Super Dimensional Fantasy Shop

Vol 4 Chapter 201: Join the battlefield

"Super Dimensional Fantasy Shop (

At this moment, Esther showed the power of her guardian god.

The sharp silver great sword splits the storm and bounces thunder.

The sacred flame of the Phoenix King was blown away directly.

The huge Demon Demon Sacred Sword smashed past the Phoenix King.

"Houpa will never allow you to do whatever you want!"

At the critical moment, Hupa stood in front of the Phoenix King, opened his hands, and a ring opened, trapping Esther's Demon Sword.


A touch of astonishment appeared on his calm little face.

"Don't underestimate me, I'm Hupa, but the demon **** of time and space!"

Hupa yelled, his hands exposed.

Furiously conveying the force of rules towards the circle.


The next moment, in Esther's surprised gaze, her Demon Demon Sword seemed to be cut off by space.

It was cut into pieces by the ring.

Sprinkle the void.

In this brief stalemate, time was taken out for the other sacred beasts' moves.

There were no obstacles to the moves of other sacred beasts, and they blasted straight towards Esther.

Esther's pupils shrank slightly, and he set up the holy sword in his hand.

Ten minutes ago

Zhou Rui rolled up his sleeves and looked at the luminous elf contract on it.

A message came into his mind.

"Split the empty seat, want to return to the original?"

"The original return? Wait!"

Ling Yun was taken aback for a moment, then his pupils sharpened as if thinking of something.

The eternal kaleidoscope writing wheel emerged, and the red suzao nenghu rose up into the sky.

Spreading wings means flying towards the distance.

In the sky

Ling Yun looked at the engraving of the glowing wizard in his hand.

There was a very bad idea in my mind.

Great changes in the elven world.

As a super mythical beast, why does the schizophrenia return to the original world in the elves? At the same time, why does Esther's energy run out.

The answer is already here.

The two are either fighting or fighting against some powerful enemy.

But no matter which one can be left alone.

"It's really eventful."

Zhou Rui looked at the direction Ling Yun was leaving and sighed.

He wondered how the elven world was peaceful before, but something happened today.

But what Ling Yun said was that he brought it in, so he naturally needed to be responsible to the end.

He took out a poke ball from his waist and threw it to the void.

next moment


Accompanied by the dragon's roar, a blue dragon with red blood wings appeared beside Zhou Rui from the Elf Ball.

Turned over and stood on the back of the blood wing flying dragon, pointed in the direction Ling Yun had left, and said, "Bloodwing flying dragon, follow up!"


There was a roar, the fleshy wings waved, and the blood-winged flying dragon turned into an afterimage and disappeared.


"It's coming soon."

Ling Yun murmured as he watched the brighter and brighter elf contract on the back of his hand.


At this moment, there was a roar in the distance.


Ling Yun raised his head and realized that there was a tsunami drowning the forest below?

"No, it's rain!"

Ling Yun looked at the dark clouds shrouded in the distance, his pupils narrowed slightly.

Below that dark cloud, light flashed from time to time.

He can feel that Esther is there!

When Ling Yun flew close, he saw the scene of the beasts besieging Esther.

"White Horse!"

Ling Yun's icy voice sounded.

In the next moment, the dark clouds receded amidst Guyoka's dazed expression.

A white horse made of flames jumped out of the sun and stepped into the air.

The white steeds turned into a sea of ​​fire in the shocked eyes of the beasts and swallowed their big moves.


The phoenix king let out a phoenix sound, and the sacred flame swept through, barely offsetting the white inflammation that came.

"I'm not going to look for you. I didn't expect you to come here directly?" Ling Yun withdrew from Susano and fell behind Esther.

Hearing the sound coming from behind, Esther turned his head and called out in confusion: "Master?"

"It's okay." Ling Yun gently touched Esther's head and said softly.

"Well, it's okay." Esther shook his head.

"Why did you fight them?" Ling Yun asked.

If it was just a divine beast, there might be some conflict between Esther and it.

But the meaning of a bunch of beasts is hard to say.

"Is such that."

After hearing what Ling Yun said, Esther will pass by and talk to Ling Yun again.

After hearing Esther's reason, Ling Yun looked complicated.

Although he wanted Esther to be an ordinary girl, it was obvious that she wanted to chase after herself and fight with him.

It's really hard to dislike such a girl.

Ling Yun knelt down, their foreheads pressed against each other, and a gentle voice sounded.

"Don't worry, I promise you that I will never leave you. Now... you come back and rest first."

"No, I want to fight with you." Esther stubbornly refused.

The voice still doesn't have any emotion, but the pupils are extremely firm.

"Then... let's fight together." Looking at those clear eyes, Ling Yun was not easy to refuse.

He stood up, holding Esther's left hand with his right hand.

Ling Yun looked at Hupa in the middle of the beast, his eyes narrowed slightly.

"Hupa, the super demon **** of time and space?"

"Human, this is her battle, I hope you don't interfere."

At this moment, Arceus suddenly appeared and stood in front of Ling Yun.

Hearing what Arceus said, Ling Yun sneered: "Since it's called a trial, then it's one-on-one. What do you mean by this group fight?"

"Hupa can summon the great beasts. As the master of Esther, why can't I fight for her?"

"Or do you want to stand on the opposite side of me?" Ling Yun narrowed his eyes.

Ling Yun raised his head, a pair of eternal kaleidoscopes made Arceus' pupils shrink.

It glanced at Esther vaguely and then at Lingyun.

Good evil power!

A person with this kind of power can even be followed by the sword elves of the sacred attribute.


"Boy, what's your name?"

Arceus suddenly became interested in Ling Yun.

"Ling the owner of a pot shop." Ling Yun said casually.

"The jar shop? That's how it is."

A glimmer of light flashed through Arceus' pupils.

It's still a little heard about the Dimension Store.

I just didn't expect to meet under such circumstances.

No wonder the magical existence of sword elves appears in this world, probably elemental elves from other worlds.

"Alzeus, let go, Hupa is not afraid of him!"

On this side, watching Arceus chatting with the enemy, Houpa's voice came from behind.

"Ling Yun, Miracle Desert was originally Hupa's home. I hope you will be merciful."

After speaking, Arceus left.

Looking at the direction Arceus was leaving, Ling Yun's pupils flashed.

Does this mean that he doesn't care?

Ling Yun turned his head to look at Hupa, a calm voice came out: "Do you like group fights?"

"What happened to Hupa in a gang fight? That guy wants to rob Hupa's house, and Hupa has to take care of her!"

The child's xinxing Hupa was directly shouted by Ling Yun.

In the distance, Zhou Rui who rushed here heard Hu Pa's words, and there was a thud in her heart.

I feel bad.

"Don't worry, even if you gang fights, you can't beat me. When the quality reaches a certain level, the amount needed is more than that." Ling Yun chuckled.

Squeezed Esther's hand tightly and began to chant the mantra: [Cold Queen of Steel,

The holy sword to slay demons and demons——

Turn into a sword of steel here, give me supernatural power! ]



As Ling Yun's voice fell, a white light instantly enveloped Esther's body.

Under Zhou Rui's shocked gaze, Astor turned into a holy sword full of sacred aura!

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