Super Dimensional Fantasy Shop

Vol 4 Chapter 209: Building the elemental wizard world

   "Why do our dignified beasts do this kind of thing?!" Lightning Bird, one of the three sacred birds, said bitterly.

   "Don't say it, you look at Guy Ouka, you just spit out the water machine." The Flame Bird said silently.

   "We are sowing seeds now, it is already very good." The frozen bird on the other side also spoke.

   The three sacred birds turned their heads, and found that in the distance, the killer whale Giouka was suspended in the air, spreading its fins, and countless seas appeared out of thin air, whizzing towards the earth.

   It is said that water is the source of life, but it will not work if there is no water anywhere.

   Its mission is to create the ocean.

   "Idiot Guy Oka! You bothered me to make the land!"

   However, at the next moment, Gulardo's voice came, and the sword of the cliff slammed down Guyoka's head.

   made him plunge into the water.

  Gulardo said he was very angry. He made the earth according to Lingyun's request, but when he was halfway through the construction of the earth, a piece of seawater suddenly came.

   scattered all its achievements.

   "You can't fly, you want to die, don't you?" Guyoka emerged from the water, squirting a water cannon fiercely, and spraying Gulardo into the air.

   "Smelly salted fish, can you tell me again?!"

   Gulardo, who got up from the ground, roared, and the crimson magma rolled around, evaporating the seawater.

   "Take it! Just know it! Finish the task quickly, I don't want to continue to be ashamed!"

   Split Air Seat flew out of the clouds, looking at the two beasts, a tail patted their heads heavily, and said angrily.

   "Dead loach, you know you are bullying us." Gulardo and Guyoka got up from the water, and glanced at the cracked empty seat in the sky.

   "Huh? What are you talking about?" The pupil of the empty seat narrowed.

"No no."

   Both watched and shook their hands quickly.

   I have been in my heart for tens of thousands of years, and it’s okay to do it again.

   glanced at the two sacred beasts, and a tail rolled up Gulardo.

   Its mission is very simple, acting as a mobile tool for Gurado.

   A world must have mountains, and among all the mythical beasts, only Gullado has ground attributes.

   "I'll eat less in the future, I will die again!" Cracked the empty seat vomited.

  Gulado suddenly felt a little wronged.

   It sleeps for ten thousand years and hasn't eaten for ten thousand years, which means it has lost ten thousand years of fat.

   even dislike it? No love anymore.

   In the gap between time and space

   Diya Luca and Palkiya travel in time and space, separating this world from the elven world, forming a unique world.

   From the outside, it has been covered with a hazy light like a mist.

   On the other side, King Feng opened his wings and released his rich life energy, allowing the seeds thrown by the three sacred birds to germinate quickly.


   Above the earth, an elf named Sherabi wandered, and in an instant, a big tree rose from the ground.

   It was called by the Phoenix King.

   Although the Phoenix King is known as the **** of life, he is a master of snow rabbi compared to making forests.

   Under the double protection of the **** of life, the Phoenix King and the forest god, Snow Rabbi, everything he goes through is an oasis.

   "Ang!" Rogia roared.

   The breeze blows, and the tiny drops of rain are nourishing the world.

   In some of the deep pits created by Gulardo, lakes are formed.

   As for the Chief Rem, thunder is shed everywhere in the world, thunder accompanied by drizzle, revives everything!

  Rogia is okay, and her personality is relatively gentle.

   Chief Rem was a little more suffocated.

   But due to Ling Yun's coercion, it also became a good baby.

   "Damn it! My dignified dragon is the strongest elf, but one day I will become a wage earner?!"

   "It's still the kind without salary."

   "It's okay, at least this is a small world created by the gods and beasts. I feel very happy." Rogia passing by said.

   "It's not that everyone is as bad as you." Emirates snorted and flew to another place.

   Rogia shook his head: "Dead Tsundere."

   dropped the three words and continued to rain.

   Ling Yun watched this scene with satisfaction.

   There are really not many things that allow the division of labor between the many beasts.

   At this moment, Ling Yun's expression moved, looking at Arceus, who was floating in the air, steadily in the air.

   took out the dragon stone slab from the system space.

   "Since you want to create the elemental spirit world, the dragon element is indispensable." In the doubtful eyes of Arceus, Ling Yun said lightly.

   After Arceus continued to devote himself to its stable cause, Ling Yun turned his head to look at Esther and asked:

   "Ester, how do you feel?"

   "The world is changing, and the surrounding elements are also starting to become active. As long as I can connect to this world, I can give birth to new elemental spirits!"

   Hearing Ling Yun's words, Esther looked around with joy.

   In this way, she doesn't have to worry about not being able to keep up with Ling Yun's pace.

   Seeing such Esther Lingyun is distressed and moved.

   Not much to say, let's touch your head and kill.

   The light rain stopped and a rainbow was set up in the sky.

   The elves are doing their work in an orderly manner.

   was originally a barren miraculous desert and was built like a fairyland.

   Zhou Rui looked at this scene with great emotion.

   The sacred beast that is above the top, it turned out to be so handy at work.

   I always thought that they would only be destroyed, but I didn't expect that they would be repaired.

   Arceus kept combing through various laws in the high altitude.

   manifests the elements of the world.

   This is voluntary, not forced by Ling Yun.

   Because Arceus himself wanted to see how the elemental spirits were born.

   It is said that once it is raw and the other is cooked.

   has been created once. Although it failed, it is still possible to simply create the elements.

   "Master, look, it was born!"

   At this time, Esther suddenly said in surprise.

   Ling Yun looked down and saw that Esther was holding a group of red crystals in his hands.

   A faint flame spirit hovering around it.

   "It seems that the fire wizard was born first. UU reading" Ling Yun laughed.

   "According to the elemental elves, it is the flame element!" Esther raised his face and corrected.

   "Good, good, Yan department." Ling Yun said dubiously.

   "But since it is the first elemental spirit born in the elemental spirit world, then I will give it something."

   Talking, Ling Yun stretched out his hand, it was an orange core.

   Orange-red fire waves flickered from inside.

"this is?!"

   High in the sky, with the emergence of the core, the newly born flame elements around began to riot.

   Arceus quickly turned his head and saw the core pupil in Ling Yun's hand flashed.

   Although this power is not comparable to its slate, it is not much better than some of the powerful skills of the Elf World.

   Ling Yun slowly put the tiny flame core into the newly born little thing.

   "From today on, you are the highest Flame Elf, Scarlet!" Looking at the little thing, Ling Yun smiled slightly.

   As Ling Yun's voice fell, that little elemental spirit changed unexpectedly, and finally turned into a red kitten, and finally floated from Esther's hand in Ling Yun's surprised gaze.


   The next moment, a huge pillar of fire pierced through the sky, alarming all the busy beasts.

   "What a hot fire!" The Flame Bird said in horror.

   It feels hotter than its flame.

   The king of Feng who was spreading vitality in the distance also raised his head in surprise.

   This flame can't make much difference compared to its holy fire.

   Under the gaze of everyone and the beast, the flame gradually disappeared.

   Finally, a naked red-haired little girl slowly fell from the sky.

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