Super Dimensional Fantasy Shop

Vol 4 Chapter 196: Teresa annoyed

"Super Dimensional Fantasy Shop (

Floating Island of Destiny

Two guests were welcomed on this day.

But for Destiny, they are all uninvited guests.

"Alarm alert! World Snake Lord Kevin Kaslana and the ancient fairy red kite descended to his destiny! Please go to Floating Island No. 1 immediately."

In an instant, all the Valkyries accepted the order.

Teresa, who had just gotten out of bed, was taken aback when she heard the alarm.

"Kevin is here?"

After quickly changing his clothes, he picked up the Hecate of Polar Night on the side and rushed out.

On the Floating Island of Destiny 1

Bishop of Destiny Otto Otto Apocalis brought Amber, Cheng Lixue and all the Valkyries gathered here.


Cheng Lixue yelled excitedly when she saw Fu Hua beside Kevin.

God knows how long it has been since she saw her master.

Fu Hua glanced at Kevin.

Kevin naturally understood what Fu Hua meant and shrugged.

"I said, I have never restricted your freedom."

Fu Hua rolled his eyes at Kevin.

Believe you a ghost.

"Lixue, let's go."

After that, the one who didn't bring bird Otto at all, took Lixue away with the princess hugging him.

The other Valkyries cast a glance at each other.

Is that the master of the commander-in-chief? Inexplicably handsome.

The Valkyries looked at Otto's expression and found that the latter's expression had not changed at all.

Without guessing in my mind, could it be that the bishop knew it all morning?

But is this really the case?

"I don't know what's the matter with the Lord of the World Snake coming to my destiny? Come to rob the beast? It's a pity, there is nothing you want here."

Otto smiled flatly.

But his heart was very itchy, and he was terrified, especially afraid that the world snake would abduct Lixue through Fu Hua, then he really had no place to cry.

But on the surface, he still needs to put on a plain expression.

The Valkyries clenched the broken weapons in their hands and looked at Kevin warily.

Ever since the Destiny’s strongest Valkyrie Cecilia and Kaslana’s Patriarch Siegfried Kaslana were abducted by Kevin, the entire Destiny regards Kevin as a life and death enemy.

In addition, the Collapsing Beast that the Valkyries desperately contained was often picked up by Kevin every time, and the friction between the two became stronger.

Although it is not the realm of life and death, there is still a mentality of violent beating.

"Who said I'm here to find Benghuai Beast? I'm here to grab Void Wanzang."

Facing Otto, Kevin showed a dark smile at the corner of his mouth.

Otto: "..."

"All the Valkyrie prepare! Heavenly Father prepare!"

Following Otto's order, the huge mecha behind the bishop's hall glowed pink.

Countless sky guards surrounded this place.

He can tolerate the collapse of the beast, but you really can't stand it if you steal my Void Manzo.

He is simply digging his foundation!

"Okay, joking. Actually, I'm here to find Teresa this time." Kevin looked at the angry Otto and pressed his hand to the void.

There is no benefit to smashing with Otto, and it was originally his joke.

Kevin said, wouldn’t it be more convenient to go directly to Walter than the Void Manzang?

The designated tool man of the collapse of the three major alliances-Walter Young

"Find me?"

Teresa, who was next to Otto, was taken aback for a moment, and she reached out her hand and pointed at herself inexplicably.

"What do you want to do with Teresa?"

Otto frowned slightly.

"It's nothing, just come to send something." Kevin walked to Teresa in the wary gaze of the Valkyrie, took out a box of calcium tablets from Heikari, and put it directly into Teresa's arms. Inside: "This is for you."

Teresa looked at the plastic box in her hand suspiciously, and slowly read out under everyone's gaze: "Zeng Gao Shuxiong Yihua milk... milk tablets?!"

Otto: "..."

Valkyries: "..."

The world suddenly became quiet.

Everyone looked at Kevin dumbfounded.

The lord of the world snake is really a bull beer. Both of these things are De Lisa's forbidden area. You can directly break it right now.

After reading, Teresa lowered her head in silence, and the surrounding atmosphere was a little frozen, causing some Valkyrie to take a step back.

"The Oath of Judas!"

With Teresa waved her left hand.

In an instant, a golden chain flew from a distance and wrapped around Teresa's arm.


The golden Judas fell from the sky and hit the ground heavily.

"The Oath of Judas, the zero rated power! Hecate of the Polar Night, the Aurora of Eternal Night!"

The next moment, the golden cross burst into light, and countless gears emerged from the sky.


The heterochromatic cross was thrown into the sky by Teresa.

The blue nodules were opened.

The world was instantly covered by blue and golden yellow.

A huge heterochromatic cross stands in the center of the floating island, and around it is a spiral ladder formed by the nodules of grace.


The huge Hecate of the polar night suspended in the air bloomed with a ray of light that offset the sealing power released by the nodules of the grace.

Let Teresa be able to move freely in the nodules of grace.

Of course, these are only for Kevin alone, and the others have not been affected.


Kevin looked at Teresa who pulled a golden spear from the Judas Oath in the distance, and the corner of her mouth twitched.

"This time I was miserable by that guy Lingyun."

In his mind, he unconsciously remembered the words in Ling Yun's previous message.

‘Never let Teresa know that he gave this bottle of calcium tablets. ’

He suddenly felt that he was too young!

But the only good thing is...

Kevin looked at the shining black card in his chest.

"Forget it, just take it as a practice with younger generations."

In the distance, Teresa raised her head, her scarlet eyes lit up.

The knives behind them all bloom.

The blood of Vishnu was released without reservation.

In the eyes of countless disciples worshiping

Ling Yun and Ling Qingzhu landed from the sky to the ground together.

As the pupils turned, the eyes returned to their normal color.

Exited the six-path Indra mode.

Landing Lingyun glanced at the place where the black air had dissipated. UU reading www.uukanshu.cóm

The three palaces left, Ling Yun knew but did not kill them.

Because these are good whetstones.

It is also a good choice to keep them for the future to try out Aya Kiyoshi.

"Qingzhu, give me your black card." Ling Yun suddenly thought of something.

"it is good."

Ling Qingzhu did not doubt that he had him, and handed the black card to Ling Yun.

I saw the latter wave gently on the black card, and the black card gradually turned into a cyan ring pendant.

In the middle is a ring, but it is worn by a chain.

"Come on, I will put it on for you."

"it is good."

"Um, you first quit the dress of breaking dawn, this style is not suitable for you." Ling Yun frowned when he looked at Qing Qingzhu's dress.

In her mind, Aya Kiyoshitake is the goddess of ancient costume. Although it is good to wear modern clothes, it still feels a little weird.

Lingyun's request, Qingqingzhu, would naturally not refuse.

He took out the card of Breaking Dawn's Assault, and his mind instantly returned to its original appearance.

Qingsha plain skirt, a light gauze cover half of his face lightly.

Looking back and smiling, the world faded, only that touch of green lotus stood in this world.

Ling Yun couldn't help but stare blankly.

Compared with the cute little girl before, Aya Qingzhu is truly amazing to Lingyun.

"From today on, you will be my default person. Come, come and have a sip." Ling Yun pointed to his face and said with a smirk.


Aya Qingzhu happily opened the gauze on her face, and printed her blushing face against Ling Yun's face.

"Suddenly I feel a little redundant." Qiong said in a low tone as he looked at the two people in the distance.

Yes, she is just a neighbor, everything is just her own love.

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