

"That's a pity, you can't go back, then the Tianyu Emperor is too strong, I can't beat it, let's wait for death together." Ling Yun spread his hands and looked like'waiting for death'.

Liu Yanran: "······"


Hit you!

"Brother Ling Yun, here comes!"

At this time, Xiao Xilin suddenly spoke.

Ling Yun also closed his smiling face, endless flames spread, and a big sword burning with fire waves appeared in his right hand instantly.

After a month, are you finally going to completely pretend to be in front of a national audience?

Thinking about it, I'm still a little excited.

The huge flame made ** Yuan and Liu Yanran subconsciously take a step back.

Without him, it's too hot!

Thor waved his hand, and the Sky Frost Skadi appeared along with snowflakes.

Little Xilin plunged her hands into the void, and the key of nothingness was taken out.

The two of them guarded Ling Yun's side, one on the left and the other on the right.

The drone records the whole process

"Damn! These weapons are so handsome! Seeing the mysterious iron supernatural weapon in my hand, tears of envy fell."

"Upstairs are not alone! The designer is strongly requested to use refreshments in appearance."

"This is the so-called extraordinary weapon of other people's houses."


"Hold things, and this card, you can save your life when it's critical."

Ling Yun re-stuffed the Jizo Yuhun into **yuan's arms, and by the way gave **yuan the black card from the shop.

After that, I made a color to Xilin.


There was a crisp snapping sound, and the imaginary space opened from behind the two of them. Before they could recover, they were teleported to the distance.

"Ding! Congratulations on the successful upgrade of the group chat, open the travel card!"

At this time, a reminder sound suddenly came out of ** Yuan's mind, which made her stunned.

The group chat has been upgraded, pass the card?

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