Super Dimensional Fantasy Shop

Vol 4 Chapter 263: We still don’t know the name of the flower we saw that day

Zhou Nan just nodded to Yu Jin's words.

Zhou Nan didn't know what was forbidden. Although it was similar to the earth, it was a parallel world, and there were still many differences.

"This baby..."

Zhou Nan looked at the baby in Cao Yanbing's arms, her pupils flashing.

He could clearly see that the baby in Cao Yanbing's arms did not receive the slightest harm.

Didn't anyone hurt the baby in his arms even if he was bruised all over his body?

This perseverance...

Even Zhou Nan couldn't help but sigh.

"It's hard to imagine, what has he experienced?"

"Even I admire the Lord's will!" Yu Jin on the side also sighed.

Zhou Nan stretched out his hand, trying to take the baby out of Cao Yanbing's arms.

However, it was discovered that Cao Yanbing's hand seemed to be sticky, and he couldn't move the baby in his arms at all.

"Let him hold it, maybe, he is the last thing he cares about in his life." Ling Yun grabbed Zhou Nan's hand, looked at the baby and then at Cao Yanbing, shook his head at Zhou Nan.

Hearing Ling Yun's words, Zhou Nan was silent, and softly let go.

"Move to the sofa and let your lord have a good rest."

"Many thanks!"

With a gratitude to Ling Yun, Yu Jin hugged Cao Yanbing in the frightened eyes of the Xigong whistle and came to the sofa, and gently put it down.

"Under the prohibition, there is one thing I want to ask both of you!"

After arranging Cao Yan's soldiers, Yu Jin's body more than three meters high turned slightly and asked Ling Yun.

"You said it was."

"My view here is full of aura, even stronger than the Zhenhun Street where I am, dare to ask where is this place?"

"This is a dimensional shop, um, you can understand it as another world."

"But Spirit Realm?"

There is still some understanding of the spiritual realm.

In the long years, it is impossible to have only Cao Yanbing and Cao Xuanliang two descendants of the Cao family.

"No, the spirit realm dare to compare with me?"

"After your lord wakes up, I will have a way to let you know all this. Now, you should go back first." Ling Yun snapped his fingers.

In the next moment, Yu Jin felt that a mighty force he could not resist forced himself back into Cao Xuanliang's body.

"Ling Yun, are they?"

"The child's name is Cao Yanbing, and the baby is Cao Xuanliang. The relationship between the two is a bit messy, but you can understand the baby in Cao Yanbing's arms as the protagonist." (anime version)

"Fuck! The protagonist? No wonder..."

Zhou Nan couldn't help wondering whether it was the protagonist's halo that caused all the damage that should have been suffered by Cao Xuanliang to be transferred to Cao Yanbing.

"By the way, can I hold my thigh?"

Ling Yun gave him a flat look.

"People are not as thick as your thighs now. Go and hold one for me to see."

Zhou Na: " know what I didn't mean."

After a faintly glance at Ling Yun, Zhou Nan turned his gaze on Cao Yanbing again.

"Is the previous Yu Ban a unique ability in that world? I can feel that he emerged from Cao Yanbing's physical strength."

"That's the guardian spirit, uh, what do I say to you, you don't understand."

"Hey? It's okay if I don't listen, this beautiful little sister wants to listen."

Ling Yun turned his head and found that Xi Gong whistle looked at him seriously.

He lowered his head shyly when he noticed Ling Yun's line of sight.

"In fact, this thing is quite troublesome to explain. Basically, guardian spirits are divided into five categories. One: guardian spirits are your ancestors. This is a good explanation. Just go back and look at your genealogy."

"The second is your ancestor's lover. It's easy to explain this. Look at the genealogy for yourself. It's a summoning method tailored for those who haven't had any awesome characters in their ancestors and rely on soft food."

Zhou Nan: "..."


Why do you want to look at me and say the second one?

It's impossible for my ancestors to eat soft rice!

"Three, the guardian spirit is the subordinate of your ancestors. This is easier to understand. For example, Yu Jin was the retainer of Cao Cao during the Three Kingdoms period. In this era, he came out of the world as a guardian spirit and continued to assist the descendants of the Cao family."

"This!" Zhou Nan's pupils shrank slightly.

What kind of loyalty is this, even after the original owner dies, they are still willing to turn into loyal souls and wait for the descendants of the Cao family for a long time.

"Of course, you can understand it as: It's not good to pull your ancestors out to fight at every turn, so the ancestors' subordinates became a good choice."

Zhou Nan: "..."

You return my touch!

"The other two are from family heritage and being recognized by a guardian spirit."

"There are almost these five. You should be clear if you don't talk about the latter two."

"Wait, Ling Yun, do you think I will awaken the guardian spirit if I go to that world?!" Zhou Rui's eyes suddenly lit up.

"You awaken a fart."

"Are there any NB characters in your ancestors? Not to mention others, your family doesn't even have a genealogy." Ling Yun glanced at him contemptuously.

"Then, then I can make the guardian spirit recognize the Lord!"

"Forget it, those who can't beat it look down on you, those who can't be beaten will not accept you, and those who can't beat him, you might as well cultivate your ugly fish. At least Menus's combat effectiveness is still good."

Ling Yun directly broke the poor child's illusion.

Zhou Nan: "Am I special!"

The triple negation made Zhou Nan a little uncomfortable.

"Not to mention other things, I know that a person in that world has awakened the **** of war Xingtian as a guardian spirit."

"Fuck! Xingtian?! Huangdi's one?"

Zhou Nan was shocked.

Ling Yun nodded, but the level of mythology was not broken.

"So you see, sometimes a good pedigree is really important."

"What are you sighing for?" Zhou Nan asked There is still something in the world that can make this person sigh with emotion?

"I found out that even if the bloodline is NB, what if the guardian spirit is hanging? It is still not a solution."

Ling Yun sighed, quite ‘lonely’ that the world is invincible.

Zhou Nan: "..."

Nishinomiya whistle: "..."

Forbidden paddling: "..."

Listen, people say no!


Just when the atmosphere of the shop is a bit cold.

The door was suddenly opened.

Ling Yun was slightly startled.

"Ling Yun, what's the matter with your door? It suddenly opened." Zhou Nan looked outside the door, but found that it was empty.

But in Ling Yun's eyes, she could clearly see a little silver-haired girl walking into the shop curiously, looking around.

"Hey, why don't you speak anymore." Zhou Nan pressed Ding Lingyun's arm with his elbow.

"Welcome to the Dimension Store, face code." Ling Yun replied, holding the strange mood in his heart, and smiled at the empty door.

"I'm going, Ling Yun, don't scare me."

When Zhou Nan saw Ling Yun doing this, he turned his head and looked outside the door.

He is timid and afraid of ghosts.

As everyone knows, the face has already arrived in front of him, looking at Zhou Nan curiously.

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