Super Dimensional Fantasy Shop

Vol 4 Chapter 233: The law of battle

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Starry sky

"The whole fleet! Open fire!"

A constellation of interstellar warships emerged in the red structural energy.

Looking at the Ling Yun in front of countless battleships, Altsiu opened his eyes slightly.

"To create so many warships in an instant, it's like a combination of goblin-type and mech-type."

Looking at the countless lasers blasting towards him, the countless elves in Altsiu's hands condensed and gathered into a long sword.

It just waved at the laser in front of him.

In an instant, the light flashed, and the endless elves receded.

The entire universe was illuminated flickering and dimming.

Although there is no sound from the vacuum, its impact still spreads to the outer space, forming terrifying ripples and dispersing around it, and some small rubbles lingering in the universe are all turned into dust.

"It's a terrible man. Even if I go on this trick, the moon will be broken by half. You are intact?"

Although he had been prepared, Ling Yun still let out a surprise.

"A strong blow, but it's not too strong compared to Milong's move." Artiut looked flat.

"In that case, how about you try this trick?"

Ling Yun gave a chuckle, and stretched out his hand towards the boundless universe above.

next moment


Accompanied by Weng Mingsheng.

A huge battleship like a holy sword slowly appeared from the void.

In the horrified eyes of countless races, the huge battleship broke through the atmosphere and slowly landed over Desbod.

"I'm going? War fortress?"

Kevin looked at the battleship in the sky like a giant sword in shock.

Why did he suddenly feel that his base camp is not popular anymore.

Looking at the many members of Altsius, it felt a little unreal.

"Science vs. Theology?"

"Such a huge fortress was created in an instant. It turns out that you have the ability to create infinitely similarly." Altesh returned to his senses after a surprised voice.

Although this ability is comparable to unlimited creation.

But in front of the powerful force, it was just a pair of scrap copper and rotten iron.

"Relax, of course I won't just use this one to fight you."

As if he sensed that Altexiu didn't care, Ling Yun smiled slightly, and the crisp snap of his fingers fell.

At the next moment, two Sky Blades appeared again in the universe.

Surrounded Artesh in a triangle pose.

"You can actually build two again, is your energy infinite?" Altsiu's pupils flickered.

This level of manufacturing is difficult even for gods.

What's more, Ling Yun didn't breathe at all.

"Congratulations on your right, my energy is infinite." After the chuckle, Ling Yun's icy voice resounded throughout Desbod.

"Heaven Blade Trial!"


The three huge silver female angels standing on the three sky blades suddenly swung their long swords.

In an instant, three golden beams of light were blasted down instantly.

Sky Blade Strike!

"Interesting! That's right." Altesh laughed as he felt the danger coming.

The long sword in his hand was suddenly thrown out, facing the huge beam of light smashed from three sides, with an angry shout, he rushed towards the sky.

Seeing Altexiu's movements, Ling Yun's pupils flashed.

He actually used his hands to resist the sky blade for approval? !


A dull voice sounded from Art's Xiu's body, and the veins violently violently. In the face of the huge sky blade blow from the sky, Art's Xiu was not surprised and rejoiced.

The meaning of being a God of War was finally found back by him again.

Standing high in the sky with his arms folded, Ling Yun looked calmly at Artesiu, who had blocked the Trial of the Three Strike Sky Blade.

His pupils narrowed slightly.

In the next moment, structural capabilities emerged, and an extremely huge muzzle emerged in the sky above Artesiu.


After feeling the danger, Artie was taken aback for a moment, but the next moment, the whole person was annihilated by an extremely crude laser.


The explosion sounded, and the planet under Artesiu was directly pierced by the laser. Undoubtedly, it exploded directly and turned into cosmic garbage.


Everyone on the planet Disbode noticed the disappearance of that planet, and they all swallowed with difficulty, their expressions shocked.

"Is this guy a monster?!"

Azriel whispered in shock.

"Ling Yun is really hidden, he has become so strong in a short period of time."

"The core of that guy Walter is totally incomparable to Ling Yun's."

Kevin whispered in horror.

He can do it to destroy the planet, but he needs to use up all his collapsing energy.

And looking at Ling Yun's behavior, it's easy to do this kind of thing!


Accompanied by an explosion

Arthur smashed the surrounding gravel to pieces.

"Haha, so strong! Really strong!"

At this moment, the shawl of Arsiutte is spreading, very embarrassed, but he is very happy, very happy!

The whole person is like a born sword, when the guardian sheath shatters, it is the moment when the edge is revealed!

"That's it, let me feel it again!"


Holding the abducted Lingyun sword, he blocked the attack of Arthus.

"Yes." Ling Yun smiled slightly.

If someone is looking for a fight, how can we not satisfy him?

"Eternal calamity!"

Another wave of fire that swept the universe burst out, and Altesh was blasted out in an instant.

He blasted Altsiu into a planet, and in an instant, the planet exploded directly under the attack of annihilation, and it was torn apart.


Two consecutive planets shattered, and the many races in Disbod couldn't help taking a breath.

You know this is a planet!

The remaining gods were even more horrified.

"The Xeon God of War was beaten so that he couldn't get close?"

"This man, great horror!"

Cong Long Lei Jin Levi looked deeply at Ling Yun standing above the stars.

As if he is the real God of War!

"As expected of Ling Yun, this kind of power is terrible." Jibril said excitedly.

In the face of this power, she lost!

"Impossible, Master Artesh is invincible, it is absolutely impossible to lose to a mere monkey!" Azriel shouted in disbelief.

"Why? You only have this strength? The name of God of War is crying!" Ling Yun jumped and turned into a storm, rushing towards Art Xiu.

"You guy!"

Standing in the void, his right arm was shrugged, and with a clicking sound, Altesh himself straightened a bone in his arm.

Looking at the rushing Ling Yun, he also faced him.

This pain, the fun of fighting, is really enjoyable!

This is the fun of fighting, the feeling that the strongest wants to break through the limit after being surpassed!


Ling Yun who rushed in front of Art Xiu directly punched him in the face.

Just as Artesiu was about to catch Ling Yun, the imaginary space opened, and Ling Yun's figure quickly disappeared.

"Indra's Arrow!"

When it reappears, it is far away.

Artesiu turned his head and saw Lingyun gathering the five-color thunder standing on top of an extremely huge red giant.

call out!

Before he could react, the arrow rushed over.


The bombarded Artesiu turned into a human cannonball, piercing the starry sky.

Boom boom boom!

Accompanied by three explosions, the three planets behind Alt's self-cultivation were penetrated in an instant.

It forms a beautiful scenery with three stars in a row and three stars bursting together.

The gloomy universe is like a modern night, brightly lit by lights!

The scene where three planets exploded at the same time completely made all the group members look stupid.

Arrow of Indra.

They have not seen this trick.

Aya Kiyoshi's first time was live broadcast.

It's just that this time it turned out to be so terrifying!

Compared to before, these are no longer just purple items of Thunder, but gold-level items constructed through the core of the orange ruler.

A kind of thunder can destroy most of the Disbod!

Not to mention the five kinds of gatherings Altsiu..."

Countless Skywing Species stared blankly at the three exploding planets in the universe.

Such an attack, even Master Artesh would be seriously injured.


A burst of pitch-black pure energy suddenly cut through the dust, shattered everything along the way, and blasted toward Ling Yun boldly.

"How can you become stronger? It's getting more and more interesting."

"Sure enough, Milong was right, you are more like a monster than me!" Artesiu walked out of the ashes silently.

It's just that he was scorched, and the electric arc was still flickering.

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