Super Dimensional Fantasy Shop

Vol 4 Chapter 211: Adopt Scarlett

   At the moment when Ling Yun took out the tribulation, the surrounding flame element elves quickly gathered towards the tribulation.

   like that, it should be possible to give birth to another high elves.

   This scared Ling Yun and quickly took it back.

   It's already very difficult to do it now, if the robbery becomes a girl again, then there is really no place to cry.

   At this time, Scarlett, who was in Ling Yun's hands, let go, the light flashed, and he fell from the air in a human posture again.

   saw his hands tightly hugging Ling Yun's thighs.

   her white teeth bit her lips.

   The pupils are full of fear and anxiety.

   Yes, Scarlett has just been born, and is full of beauty in this world, and she and Esther are the closest people to her. If she doesn't want her, who else will want her.

   "Ding! The system has been upgraded! It has been upgraded to version 2.0."

   "Ding! Host, three years warning!"

   jumped out of the huge red triangle in front of Ling Yun.

   Lingyun: "……"

   "Shut up, trash system, didn't you see that I was annoying."

   "Ding! According to this system, this is actually nothing. Scarlett is indeed a creature created by you through the core of the flame and the elemental elves. You are equivalent to her father. There is nothing wrong with it."

   "It's correct to say that, but..." Ling Yun rubbed his temples very distressed: "But I'm worried about Xilin and the others."

   After you have someone who expresses your heart, you have to clean yourself up, and you can’t just be outside all the time.

   "Host, your thoughts haven't turned around. This is just your wishful thinking. How do you know that Xilin, Thor, and Aya Kiyoshi don't like Scarlett?"

   "And... are you really assured of letting her face this strange world alone? Her name is still the host you took, and you have to live up to the responsible host."

"makes sense."

   After listening to the system, Ling Yun looked at the eldest daughter who appeared suddenly and sighed.

   squatted down, helped her straighten her hair, and smiled slightly in Scarlett’s curious eyes: "Let’s go home with Dad."


   Scarlett nodded happily when he heard it.

   showed the purest smile.

   Astor watched this scene, a faint smile appeared on his face.

   "Sure enough... Ling Yun, you are very gentle."

   Esther turned around and looked at the elemental spirit world that had been preliminarily determined.

   Now that everything is ready, it is almost time for Esther to enter the realm of elemental elves.

   Follow Esther's steps.

   Arceus and the other beasts all stopped.

   Ling Yun held Scarlet's little hand and got up.

   "System, you can scan it for me to see if there is anything to do with this old coin of Arceus."

   Ling Yun was worried that Arceus would do something about the shop.

   "Ding! The scan has been completed and four space vulnerabilities have been found, but the system has helped them repair them."

   "What's the matter?" Ling Yun narrowed his eyes.

   "Ding! Back to the host, Space-Time Ssangyong fought once because of disagreements when isolating the space, which caused some space to wear out."

   "Does it hinder Esther from mastering the world?"

   "Ding! No, Esther can fix these vulnerabilities by himself when he becomes the guardian god."

   After listening, Ling Yun glanced at Time and Space Shuanglong coldly.

   The time and space Ssangyong who was glanced at by Ling Yun shuddered, and cast a glance at each other.






   Of course, Erlong said quietly.

   They should be fortunate that if these spaces endanger Astor, these two dragons will die!

   Esther stopped suddenly.

   Under everyone's gaze, he stretched out his hand, and an identical Sword of Demon Annihilation appeared in his hand.

   This is a clone, and its strength is far less than that of Esther's body.

   "Please replace me as the guardian **** of the elemental elves, and I will continue to follow Lingyun." Esther murmured softly while looking at the sword in his hand.

   then inserted it on the ground.


   The next moment, the entire elemental spirit world shook.

   Colorful elemental spirits instantly emerge from the earth, mountains, ocean, and sky.

   The whole world seems to be wrapped up.

   Numerous elemental spirits gathered around the holy sword, and finally turned into embryos of different colors and fell around the holy sword.

   is densely packed, and the number is at least as large as a thousand.

   Zhou Rui and Arceus and other beasts were shocked when they saw this scene.

   One elves were born one after another.

  Although they are all embryos, Arceus feels the terrifying potential in them.

   Among them, the six embryos on the edge of the holy sword are the most terrifying.

   In time, it must be a super monster level existence!

   The rest of the elemental spirits are at the lowest level of second-level gods!

"Is this the elemental elves? Only the newly born elemental elves have such power. With the development of the elemental elves world, what kind of terrifying realm will the elemental elves reach in the future?!" Arceus marveled. The sound rang.

   It was really shocked.

   deserves to be a sprite that even it is difficult to create.

   The threshold is too high.

   At this time Looking at the elemental spirits that were born one after another, and then at the Scarlet held by Ling Yun, Zhou Rui suddenly had an idea in his mind.

   Since elemental spirits can become various weapons.

   Is it possible for humans to conclude a contract with the elemental elves?

   plus the elemental wizard's ability to use surrounding elements.

  Compared with their extraordinary weapons, it can be described as a few blocks away!

   Even though Zhou Rui's Sheng Yao-class extraordinary weapon Po Jun is very strong, if he can possess a powerful wind elemental spirit as a weapon.

   Then borrow the power of cracking empty seats.

  He is confident that he can directly surpass the strong of all countries and become the leader of the new era!

   Uh, of course, except for Ling Yun.

   "Ling Yun, can all elemental spirits be transformed into weapons?" Immediately, Zhou Rui asked something that was very concerned.

   "No, but as long as you sign a contract with the elves, you can freely control the power of the elves." Ling Yun nodded.

   Hearing Ling Yun's answer, Zhou Rui looked happy, and immediately said his thoughts to Ling Yun.

   Lingyun: "......"

   "You beast!"

   However, Ling Yun was not only unhappy after listening, but instead gave him a punch.

   "These are all children, so you want them to be weapons for others? What if there is something abnormal in the owner?"

   Ling Yun at this moment showed the worries of an old father.

   Zhou Rui, who was holding his belly, said painfully: "Our army is of very high quality."

   "No, there is no discussion about this, unless they choose the owner themselves."

   Ling Yun refused directly.

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