Super Dimensional Fantasy Shop

Vol 4 Chapter 223: Block 1 Dimensional Branch

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Everyone followed Rick to an empty area.

"That's it."

After taking a look, Ling Yun nodded, leaning back against the mountain wall, it was a very empty area.

And living in a cave makes it really different.

"Owner, do you think it's okay?" Rick asked nervously.

"Very good, but it has a special flavor." Ling Yun turned his head, and there was a hole next to him, from which he could see the outside world.

It's just that the sky is extremely gloomy, and countless black and gray fall, making the world a dead silence.

When his thoughts returned, Ling Yun was looking at the open space and said to the system: "System, check it, if there is no problem, build the branch here."

"Ding! The scan is complete and there is no problem. May I ask whether the host has started to build a store."



At the moment when Ling Yun agreed, the outline of the house gradually emerged with a sound of Weng Ming.

Finally, in everyone's shocked eyes, a perfect shop was located on the open space.

"This...this, a house was quickly formed, it is still so beautiful, it can be compared to a house made by a goblin! It's incredible."

In Rick's expectant gaze, Ling Yun smiled slightly, took out a stack of black cards from the system space and handed it to Rick.

"No, this is your black card."

"Thank you, the owner!" Rick's face was overjoyed.

I quickly received the black card, and then looked at it and sent it to everyone, almost everybody had one.

"How is it possible? There are even more powerful existences in the world than the gods."

"Dimensional shop, link the heavens and dimension! It's incredible."

"If... we can obtain these items, can we challenge the top 15 races?"

The moment people get the black card, things about the dimension store come into their minds instantly.

His pupils were filled with shock and disbelief.

Even Rick, who was already prepared, was shocked in an instant.

It seems that he still underestimated the strength of the dimension store.

"Rick... I want too."

At this moment, Hubby suddenly walked to Rick's side and pulled his sleeve.

"Owner, this..."

Rick raised his head and looked at Ling Yun a little embarrassed when he heard Hubby's words.

According to his character, he wanted to give to Hubby.

But after all, Huby is a cyborg. Although it is a separate entity, Huby is still connected to the mastermind in the original book.

So he was very worried about whether Hubby was knowing whether the things in the Dimension Store would leak out, so that many of them could find this place.

"It's okay, give it, I believe in Hubby." Ling Yun gave a chuckle and stretched out his hand to rub Hubby's head.

"it is good."

Rick: "..."

It's a bit uncomfortable, my wife don't touch her head or something.

But he knew it was not the time to struggle with such things.

After receiving Ling Yun's answer, Rick passed the black card in his hand.

The moment Hubby took it, a huge amount of information entered Hubby's database instantly.

"The heavens... Ten Thousand Realms... can't understand it. Searching for information, the information does not exist. [Question]... [Unsolved]"

Soon, the indoctrination of shop knowledge made the side of Shoby Jikai appear.

Countless machine sounds remembered, and even smoke began to appear on the head.

"Jikai kind?"

The others were surprised after seeing it.

But after a glance at Rick, he chose to believe him.

Time is slowly passing away.

After Hubby gradually absorbed the news, his jewel-like pupils turned.

Staring closely at Ling Yun: "It's incredible, Huby knows why Rick has so much confidence."

"Let's talk about it when you enter the store, Rick, discuss it with you. The points needed for the jar are recorded in the black card."

Ling Yun smiled at Hubby, and the next moment he walked into the shop with Hubby and Xilin.

Seeing Ling Yun and others entering the shop, Rick turned his head

"Everyone, about the points, maybe it's my own personal interest, but I hope everyone can give me the points."

"I don't care, Rick, the future of mankind is up to you." Yiwang spoke first.


He picked up the black card from his daughter and handed it to Rick. With a light stroke, Rick's account had twenty points.

"Oh, this is not a matter of course. Everyone sees what Rick does for everyone. Besides, you also brought the Dimension Store. If it is you, I would be willing." One stepped out and marked out the points.

"Hey, our points are too trivial, so... Rick, I'll leave the rest to you. If it's a non-Chief, you will be dead!"

"Hahaha, come on, kid Rick, the future of mankind is all entrusted to you."

This remark sounded out of laughter.

Soon, many people walked up to Rick and assigned their points to Rick.

At last.

There are more than a thousand points in Rick's black card.

Enough for ten consecutive times at a time.

"Thank you! I won't let you down!"

Rick looked at the smiling people, tightened the black card in his hand, and solemnly said to them.

"Hubby, let's go."

"Huh? Hubby?" Seeing no one responded, Rick was taken aback for a moment, then turned his head, and found that there was no Hubby around him.

Soon, he patted his brain and said how he felt something was wrong.

It turned out that my wife was lost!

Rick immediately ignored other things and rushed into the shop.

As soon as he entered the door, Rick was dumbfounded.

How come there are so many people in the shop in an instant?

"Hubby sauce is so cute, it's as cool as Sophie sauce."

Thor hugged Sophie and Hubby and rubbed them against their faces.

Next to him are Kaede Honjo and Risa.

The kingship hegemony is itchy watching from the sidelines.

However, he is a man, otherwise he would also go up and give a hug.

"Are everyone here?"

At this time, a dark space opened, and a man in sportswear walked out of it.

Behind him followed a generous blue-haired girl.

"Miron? I've been waiting for you for a long time." Kevin stretched out his hand and punched Miron on the body.


Milong immediately vomited blood.

Kevin: "..."

Everyone: "..."

"No, why are you so vulnerable?" Kevin said in surprise.

"It's okay, it's just tomato sauce for breakfast." Milong wiped his mouth indifferently.

Everyone: "..."

Suddenly I believed what Milong had said in the group: I would choke even after eating.

It is hard to imagine that behind a peerless strong man is so funny.

"Miron, where is this place? Who are they?"

Dia, who was following Milong, faintly took his hand and asked.

Being inexplicably in a strange place with so many people who look weird, Dia expressed that she was very scared.

The rainbow stone was shining, as it was preparing to take Milong away.

But who are the people present, how could it be possible to hide from them?

"This lady, this is a branch of the Dimension Store, and we are all customers of this store." Wang Quan Baye smiled slightly.

"Uh, what's the matter with your mask? It's so funny" I don't know, but Dia asked dumbly.

Upon hearing this, King Power Hegemony sighed helplessly: "Why do you all think my mask is funny? I obviously feel so cute."

Now Huaizhu hasn't recognized him, so there is no mask change.

Among all the masks, it was this mask that got his heart the most.

"Oh, you are Rick, welcome to join the dimension shop and fantasy group chat."

Da Gu walked up to him and stretched out his hand.

"Are you?" Rick was taken aback.

"My name is Dagu." Dagu smiled slightly.

"Dagu, aren't you not coming?"

"It's just training. Just push it. Everyone is a family, and the family has been bullied. I just can't justify coming." Dagu laughed.

"I think you are sour after hearing what we said in the group," Xilin said mercilessly. UU Reading www.uukanshu.cOM

Dagu: "..."

People are hard to dismantle.

How could he sit on Camilla and Lina without points?

Dagu said that he was determined not to be a scumbag, and he wanted to learn from Lingyun to be a warm man.

You are all my wings!

Dagu can already think of defeating Camilla after he gains a powerful force.

The scene when the two younger brothers of Hitler and Durham were collected.

Can't help laughing for a while.

Seeing all the members of the group disgusted, they couldn't help taking a few steps back to leave this pervert.

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