Super Dimensional Fantasy Shop

Vol 4 Chapter 187: Void 0th Protection

"Super Dimensional Fantasy Shop (

"Ahem, you can't say that. Tell me, why do they work so hard to earn points? Is it for me? They don't want to become stronger."

"I just use the points as a handover platform." Ling Yun explained.

Qiong raised his head and looked at Ling Yun curiously: "I don't understand, why do you want so many points? As far as I know, even for killing monsters, you can get points? Wouldn't you be a loss?"

Ling Yun was taken aback for a moment, then thought of the origin, and nodded: "Perhaps."

But he can't say such things.

In fact, Ling Yun also had some guesses about the system in his mind.

Why does the system need the origin of each world?

Is it more convenient for him to control the world?

But according to Lingyun Xianyu's character, is there any benefit in being in charge of the world?

Ling Yun didn't understand, and didn't want to understand, he just wanted to live his daily life quietly.

Going out from time to time to pretend to be forceful, and often fighting at home is very satisfying.

Oh, by the way, and his plan to collapse the game.

"Okay, I'm going to save my little guest, Qiong, are you going back or what do you do?"

"Can I go together?" Qiong asked suddenly.

"What?" Ling Yun was taken aback, looking at her with some surprise.

"I also want to know what you usually go through, don't, don't get me wrong, I don't care about you! I just want to see what you do when you don't open a shop."

Qiong Tsundere rolled her face, and said with a reddish face.

Tsundere's family died, Qiong said that he had personally authenticated.

"If I really have something, I can't take you." Ling Yun said dubiously.

Qiong's complexion changed slightly, and he stood up quickly, and the clean slime on his head fell to the ground.

"I don't care! You must take me!"

The attitude was very firm, making Ling Yun a little confused.

You seem to be just my neighbor, right? How do you feel so like a housekeeper.


Looking at the wild ancient giant hand that was photographed towards him, Qing Qingzhu, who was only capable of creating aura, said that he was a little panicked.

But now everyone is watching her, she has to keep calm.

group chat

Aya Kiyoshitake: "Everyone, what do you do now?"

There was a video in the group, so everyone knew what happened.

Kevin: "Could this be the legendary hand that fell from the sky."

Kevin groped his chin and said.

Sophie: "Don't panic first, crush the red envelope I gave you, it should be able to withstand some harm."

Broken Queen: "Let's not advise, I have sent Bella's breath to you, just stun!"

Ling Yun: "Don't add to the chaos. Didn't you see that Kevin's Skyfire Great Sword failed? Bella's Dragon Breath is probably a slap in the face."

Ling Yun: "@绫清竹, it's okay, I'll come later, I'll hammer him for you."

Qingqingzhu: "Thank you Lingyun brother!"

Aya Qingzhu's pupils lit up.

She didn't care about the others, the most important thing was Ling Yun's coming!

Celine: "My Bella must be better than that guy!"

A certain man's woman still doesn't know anything.

Kevin: "..."

I always felt offended again, but it was a fact that his fire was swallowed.

Kevin: "You can't blame me! The ghost knows that Qin Ming flame can swallow other flames?"

Ling Yun: "Didn't you hear what someone said? You don't even know Void Swallowing Inflammation, Turtle!"

Kevin: "!!!"

At this moment, not only Kevin, but everyone felt offended.

Aya Kiyoshi: "Dear brothers and sisters, stop chatting, I might die if I don't think about it."

Aya Kiyoshi felt that she was about to cry.

As for why it is a elder brother and sister, there is no way. She is the youngest Yazi, who is only 13 or 14 years old, and Xilin is all fourteen.

Xiao Chuo was resurrected, without the cold heart, although in the eyes of outsiders, he was still the cold Young Palace Master.

But in the group, she just wants to be the truest self.

Mi Long: "@绫清竹, use my red envelope, that Qin Ming is not dead and half disabled."

Milong, who was walking on Uranus, made a casual sentence.

What he gave Qing Qingzhu was nothing else, but the biggest lethal weapon he had now.

Ling Yun: "A big boss is surprised upstairs!"

Dagu: "Uh, raise your hand weakly, why don't you consider my light? It's not good to break the face with a little bit."

Risa: "Forget it, the ones upstairs are all borrowed in your form. I'm afraid you borrowed the light too. If you have to pay off the debt, you will have to pull sister Qingzhu. Will your conscience hurt?"

Dagu: "..."

Sister, it hurts me to say that, you know?

Qingqingzhu left the group chat.

Crushed Sophie's red envelope.

Suddenly, a blue light swept across Qing Qingzhu's body, forming a transparent protective cover.

Looking at the red envelope sent by Dagu, he opened it directly.

The next moment, a whirlpool appeared in front of Qing Qingzhu.

Zai Peiliao's light shot out in an instant, blasting towards the wild and ancient giant hand that was photographed.

At the moment when the light collided with it, that wild ancient giant hand was a meal.

"Huh?" Qin Ming was taken aback, and then violently used force.

But it was strange to find that no matter how he conveyed his vitality, the Great Desolate Prisoner's Heavenly Hand couldn't move half a minute.

Light upright! All monsters hit by the ultimate move will pause for a few seconds.

The effect is the same as that of the knight kick lock.

This stalemate lasted thirty seconds.

After thirty seconds were over, the light disappeared, and then the ancient giant hand continued to press down towards Ling Qingzhu.

Qin Ming: "???"

Aya Kiyoshitake: "..."

Everyone: "..."

So, was there any change in the entire battle other than a delay of thirty seconds?

The group was strangely quiet.

Risa: "...@大古, is this your point of breaking face?"

"Risa" poked "Dagu",

Ling Yun: "...@大古, are you the second man? You finished shooting so soon?"

Honjo Kaede: "Is there no debt? I think the skills that Sister Qingzhu just displayed are the most initial."

Risa: "Oh, that's no wonder, now Daegu is a waste without relying on his Almost all people are alike.

Da Gu, who looked at the screen, flushed and said nothing.

This face slap is too fast!

Qing Qingzhu of Profound Sky Continent smiled bitterly at the news in the group.

Remembering what Miron said before, he quickly crushed it.


Suddenly, in the shocked eyes of Qing Qingzhu, a huge white light lit up in front of him, and then an extremely large white magic circle appeared at Qing Qingzhu's feet.

The huge magic light wings like angels unfold on the magic circle!

"Magic circle?"

Qin Ming's eyes suddenly bulged when he saw this thing appear, and he quickly rubbed his eyes. He couldn't read it wrong, right.

The collapse of the fantasy world is already very awkward, and if the magic circle appears again, it will be completely collapsed.


The disciples and elders below were in an uproar.

"Do you feel it? That kind of destruction."

On the ground, the Lord of Darkness stared blankly at the giant magic circle in the sky that had dissipated the rays of the sun.

"Obviously it looks so sacred, but it has such a terrifying aura." Qing Zhi said in shock.

"Retreat first!"

The Palace of Heavenly Kings was also startled by this sudden appearance, and shouted to the three people in the sky.

The heart of the three palaces was also horrified.

Because they have never seen a magic circle with this structure.

There is no complicated pattern, but it seems to have the power to collapse the world.

After a brief shock, Aya Qingzhu returned to calm.

There was an extra memory in her mind, that was the way to manipulate the magic circle.

The next moment, under the shrinking pupils of countless people, Aya Kiyoshitake's cold voice resounded through the world.

"Void Zero Protection! Start!"

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