Super Dimensional Fantasy Shop

Vol 3 Chapter 167: Eat two girls

Zero point

Dimensional shop

Ling Yun hit Hache and walked out of the imaginary space.

Celine, Thor, and Bella followed closely behind.

"Ah! Sleep!"

Lying on the bed all of a sudden, Ling Yun closed his eyes and said lazily.

"It's getting late." Thor looked at his phone and said.

"Ah, I have exhausted my physical strength, hurry up and let me sleep!"

Ling Yun shouted.

The one who was pulled by Thor to make this and that, what Conna's clothes, water cups, toothbrushes, and so on, made a lot of food.

Ling Yun felt that he had never been so tired of building battleships.

During the period, Ling Yun also built three air conditioners for Sophie's house.

One central air conditioner in the living room, and two small air conditioners in Sophie and Conna’s rooms.

This made Ling Yun very speechless, you said you are a vampire and a dragon, what kind of air conditioner you want.

"Brother Lingyun, I remember that you said in the morning what CDs you would watch with us in the evening." Xilin, who was combing Bella's hair, suddenly thought of this.

As soon as he said this, Thor also stopped: "Yeah, speaking of it, Lingyun, didn't you say to watch it together at night, or should I bring Sophie sauce back now?"

Ling Yun: "Uh, I think we can just watch it tonight. Sophie came in the way."

"But before I look at it, Bella, you can go back to the imaginary space."

Ling Yun shielded Bella.

Take out the notebook from the system space.

Then he took out the re-engraved disc.

Was beckoned to Celine and Thor.


With doubts, the two women lifted the quilt and got to the sides of Ling Yun.

"I really want to see it? Finally, I will give you a chance to regret it; otherwise, when I watch it, I will tell you that I can't stop, you must be psychologically prepared." Ling Yun mentioned to the two girls again. wake.

"It's okay, since we have all decided to follow you, naturally we won't be afraid of anything." The two women said unclearly.

Thought Ling Yun was going to show them some horror movie.

"Hey, since you brought it to the door by yourself, then I am not hypocritical!" After sighing, Ling Yun put his arms around the shoulders of the two women and turned on the player.

The next moment, the light in the room disappeared...

In the curious eyes of the two girls, a purple light appeared on the screen, followed by a strange sound.

This night, Ling Yun found that a poem said by the ancients was particularly good.

[Bao Jianfeng comes from sharpening, and the fragrance of plum blossom comes from the bitter cold! ]

Among them, the swordsmen Thor and Xi Lin have already felt it, and the plum blossom Lingyun has also realized it.

It is worthy of being a famous saying that has been used for many generations, even today it still gives people a deep understanding.

Praising the great man is just like praising Hawking before Ling Yun.


the next day


Ling Yun opened the door of the shop refreshingly and stretched in the face of the sun.

Although the sun in September was very hot, Ling Yun felt particularly comfortable today.

Even the sultry wind blowing on the body is extremely comfortable.

In the room, Celine and Thor looked dumbfounded.

They never thought that the future of the girl who appeared before would be like that...

Ellie is so miserable, she will give her some magic defenses when she comes.

"But... I suddenly understand what the words my father said before he left." Thor happily touched his belly.

"Brother Ling Yun is true too. No wonder I want to distract Bella. Shouldn't this kind of thing be told to us alone, why are they directly together?"

Xiao Xilin said bitterly.

Although she was very happy and happy to be Lingyun's woman, she was too disrespectful to be with other women for the first time.

Even if that woman is Sister Thor.

"Hehe, I think it's very good, the first time you see Xilin you cry."

"Ahhhhh, this is it, all the awful looks have been seen! No face to see people!"

Hearing Thor's teasing, Xilin's face suddenly turned red, and she put the quilt on her face.

The image of the queen she worked hard to create was immediately beaten back to its original form by Ling Yun!

"Don't say that, now we are good sisters who treat each other frankly." Thor soothed.

"Also say me, Sister Thor, why are you so proficient! And you don't have a shy face, but you are very happy." Pulling the quilt open, a pair of complaining golden pupils were revealed.

"Shouldn't it be happy?" Thor said curiously, tilting his head.

Xilin: "..."

"You are just too shy, I haven't used it for a while." Thor smiled and stretched out his hand to touch Xilin's forehead.

"Well, it's hot."

"Ah, stop talking!"

White jade arms stretched out from under the bed and slapped Thor's hands away.

"Hey, I want it."

After a long time, the image of Thor's **** was revealed again.


Just as the two girls were playing together, Ling Yun opened the door and shouted: "It's breakfast..."

Xilin: "..."

Thor: "..."

At this moment, the two women are posing together in Ling Yun's pose last night.

"excuse me."

After the atmosphere was silent for a while, Ling Yun said something before closing the door.

Leaning on the door with his back, Ling Yun patted his chest: "Huhuhu, I was wondering if the two girls would have a conflict, but I didn't expect it to be an orange? White worried."

In the room

Celine and Thor looked at each other.

It always feels like they have done something terrible.

But why did they not mean to explain to Ling Yun at all?


ten minutes later

The two girls walked out of the room.

Thor is okay. The dragon has a strong resilience and can already walk. Xilin's words were mixed by Bella, and her feet trembled a little.

"Come out? Let's take a wash and prepare to eat." Ling Yun, who was sitting on the sofa and typing, smiled.

He suddenly found another business opportunity.

Go write it, Ling Yun thought about it, the general system is too low, it's not good enough, if you want to write, write the advanced one.

After browsing some information on the Internet, Ling Yun found that this world also had some fragments of mythology.

What Nuwa is nourishing the sky, Shennong tastes all kinds of herbs everywhere.

In the end, Ling Yun decided to integrate them and write a trilogy: "Ever Ancient Honghuang", "Fengshen Bang", "Journey to the West"

In this age of aura, books like UU Read are still very popular.

At that time, we will build a wave of fellow people on this basis... Ling Yun had already thought that a lot of banknotes would continue to flood him.

As for the website, it was naturally built by Lingyun himself.

Server or something, call Didi Zhou Rui directly, and everything will be done for you.

"Ling Yun, you are playing your game again." Thor walked over, hugged Ling Yun's neck, and put a scent on his face, said.

"I'm writing." Ling Yun smiled slightly and answered Thor's small mouth.

"Hee hee"

Thor immediately laughed idiotically.

"Pay attention to saliva." Ling Yun smiled helplessly, and wiped it with his hand.

Thor is good everywhere, but the character of this **** can't be changed.

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