Super Dimensional Fantasy Shop

Vol 4 Chapter 214: Little Chillyn vs Kiry Elder

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Fantasy group chat

All the members of the group are watching the show.

In front of them, is a screen.

In the heavy light form, Dagu fell to the ground with a weak face.

The timer clinked in his chest.

"Dagu, you are imaginary, can you please stand up quickly." Kevin said silently, knocking on the seeds.

"We fantasised that the faces of the group chat were all thrown in by you."

"Senior Dagu, the honour of being an ultra strong does not allow you to fall, stand up quickly."

Dreambius cheered up in front of the screen.

Dagu: "..."

I stand you numb!

You guys who can't talk while standing!

In the city

Tiga supported the ground with both hands and stood up swayingly.

Looking at the Kirielod in the second form in front of him, he put up a fighting posture.

"Tiga!" The members of the winning team looked at Tiga who stood up again and said excitedly.

"Only the **** of Kirielod can guide mankind."

"Just! (You fart!

Dagu screamed out of anger and rushed towards the Kirielod.

"It's useless, you can't beat me without that kind of power." Looking at the rushing Tiga, the Kirialod laughed, and when he stretched out his hand, he grabbed Tiga by the neck.

Kicked Tiga's crotch.

Accurate strikes, double the damage!


Tiga gave a pain and knelt on the ground.

"Diga, will you lose?"

Lina looked worriedly at Tiga who was kneeling on the ground.

Intermae on the side did not speak, but his heart was extremely nervous.

"You who think you are the patron saint of mankind are nothing more than that."

Kick it out.


With a loud sound, Diga was kicked out directly.

"go to hell!"

Kiri Elod stretched out a huge pair of wings behind him, and his body slowly flew up.

Charged towards Tiga.

All human beings watched this scene quietly.

They seemed to have been bewitched, and they had no emotion in the face of Tiga's defeat.

But Dagu who saw this scene panicked.

Crazy in the group.

Dagu: "@奔坏王, Queen, my lord Queen! When will you come, I will really die if you don't come again!"

Queen Broken: "An Xin, here comes."

Just when the light of Kirialod was about to hit Tiga.


An imaginary space with a brown-yellow border suddenly opened up in the void in front of Tiga.

Kiri Elod's light was directly swallowed.


Kiri Elod was surprised when he saw this scene.

Falling to the ground, looking at the imaginary space warily.

Isn’t Tiga the only patron saint on this earth?

Why would anyone come to disturb his good deeds?

High-level officials in various countries who are concerned about all this are also taken aback when they see this scene.

"what happened?"

Zong Fang looked at Ye Rui.

"Something came out!"

At this moment, Ye Rui suddenly raised his head and shouted.


The next moment, an ice-blue dragon's breath roared out of the imaginary space.

The Kirialod, who had been alert from the beginning, avoided a blow as soon as he saw the attack.


The several buildings behind Kirielod were directly penetrated by the icy blue dragon's breath.


Condensation of ice crystals

In an instant, the surrounding area was frozen by blue ice.


At this time, the blue wings of light unfolded, and in everyone's shocked eyes, a pure white dragon flew out of the imaginary space with a blue arc.

"what is this?!"

High-level officials from various countries who saw this scene sat up from their chairs one after another.

Said in shock.

"The dragon!"

Ji Mahui looked at the white dragon flying in the night sky and muttered in a daze.

Was it just the blue light that came out of it?

"Tiga, can't you even beat such a trash without the future form of Gamma?"

At the moment when everyone was shocked by Bella's appearance, a cold female voice sounded from the void.

People turned their heads quickly.

Thump thump

Along with the sound of footsteps, I saw a purple-haired character woman slowly stepping into the air from the imaginary space.

I stopped in the sky above Tiga, glanced at Tiga who was paralyzed on the ground, and spoke plainly.

"Exactly! (Hey, I don't want to either.

Hearing what Xilin said, Dagu got up from the ground very aggrieved.

He had beaten Kiry Elod once, who knew he had become so strong now.

Ben Tiao Feng: "Sister Xilin is so handsome!"

In the group chat, Ben Tiao Feng's eyes gleamed.

Risa: "I will give full marks to this appearance."

"Is this woman also a cosmic person?"

Ji Mahui looked at Xi Lin in midair and murmured.

"So beautiful." Lina marveled at Xilin's face.

It's like walking out of the painting.


Victory Command Room

"Resolved it?!" Zong Fang asked Ye Rui.

"I'm viewing it via satellite."

Ye Rui controlled the system, and soon Xi Lin's appearance appeared on the big screen.

However, at the next moment, everyone in the command room stopped breathing.

I saw that Xilin's eyes in the picture moved unexpectedly.

And the place where the line of sight sees is amazingly them!

On the big screen, a golden pupil looked at them coldly.

But soon, he glanced aside.

Everyone in the command room did not dare to breathe.

At that moment, they really felt that death was so close to them!

"Zong Fang! Zong Fang!"

"Ah, here!"

Hearing Ji Mahui's voice in his ear, Zong Fang quickly reacted.

"What's the matter, you don't seem to be a daze."


"Captain, look, she moved."

At this time, Lina pulled Intermae's hand.

"who are you?"

Kiri Elod asked.

Xilin didn't speak, and waved.

The next moment, a spear of Yakong burst out instantly.

Kiri Elod was startled after seeing it, and quickly stretched out his hand.


With the sound of an explosion, Kiri Elod blocked the attack.

But the next moment.

As Xilin waved towards the void on the right with one hand.

The Spear of Akong suspended behind Xilin turned into two belts of Akong.

The belt of Akong took a powerful cutting force towards Kiri Elod.

Xilin wasn't as unscrupulous as Dagu.

Wherever it passed, the building was cut into a smooth plane.

Seeing the power of the air pressure belt, Kiri Elod's pupils shrank, his wings shook behind him, and he rushed to the sky.


The key of emptiness emerged, and Celine looked at Kyri Elod flying to the sky, her pupils narrowed slightly.


After hearing Xilin's voice, the core of Bellare hovering high in the sky flickered.

In an instant, the blue light wing behind turned into purple, twined with lightning and lightning, and instantly transformed into a thunder dragon!


Celine pulled the trigger.

A huge imaginary energy was shot out.

The imaginary space opened in front of Xilin, and the imaginary energy disappeared.

As soon as he turned around, an imaginary space opened behind Kirielod.

The piece of imaginary energy that had disappeared before smashed directly down.


Kiri Elod made a painful sound and fell from the sky.


Bella in the sky made a roar at this!

Thunder resounded in the sky.

The purple electric light struck Bella's wings, converted into powerful energy, and finally was sprayed out by Bella into a dragon's breath.

In an instant, the purple dragon's breath drowned Kiri Elod.


Everyone watched this scene blankly.

"Good! So strong!" Lina whispered in shock.

No one thought that the monster that even Tiga was difficult to deal with would be easily cleaned up by this sudden woman like an adult hitting a child.

In order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 224 Xiao Xilin vs. Kiri Elod), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf!

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