Super Dimensional Fantasy Shop

Vol 4 Chapter 207: What kind of feeling does it feel when an alpaca drives out a wolf?

   "This is the evolution key of Fire-breathing Dragon x?"

   Lingyun looked at what Arceus handed over, and his pupils flashed with surprise.

   "You really know."

   Arceus saw Ling Yun's expression, his pupils narrowed slightly.

   To be honest, seeing Ling Yun shocked him too much.

   Whether it is the elemental spirit, the origin of another Arceus, or the evolution of the keystone.

   Ling Yun gave it the feeling that it was more omniscient and omnipotent than its creation god.

   "It's okay, I just met by chance."

   Ling Yun picked up the mega evolution stone on the table and looked at it.

   "The color is good, but this one can only be sold for a hundred points."

   "Is there only one hundred points?" Arceus's voice sank.

   Although it has a lot of keystones, these are undoubtedly prepared for the elves in the elven world.

   Hundreds of them are okay to say, but if you have to fill up 40,000 points, you will really lose money.

   "Ling Yun, you can change your terms, high-end jars are too expensive, I can't afford them."

   As soon as Arceus spoke, it found that Ling Yun's face had changed.

   The smiling expression before disappeared in an instant, and it was replaced by coldness.

   "Don't want to open it? When I came to my Dimension Store, there has never been a person who can't open the can after I take out the jar."


   Ling Yun snapped his fingers sharply.

  In an instant, countless chains came out of the void, locking Arceus.

   "Ling Yun! What are you going to do!"

   Arceus said in surprise and anger.

   was surprised that Ling Yun dared to do something, but angry was Ling Yun's attitude.

   It is unexpectedly locked up like a prisoner.

   If it spreads out like this, how will it preserve the face of the God of Creation?

   "Hehe, if it's outside, I might not be able to do anything to you, but when it comes to my chassis, you have to spit it out for me even if you don't want me!"

  Ling Yun sneered looking at Arceus who was constantly piercing.

   The next moment, the pressure from the shop suddenly descended from the void!


   Arceus' pupils shrank sharply, and he knelt on his knees.

   The terrifying pressure distorted the space around it.

   With the sound of ‘pop’, all the slabs floating on the body fell to the ground.

   instantly lost its light.

   "What do you want to do?" Arceus looked at Ling Yun angrily.

   It has never been so humiliated since the birth of the elven world.

"What? I opened a shop. Although integrity is the most important thing, it is also relative. You promised me to open a high-end jar. If you don’t open the jar, you will regret it? Isn’t it too dismissive of me? Now." Ling Yun smiled slightly.

   But in the eyes of Arceus, it looked like a devil's smile.

   "I did what I promised you. Shouldn't the things you promised me be done?"

   "But, but, I really don't have that many points!"

   Looking at Ling Yun, Arceus was very embarrassed and told the fact that he had no money.

   "That's okay. A slate is worth 10,000 points. It is perfectly fine to add a little keystone to four of them."


   Before Ling Yun finished speaking, Arceus denied it loudly.

   The slate is his weapon in a sense, but in a more sense it is its life.

   Without a slate, its power will flow away and eventually die.

   Ling Yun picked up a stone slab and weighed it in his hand, and found that it was quite heavy.

   Looks like this should be a dragon.

   Even if they don’t exchange their points to sell, I believe the people like Zhou Rui will steal their heads.

   The dragon slate of Arceus, symbolizing the strongest slate of dragon elves, no one will not be moved.

   "You don't want to give the slate, I think your golden decoration is also good." Ling Yun grabbed the golden ring on Arceus and pulled it.

   I found it a bit tight.

   Arceus: "..."

   "This is not an ornament! This is the bridge I use to connect the laws of the world. Without it, I would not be able to detect extraterritorial creatures for the first time!"

   Ling Yun released his hand and looked at Arceus speechlessly: "Then do you have any other treasures? No, no, no, a **** of creation is so poor, you are embarrassed to go out?"

   Arceus: "..."

   Then no one would dare to rob me!

   After being silent for a while, Arceus said: "I can give you an elf egg of a first-class beast."

   Ling Yun glanced at it speechlessly: "You treat me as an idiot. The first-level **** is almost 8,000 points, let alone an egg. I don't know if the skin **** hatched out of it."

   Arceus asked suspiciously: "The God of Skin?"

   "It's nothing, you don't need to care."

   Ling Yun waved his hand.

   He doesn't want it even if it's Leather God.

   "Then I have nothing else to give you."

   "Wrong, wrong, wrong, you have something, for example, a priesthood."

   "You mean?"

   Arceus' pupils shrank, and the moment he looked at Este, he already understood what Ling Yun wanted to say.

"Yes, just as you think, give Esther the title of super god, and then try his best to help Esther create the elemental spirit world in the elven world; plus the Hupa thing, I don’t care about your breach of contract. ."

   Ling Yun spoke lightly.

   "Master..." Esther's eyes moved like crystals.

   She didn't expect that everything Ling Yun did was for her.

   "It's okay." Ling Yun patted her head.

   Esther looked at Ling Yun, then looked at his knee socks, and made a decision in his heart.

   Looking at the slate in Ling Yun's hand, Arceus took a deep look at Ling Yun and nodded slightly: "Yes."

   It knows that as long as it dares to say no, its dragon slate will always say goodbye to it.

   "The slate will be given to you after your travel agreement. Now, take it." Ling Yun took the slate into the system space and stretched out his hand to look at Arceus.


   Arceus was taken aback.

   Is there anything else?

   "Elf egg of a first-level god, what do you pretend?"

   "??? Do you want a fairy egg?" Arceus looked at Ling Yun dumbfounded.

   "No, you missed the appointment, otherwise I can earn 50,000 points."

   Arceus: "..."

   This is really a master who doesn't suffer any Reluctantly handed a delicately patterned fairy egg to Ling Yun's hand.

   "Well, okay, let's go to the Elf World to finish things soon."

   "Wait, let me open an intermediate jar before I leave."

   Arceus said suddenly.

   Intermediate jars only need 5,000 points, which is still affordable.


   Ling Yun nodded and waved his hand.

   The chains and coercion disappeared.

   Arceus stood up again.

   The stone slabs scattered on the ground also re-suspended around it.

   It gave Ling Yun a complicated look.

   I really lost a lot today, I hope the jar can give it some comfort.

   On this side, Ling Yun crossed the eight thousand points on the Arceus black card to five thousand.

   Put the high-grade jar away and take out a medium-grade jar again.

   "Five thousand sincere benefits."


   At the moment of getting the jar, without any hesitation, Arceus crushed it directly.


  In an instant, a half-purple and half-gold ball of light flew out of it.

   "Ship!" Arceus was overjoyed.

   However, when it saw what was opened, it fell silent for an instant.

  : From the magical world of eggs, the patron saint of the grassland, the body is a wolf.

   Arceus: "..."

   Lingyun: "……"

   The air in the shop quieted strangely.

   Ling Yun looked at the silent Arceus with a weird face.

   You let an alpaca use a wolf?

  System, your brain is really big.

   Will this not be bitten to death?

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