Super Dimensional Fantasy Shop

Vol 4 Chapter 261: Cuteness is justice

"Is it really strong?" Seeing Zhou Rui's expression, Zhou Xile's mind was startled.

   "Even if a group of super sacred beasts such as the Sundering Seat can't join forces to defeat the Tianyu Emperor." Zhou Rui shook his head.

   His words are already very clear.

   So Zhou Xile took a breath.

   She naturally knows how strong her grandfather is. It can be said that she is basically invincible in Longguo.

   But even such a grandfather can barely make a tie with the cracked seat in normal form.

   What about the other party?

   Zhou Xile only feels a little messy in his mind.

   And I heard Zhou Rui said that Ling Yun stopped attending after graduating from high school.

   This made her feel more heartbroken.

   In her third year of high school this year, Ling Yun is one year older than her.

   "By the way, grandpa, how is Zhou Nan?"

   Zhou Nan, as Zhou Rui's only disciple, naturally knew Zhou Xile.

   It’s just that because of the secret retreat, there is not much contact.

   "He? His strength should be reaching the third rank soon, right." After a while of pondering, Zhou Rui gave an answer.

   "It takes two months to change from an ordinary awakened person to a Tier 3 supernatural person. No wonder you will find such a talent in your favor."

   "It's so-so, by the way, not to mention him, you have to be careful, this little boy wants to be my grandson after he heard from Sun Kai that I have a granddaughter."

   "Is it good to be your grandson?" Zhou Xi asked blankly.

   This is equivalent to making Zhou Nan follow Zhou Rui more desperately.

   Zhou Rui was speechless immediately.

   His granddaughter is good everywhere, but her brain is not very clever.

   "He doesn't recognize me as my grandson, but through you."

   This time, even if Zhou Xile is stupid enough to understand, he flushed immediately, and his small mouth bulged: "He! How can he be so frivolous?!"

   Zhou Rui clicked with satisfaction.

   It seems that Zhou Nan has left a frivolous impression in her granddaughter's mind.

   is this kind of effect.

   Sorry, my lovely apprentice.

   I consider you my dearest apprentice, but you want to be my grandson? There are no doors.

   He Zhou Rui is very vengeful, the last time Bi Wang Ling snake's barbecue dared to eat alone?

   This account should almost be settled!

   White horse crosses the gap

   In the blink of an eye, it's dawn

   early in the morning

  The shop welcomed a customer.

   Ling Yun looked at it with emotion

   Thor looked excited.

   This person is no one else, but Thor's father-Emperor Yan!

   "Father, why are you here?" Thor rushed over and took the arm of Emperor Yan.

   "The main reason is that I haven't seen you for a long time. Come and take a look. Secondly, I have accumulated enough points. I heard that the store has been upgraded. I came here to take a look."

   "Father, I think the second one is your purpose."


   was demolished by his own daughter, and finally Yandi blushed.

   "My father-in-law is good."

   Ling Yun is still quite polite to the old man named Emperor End Yan.

   Although the other party was beaten by him before →_→

   "Good! Good! Good!"

   Hearing what Ling Yun said, Emperor Yan's pupils lit up and he said three good words in a row.

   Ling Yun's attitude is already obvious!

   But at the end of Emperor Yan, Ling Yun would be a bit vain.

   Fortunately, Xilin went out, and Aya Kiyoshi could not get out of the bed, otherwise it would be really troublesome to explain.

   "I don't know if you want to open the can or try the new item enhancement device in the store?"

   Ling Yun came to the back of the counter and changed the subject.

   "Well, strengthen it. Block all my points and help me strengthen it!"

   After meditation, Emperor Yan finally gritted his teeth.

   "Are you sure? Reinforcement may also fail. It's okay if you succeed at this point, but if you don't succeed?  All the points will be lost."

   After looking at the items that Emperor Yan took out?   Ling Yun reminded.

  Because the Emperor Yan Emperor did not bring out other items, but the Death Scythe?  Golden quality items?  Golden quality items need 5,000 points for one enhancement.

   The Emperor Yan may have robbed a lot of people in his own world, so the points are as high as 80,000.

   "No?   all points! I want this death sickle to become my ultimate weapon!"

   Ling Yun glanced at it and said no more.

   It seems that my old husband is serious.

   "Sincere benefits 80,000 points."


  The death sickle in Emperor Yandi’s hand floated into the air, and a ray of light spilled from the ceiling?  It happened to shine on the death sickle.

  Reinforcement failed

  Reinforcement failed

   Soon?   The red text makes Yan Di look ugly at last.

   Strengthening success!

   Fortunately, a green text is displayed.

   Item: Death Scythe

  Quality: Golden low-level one star

   "Okay!" Seeing the success of the strengthening, Emperor Yan couldn't help shouting with joy.


   right now

   The door next to the bedroom opens.

   "Dad, who is it?  It's noisy!"

   Scarlett came out of the bedroom?   His face bulged, obviously getting up.

"this is?"

   The originally happy mood of Emperor Yan disappeared instantly, and his eyes flickered as he watched Scarlett.

   Just when the atmosphere was a little dignified, Thor explained it in time and didn't cause any misunderstandings.

   But this made Ling Yun feel more and more?   The old man in his house said he didn't care about Thor.

   In fact, I think it is a daughter control in my heart.

   If it weren't for his approval, it would be difficult to keep Thor.

   "Is that so?   Since you don't mind Thor, then I have no opinion."

   "Come?   Little Leite, come and call Grandpa." Thor stretched out his hand?   Hugged Scarlett.

   "Very strong fire elemental aura." The moment Scarlett approached?  Final Yandi nodded.


   "Father?   You also give me a hug."

   "No, I'm dignified..."

   However, before the end of Yandi Tsundere was finished, Scarlett was stuffed into his arms.

   Emperor Yan: "..."

   Helpless, in the end, Emperor Yan can only hold this granddaughter.

   "Hello Grandpa!"

   Scarlett was a little scared at first, after all, Emperor Yan was too...serious.

   But after a closer sniff, he noticed Thor's smell on his body, then let go, and shouted with a smile.


  The cute voice hit the end of Yandi's heart with one blow, making him feel like a lightning strike!

   There is a pulsation in my chest!

   This voice...reminded him of Thor's childhood.

   Daddy yells all day long, very cute!

   It's a pity, that time is gone forever...

   Looking at Scarlett in front of Emperor Yan was a little lost, and his serious expression couldn't help but relax.

   Looking at Scarlett’s healing smile, Emperor Yan finally found that it seemed that it was not a bad thing to have an extra granddaughter.

   "Well, from today, you will be my granddaughter of Emperor Yan! If anyone dares to bully you, tell Grandpa, and Grandpa will help you deal with him!" Emperor Yan held up Scarlett, with a rare smile on his face.

  Moe is justice!

   At this time, the strengthening of the Death Scythe also ended.

   Item: Death Scythe

  Quality: Golden low-level four-star

   Ling Yun shook his head after looking at it.

   Sixteen times of strengthening, only four times succeeded? !

   Sure enough, strengthening is a breakthrough in the essence of an item.

   The golden quality of the death sickle itself is already at its limit.

   The failure rate is naturally high and scary.

   But Emperor Yan finally didn't have any dissatisfaction.

   picked up the death sickle and looked at it, suddenly excited.

   "Reaper's prohibition was completely wiped out. The most important thing is that this weapon now seems to be tailored for me! The moment I picked it up, it seemed to use my own hands and feet!"

   Ling Yun was surprised when he heard this.

  Is there any benefit of strengthening?

   sure is not self-comfort?

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