Super Dimensional Fantasy Shop

Vol 4 Chapter 185: Void Inflammation

"Super Dimensional Fantasy Shop (

Qin Ming was caught off guard by this blow and the dragon's breath went straight back several meters.

After dispelling the chaotic roar, Qin Ming frowned: "That power just now?"

He can be very sure that Qing Qingzhu does not have the vitality of the flame, and the attack power contained in the attack just now does not have any vitality aura.

Because you don't understand, you will be careless.

But others don't think so.

The palace lord, Ying Xuanzi, and countless disciples of the Nine Heavens Taiqing Palace all looked at the calm woman in the cold mist in shock.

How come they didn't want to understand that a ten-year-old girl could actually block the powerhouse in the reincarnation realm? !

"This chill!" Lord Yan's pupils shrank slightly.

"This kind of absolute coldness feels almost the same as that of Little Junior Sister." The Lord of Darkness narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Is she the reincarnation of Junior Junior Sister?" Lei Master asked uncertainly.

"No, no, she doesn't have the aura of a little junior sister, and that power is not an ice ancestor charm." The dark elder sister shook her head, denying the words of the mine master.

Qing Zhi: "..."

He dignified the Azure Dragon King unexpectedly found himself unable to intervene.

"Although I don't know what you have experienced that made you so different from the original, but your mortal ending today will not change!"

Lingqingzhu frowned and whispered softly, "Original?"

Qin Ming didn't explain, his hands slammed into the void.

A dark flame emerged from the void, burning so that the void was trembling slightly.

As soon as the fire came out, the fire surrendered, and the candles placed on both sides of the road by the Jiutian Taiqing Palace to illuminate all swayed slightly toward the flame in Qin Ming's hand, as if the courtier had seen the emperor.

"I'm going? Why? This guy's flame feels more advanced than my flame ancestor charm."

Seeing the scene where Wan Huo surrendered, Lord Yan couldn't sit still.

Even with the injuries on his body, he stood up forcefully, and said very uncomfortably.

It is obvious that the flame ancestor talisman is the flame supreme. What do you mean by the black flame that suddenly ran out?

"This live treasure!"

Looking at Yan Master pointing at Qin Ming, the dark elder sister couldn't help covering her face, she felt the honor and defeat of the ancient eight masters.

"Oh, turtle."

In response, Qin Ming just sneered.

Master Yan: "!!!"

"Can you say that again!"

Endless flames erupted, making Yan Lord like a **** walking in the flames.

He, Lord Yan, Flame Supreme!

Why do you call me a turtle? ! !

"Heh, the mere flame ancestor talisman, I haven't put it in my eyes. Tell you these turtles!"

"The name of this fire is Void Swallowing Flame! It is the second highest on the list of different fires!" Qin Ming held up the black flame in his palm, and said flatly.

"Void Swallowing Inflammation? What is that?"

"There is also a list of different fires, have you heard of it?"

"No, can't it be an ancient sacred fire?"

A group of disciples looked at each other.

Even Ying Xuanzi and the palace lord were dumbfounded.

Void swallowing inflammation? What's that stuff?

"So, you are all a group of turtles." After putting everyone's expressions under his eyes, Qin Ming showed even more disdain.


All at once, completely offended everyone.

"Heavenly King! You are too presumptuous today! Come back to me, or I will drive you into purgatory!" The Heavenly King Hall snorted coldly.

"Hehe, who are you scaring? Others are afraid of you in the Palace of Heavenly Kings. I am not afraid. This young master has never put you in the eyes. Today, whether it is Qingzhu Aya, or you, you, you, all have to die!"

"I want to turn the entire martial plane into my world point!"

Qin Ming pointed at the crowd and said something that was incomprehensible.

The next moment, the whole person shot at Ling Qingzhu and the flame in his hand called Void Swallowing Flame pulled out a long wave of fire in mid-air.

"The Palace of Heavenly Kings, do we want?" The Palace of Seven Kings quietly attached to the ear of the Palace of Heavenly Kings and asked.

After the Heavenly Kings Palace glanced at him, he shook his head: "I want to see what this guy is going to do."

"Furthermore..." A killing intent flashed in the eyes of the Heavenly King Palace: "A mere tribulation reincarnation mirror, I have no shortage of alien demons!"

As soon as these words came out, the surrounding king halls trembled, as if they had fallen into an ice cellar.

Between each other, the expressions looking at the Palace of Heavenly Kings became more and more frightened.

This guy can become the Palace of the Alien Demon Race Heavenly King, but not only the strength, but also the ability to frighten the demons.

Even today when the alien demon emperor was sealed, the entire alien demon race was not in chaos, all because of the existence of this palace of heavenly kings.

"Nothingness swallows inflammation! Yanjin swallows heaven hand!"

Learned the previous lesson.

Qin Ming leaped high, manipulating the flame in his hand to turn into a giant flame hand covering the sky and the sun, and then patted Aya Qingzhu.

"Be careful, Qingzhu!" the palace lord yelled worriedly.


Ling Qingzhu calmly opened a red envelope.

The next moment, a large transparent sword appeared in front of Qing Qingzhu.

The petite body is holding a big sword as tall as hers, and it doesn't seem to fit no matter how she looks.


The crisp sound resounded around.

In the shocking eyes of countless people, a huge flame blasted from the transparent sword.


The orange flame covered the sky, swept across the void, and instantly blasted the **** flame back.

"What?" In midair, Qin Ming's pupils suddenly shrank.

In an instant, he was swallowed by the huge flame, and the whole person flew out upside down.

"Nothingness swallows inflammation! Swallow him for me!"

Halfway through, Qin Ming quickly stabilized his figure, manipulating the Void Swallowing Flame and began to devour the flames of the Skyfire Great Sword.

After swallowing it for a while, Qin Ming found out.

These flames are just the most common common fires, but their quality and density are extremely powerful.

There is a temperature comparable to the flame on the surface of the sun.

Burn everything wherever he went. UU reading

All the stone bricks paving the Taiqing Palace in Jiutian were cracked.

A group of disciples only felt dry and dry.

"I'm going, when did the Young Palace Master have such a powerful artifact." A disciple said profusely.

A few elders on the side propped up the barrier for them, but above their heads, the red flame and the black flame were like two suns.

It's too hot to be dried.

"I don't know, but do you still remember that super strong man a few years ago? Perhaps the young palace master's artifact was obtained from him." An old disciple remembered Ling Yun who had seen him in the backyard that day.

"This fire, why is there so much volume?!"

In the sky, Void Swallowing Inflammation continued to swallow, but Qin Ming's brows became tighter and tighter.

Because he found that the flames seemed to be endless, inexhaustible, no matter how hard they were sucked.

"Dawn strike!" Qing Qingzhu crushed another gift package.

This is from Risa.

In the next moment, Qing Qingzhu's clothes changed, and the green yarn skirt disappeared, replaced by a sword with white long sleeves and knee-high black stockings on her legs.

The hair style has also changed, replaced with the hair style that Raiden Yayi breaks dawn.


An icy voice appeared, and the next moment, a blue transparent sickle true shadow appeared in Qingqingzhu's left hand.

The black flames of purgatory wrapped around his back like a feather robe, holding a transparent big sword and a transparent sickle in his hand.

Sisi thunder flickered around it.

At this moment, Aya Qingzhu is no longer the cold moon goddess before.

On the contrary, it is more like a **** of war!

But no matter how heroic and brave, with the ten-year-old face, it still looks cute.

With a leap, he rushed towards Qin Ming's direction with a purple thunder and lightning.

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