Super Dimensional Fantasy Shop

Vol 4 Chapter 204: Super Time

"Super Dimensional Fantasy Shop (

"Alzeus, who has no slate, looks weird." Ling Yun smiled.

"Ling Yun, it's not the time to laugh at all, we are in big trouble." Zhou Rui came to Ling Yun's side while sitting on the blood wing flying dragon, and said with a wry smile.

"Is there? I think it's okay, at most it is to reshape the world."

Zhou Rui: "..."

No, it's not good at all!

"This...what is this? It's not the Arceus Houpa knew."

Seeing Arceus' blood-red gaze, Houpa took a step back in fear.

"Hupa, how did you summon it?" Chief Rem asked solemnly.

In this Arceus body, he did not feel the breath of a peacemaker, but an extremely tyrannical hostility.

"I... I don't know."

Faced with the uncertain gazes of the gods and beasts, Hupa panicked.

It just wanted to teach Ling Yun a lesson, it really didn't want to destroy the world!

"It looks like it should be me in another time and space."

At this time, Arceus' voice suddenly spread into everyone's mind.

"Is it the time and space of Chao Ke?" Ling Yun's voice suddenly sounded.

"You know?" Arceus said in surprise.

"Just so-so, the manager of the Dimension Store will always come into contact with some inexplicable things."

Hearing Ling Yun's words, Arceus was silent for a moment, and suddenly said: "Well...then can I ask you something?"

When these words came out, everyone and the beasts were shocked.

As the **** of creation, Arceus actually needs help from others?

Accustomed to the power of Arceus, Arceus is invincible in their hearts.

"I was just surrounded and beaten, and now I am asked to help again. Isn't that bad?"

Ling Yun's pupils flashed a ray of light, and said without a trace.

This meaning is actually very obvious, he can't do things that are not good.

"That's the same, so let's do it, after finishing my thing, I can promise you something within my power as a rule of the elven world, how about it?"

After a moment of silence, Arceus gave Zhou Rui a reward for making Zhou Rui short of breath.

"Plus one, come to my shop to open a high-end jar."

Zhou Rui looked at Ling Yun, thinking of the price of high-end jars, fifty thousand points...

"Is it a high-end jar?" Alzeus, who didn't know anything, said he was just going to buy a jar and open it.

The low-level pot knows that it only has 100 points. If the high-level is dead, it shouldn't exceed a few thousand points. It will come out.

It's a good deal to spend thousands of points in exchange for peace in the elven world.

Ok? What is Zhou Rui's look, pity?

Suddenly, Arceus noticed Zhou Rui's sight and frowned slightly.

There was a very bad premonition in my heart.

I always feel... I was fooled.

But it has already agreed, and it is not easy to go back in front of a group of sacred beasts.

Here, upon seeing Arceus agreeing, Ling Yun's mouth turned into a smile.

It's really not easy to find someone to be taken advantage of in today's society.

But if you find one, you can eat it for a month.

"Is it solved?"

After getting the answer he wanted, Ling Yun turned his head full of energy, stretched out his hand, and pointed at Arceus, who had no slate beside him.

"Yes, because of Hupa, the rules of the world have been disrupted, especially at the junction of time and space. Now another time-space I replaced my definition in the elven world, trapping me in the gap between time and space. , The only thing I can do now is to communicate with you." Arceus' helpless voice sounded.

God knows how this pit-huo son opened up another space-time space and summoned it after losing its slate.

"Hupa, Hupa knows he was wrong."

Houpa, whom Arceus said, has withdrawn from liberation.

The juvenile Hupa fell on Diya Luka's back, and said with a self-reproach.

The trick just now has consumed all the power.

"Let me ask again, is anything really okay?"

Arceus was taken aback for a moment, but still nodded: "Of course, as long as I can."

"Very well, then it's settled. If you regret that I won't strip your hair off, alpaca." Ling Yun turned his head and looked at Arceus without a slate.

"Sheep? Alpaca?" Arceus was stunned.

Feng Wang and other sacred beasts also looked at each other.

"Hey, Ling Yun!" Zhou Rui shouted Ling Yun in shock.

It's fine to talk about this in private, but I'm embarrassed to talk about it in front of the Lord.

After a brief astonishment, Arceus laughed loudly: "Alpaca? Hahahaha, it's interesting, this is the first time someone called that way."

Zhou Rui glanced at Arceus in surprise.

Is it not angry?

After the laughter, Arceus' solemn voice sounded: "You guys, do your best to assist Ling Yun!"

"No, they are too food, they will only get in the way." Looking at the alpaca over three meters high in the distance, Ling Yun waved the holy sword in his hand towards the void.

Countless holy white light spots splashed down.

"Holy Sword Domain!"

Ling Yun gave a soft drink.

In the next moment, Ling Yun and Arceus, who had no slate, disappeared into their original places in an instant.

The remaining divine beast and Zhou Rui looked at each other.

They... are they disgusted?

"A small space opened up?"

In the gap of time and space

Arceus narrowed his pupils when he saw this scene.

A piece of holy space can be seen through its pupils.

Countless swords of the Demon Devil are suspended in the sky.

The earth was filled with the Sword of Demon Annihilation.

It's like a small world built specifically for the Sacred Sword of Demon Annihilation.

The Sacred Sword Realm, the ability converted by the Golden Sword Realm held by one of the ten powers of Velesrana.

Compared to holding a gorgeous golden sword, the sacred and exquisite Demon Sword is undoubtedly more in line with Ling Yun's aesthetic. U U Reading

In the sword space


At the moment when Arceus in another time and space saw Ling Yun, he seemed to have seen some life and death enemy, roared with red eyes, and rushed over.

Ling Yun looked plain, and pointed the Demon Demon Sword at Arceus.

The next moment, the holy sword suspended in the sky all changed directions, and the tip of the sword pointed at the oncoming alpaca.



With Ling Yun's order, hundreds of holy swords turned into a tsunami and rushed towards Arceus.

Al Zeus, who rushed towards him, saw this scene, his pupils narrowed slightly, and a white shield appeared on the surface to bounce all these holy swords.

The limit of the Sacred Sword Realm is nothing but purple items.

Although there are a lot of holy swords that can be reproduced in it, for Arceus, they are just a few hard pieces of iron.

Ling Yun jumped and avoided the collision of Arceus.

Looking at the destruction and death blast coming from the face, Ling Yun grabbed a re-engraved holy sword on the side.

It shot out suddenly at the alpaca.

The moment the holy sword rushed towards Arceus turned into an orange laser.



Arceus who was hit let out a painful wailing.

But he didn't fall down, his body was hurt a little bit more.

Ling Yun, who was at the core of the law of reason, immediately saw the reason.

"Even if there is no slate, has the corresponding element immunity already been produced in the body?"

"Then let me see how much you can resist." Ling Yun narrowed his pupils.


Dark flames, white flames, yellow thunder, purple thunder, and blue thunder were attached to the five holy swords.

Immediately afterwards, Ling Yun grabbed the hilt of each one and shot it out loudly.

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