Super Dimensional Fantasy Shop

Vol 4 Chapter 227: Assault Skywing

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"Although I don't quite understand what Rick you are talking about, but...Hubby will always be with you."


The two of them held their hands tightly.

Hino looked constipated than Miku.

Don't sprinkle it, I will sprinkle you again.


Mountain top

All the people left, looking for their goals.

In place

Only Ling Yun and Torsilin were left.

Looking at the earth shrouded in black and gray, Ling Yun stretched out his hand.


The blue energy band poured out.

"The battle has begun, Arciut, let me see how good you are, right?"


The moment Ling Yun's voice fell, the blue light spreading in the void shrank and gradually formed an extremely huge satellite in the sky above Ling Yun.

Of course, it has another name.

‘Finally annihilate the weapon-satellite laser. ’

Yes, you heard it right, it is the satellite laser of Long Guo that absorbs the essence of the sun and the moon.

Now it was re-engraved by Ling Yun.

"Brother Lingyun, if Zhou Rui knows about it, she will cry to death." Xilin looked at the satellite and said dumbfounded.

This seems to be a weapon developed after the accumulation of Long Guo's blood for several years. Now it has been pirated directly, and no one can remain indifferent.

Ling Yun smiled softly: "Don't worry, I've seen everything in the satellite that should be seen, and everything that shouldn't be seen."

"You also know my abilities. If you don't let me recreate it, it's not intentional to embarrass me, but if Zhou Rui knew that I was using it for humans, I would be very happy."

Xilin: "..."

She has another understanding of her brother Lingyun's face.


Accompanied by Weng Ming's sound, the elves that permeated the void were absorbed by violence.

Ling Yun looked at the distance again.

Slightly squinted: "God of War, I hope you will like this meeting ceremony."

Following Ling Yun's hand waved down, a white laser blast exploded from the satellite laser.

Everything is turned into powder wherever it goes.


The dark clouds were dispersed, and the earth, which had been shrouded in a cloudy sky all the year round, finally saw a ray of sunshine.

Far away, high above the sky, in the deep hall of the Skywing Headquarters based on Abant Heim, on the throne, a burly and domineering man slowly opened his golden pupils. , As if passing through countless obstacles.

His pupils narrowed.

In an instant, a golden barrier blocked Abant Heim's front.


The white laser penetrated the clouds and rushed to the barrier.


The next moment, the entire Abant Heim trembles violently under the impact of the satellite laser.

Although it has the energy resistance of Arthurt, its impact cannot be ignored.

"What happened? Someone is attacking Abant Heim!"

Azriel was lagging behind for a short time, and quickly recovered.

When she just wanted to gather the Skywing Species to go out to fight, an extremely majestic voice came into her mind.

"Azriel, you don't have to intervene here, go and clean up the monkeys that have entered Abant."


Azriel was taken aback. Although this sudden attack made her very concerned, she couldn't resist the Creator's order.

"Yes! Master Arthurt, I, Azriel, will definitely wipe out the invaders!" Azriel said respectfully.

He was very ashamed and angry at what Arthurt said.

You know, Abant Heim, but she is in charge.

She didn't even know that ants entered here? And also, Master Artie told her in person? !

What a shame this is!

Immediately, opened his wings and flew towards one place.

She wants to kill all the invading monkeys!

The gaze of Artesiu on the throne passed through the space and fell on Ling Yun: "Unknown existence, can you make me understand the strongest meaning."

Mountain top

"Is it blocked?" Ling Yun's hand paused: "Yes, the strongest man in the world, how could he have such strength."

As soon as his consciousness moved, the satellites behind him were sent into the system space to accumulate dust.

"The eve of the battle has already started, I don't know if you are satisfied."

Feeling the line of sight, Ling Yun raised his head, looked into the distance, and smiled slightly.

The two seemed to be looking at each other in the air.


"Is this the place where Skywing lives? It's so beautiful."

Miron appeared in Abant Heim through the imaginary space, looked around and exclaimed.

However, as Miron was enjoying the scenery of Abant Heim, a white light gun suddenly fell from the sky.


Accompanied by an explosion, a huge mushroom cloud rose up where Milong was.

"Tsk, aren't you dead?"

Azriel smacked as he watched Miron evading his own blow through the violent foot.

"I didn't expect to be discovered so soon. It seems that I underestimated the detection ability of the Skywing." Milong looked at the beautiful woman in the sky calmly.

"Although I entered here, you as the master have the right to let me leave, but you will kill me as soon as you come up. Is this the attitude of the Skywing?" Milong's eyes narrowed.

"Then... let's practice your hands before you find Arciut!"

Taking out the winning nunchaku from the black card, Milong looked at Azriel eagerly, and green steam erupted from his body.

"A trivial monkey! It is also worthy to call Master Artiut's name directly!" Azriel's anger exploded after hearing Milong's words.

A pair of huge wings splayed directly and turned into a missile bursting towards Milong.

Goblin Headquarters

It is a steel city nestled in the mountains, and there are countless warships floating above it.

With the emergence of the imaginary space, two men appeared here.

Kevin and Otto.

"It's really spectacular, it's no wonder that this level of technology can create something terrifying like a marrow explosion."

As soon as he appeared, Otto was speechless looking at the city below.

It is incredible that such advanced technology exists in this ancient world.

He became curious about the **** inspiration of the goblin species.

"Get started, it's time for these so-called sequential races to look at the power of humans."

After Kevin finished speaking, endless flames emerged, and a big scarlet sword was held by him.

"You don't need to tell me that I know." Otto put away the hypocritical smile on his face, and became rare and serious.

Taking out the black card, the next moment, countless sky guards emerged.


Accompanied by a loud noise.

The powerful weapon of destiny-the giant robot, Heavenly Father is here!

And countless Titan robots.

These are all products obtained by searching for inverse entropy!

When the two old coins joined forces to deal with inverse entropy for the first time, they would not foolishly waste these combat power.


Kevin jumped and flew into the air.

With a loud shout, he swung a sword at the steel city below.


The flames rolled like clouds, bombarding the energy shield of the goblin species with extremely violent energy.

A huge shock occurred in the entire steel city.

"Damn it! Who invaded us!"

The commander in the sky main ship roared after being awakened.

The goblin species weren't without a device for detecting energy, but the appearance of the two of Kevin was too abrupt, so that the device had not reacted to it, and the combat power was severely damaged.

"Military owner, two humans!" At this time, a goblin soldier reported.

"Humans? Those monkeys?" The goblin warlord was taken aback when he saw the two on the big screen.

Then I felt a little at a loss, human beings, isn't that a race at the bottom that can't even be linked to the Elf Corridor?

How can they be able to attack them?

"Are you sure you didn't read it wrong?"

"Military is really human." The goblin soldier replied again.

"Damn it, is Jikai planting behind to help them? These troublesome scraps!"

After seeing the surrounding sky guards and Heavenly Father, the army owner subconsciously thought it was a kind of Jikai.

It should be said that apart from the fact that the top 15 races are good at science and technology, only the Kaikai, which is originally a machine, knows about machinery.

"The whole fleet, ready to fight, huh?"

When the military commander finished saying this, a huge steel fist hit head-on above the battleship.

In order to facilitate the next reading, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 237 Attack on the Skywing Species), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf!

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