Super Dimensional Fantasy Shop

Vol 4 Chapter 267: Health code

"I opened!"

   After putting his hands together and cutely suffocating himself, Nishinomiya Glass put his hands on the jar.

   stretched out his five fingers and gently covered the jar.

   Just when Ling Yun thought she would hit the ground like other guests, Nishinomiya Glass's movements made him surprised.


   Two jars were slapped on the counter by her heavily.


   The jar was just smashed.

   Ling Yun's eyes twitched.

   This force should be specially arranged by Nishinomiya Glass's mother for her to defend herself.

   Because I was often bullied when I was young, I developed a good force?

Shock! The fact that the black belt of karate is hidden under the cute appearance!

   Ling Yun couldn't help falling into a brain supplement.

   The jar was smashed and turned into light and dissipated.

   Nishinomiya Glass opened his eyes and slowly opened his palms.

   Two blue **** of light jumped out.

   "Sure enough? The probability is really small."

   I was a little disappointed when I saw the blue item.

   But Zhou Nan looked worried.

   Why are children so insatiable now?

   Is the blue item bad?

   All of you are so disgusted, what does this make Zhou Nan who counterattack relying on blue objects think.

  At this time, the blue ball of light was crushed.

   A green QR code suddenly appeared in the air, and everyone was taken aback.

   "QR code? A product of the world of science and technology?" Ling Yun whispered curiously, but was instantly stunned when he saw the introduction of the QR code.

  [Health Code]: Anyone who scans with a mobile phone will get a healthy body.


   Ling Yun's face is full of question marks.

  This item, are you serious?

   "A healthy body means!"

   But no matter what Ling Yun thinks, Nishinomiya Glass has been completely attracted by the introduction of the health code.

   her face flushed, her mouth faltered and she didn't know what to say, but Ling Yun knew that she was very happy.

   And Nishinomiya Glass herself is full of unreality, she didn't expect that she would really offer what she wanted.

   At the same time, she seemed to understand one thing.

   You can't just look at the quality of the grade, even blue items can produce good things!

   She looked at the QR code in front of her and didn't hesitate. She quickly took out her phone and just scanned it.

   "Ding! The scan was successful!"

   Lingyun: "......"

   Ling Yun was completely stunned by this prompt sound.

   Can this really be swept out?

   Ling Yun is completely convinced by this shop.

   deserves to be a shop, there are all kinds of weird things.

   After talking about Ling Yun's side, let's take a look at Nishinomiya Glass.

   After scanning the QR code, she felt itchy in her ears and throat.

  After scanning the QR code, a progress bar appeared on the phone, and she was stuck in the middle part now.

   Through [Health Code], she can know that this is a progress bar for repairing her body. As long as the progress bar is full, she can become a healthy person.

   With anticipation and excitement, Nishinomiya Glass folded his hands together, closed his eyes, and kept chanting ‘please! ’

   Ling Yun did not bother her either.

   was a single parent family at the age of three. In elementary school, she was isolated and mocked by classmates, and junior high school was bullied by campus.

   For more than ten years, she even thought of committing suicide because of her deafness.

   And now, this nightmare that has troubled her for more than ten years is about to disappear, how can she not be excited?

   Even Ling Yun couldn't bear to disturb her at this beautiful moment.

  While waiting at Nishinomiya Glass, Ling Yun cast his gaze on the face who was talking and laughing with Zhou Nan.

   is another distressed person.

   It is hard to imagine that such a lively and happy child has already passed away.

   Unheard flower name

   An epic tear jersey.

   Ling Yun, who had never shed tears in front of the angel's heartbeat in his previous life, and Hatsune Island, was defeated for the first time in this series.

   reached out his hand and gently stroked Mianma's head.

   "Huh?" The face raised her head curiously.

   "I have a song here, do you want to listen to it?"

   "Does it sound good?"

   "Of course, this sounds like a lot of people crying." Ling Yun smiled slightly.

   "That's not listening."

   "Why?" Ling Yun asked curiously.

   "Mian Ma... I don't like sad songs." Mian Ma seemed to remember something, and lowered his head: "Because...because everyone would be sad and unhappy because of that. Mian Ma likes seeing everyone smiling!

   Ling Yun looked at the fairy-like girl in front of him, slightly startled.

   also, the face in the original book is a cheerful and lively child, how could he listen to this kind of song.

   It’s just that... you don’t know how many people your affairs have infected.

   Ling Yun's slightly shrunken pupils eased, and gently touched Mianma's head.

   Unheard flower name

   A song with a very happy rhythm, but you can hear it... but you can hear the heart-piercing pain from the laughter.

   exhaled a suffocating breath.

   Looking at Mianma Lingyun's mind, an unfamiliar plot appeared in his mind, and his nose was a little sour for a while.

   "If you don't listen, don't listen." Ling Yun smiled.

   He was also scared, afraid that he would cry after hearing it.

   "Shop, manager?"

  'S sweet voice brought Ling Yun back to his mind.

   turned her head and found that Nishinomiya Glass was looking at herself with joy and excitement. The previous voice came from her mouth.

   Ling Yun was also infected by this smile from the inside out, the haze in his heart dissipated, and smiled: "Congratulations."

   "Thank you!"

   Nishinomiya Glass nodded, she couldn't wait to let her family know about it.

   "Owner, thank you very much!" After taking a deep breath, Nishinomiya Glass bowed ninety degrees.

   She knows that the reason why she can become a healthy person is thanks to the man in front of her!

   is like giving her a new life!

   "It's okay, I just provide you with a platform. It's your luck to be able to issue, uh, health code." Ling Yun is still a bit uncomfortable with the name of this QR code.


   At the next moment, the health code suspended in mid-air gradually disappeared.

   "One-time use? Also If you can use it indefinitely, it would be really scary." Ling Yun was not surprised to see this scene.

   Some old monsters with dark ailments are probably going to grab their heads for this QR code.


   Just then, there was the sound of a camera taking pictures next to Ling Yun.

"What are you doing?"

   turned his head and found that Zhou Nan was taking pictures with her mobile phone.

   "Fortunately, I have the foresight, so I prepared it early."

   Hearing Ling Yun's problem, Zhou Nan smiled triumphantly, clicked on the picture in the phone and passed it to Ling Yun.

   after looking curiously.

   Lingyun: "......"

   The disappeared health code was saved in the phone by Zhou Nan.

   "Trust me, it's useless."

   "How can I know if I don't try?" Zhou Nan didn't believe it, and said to the face beside him:

   "Come on, face code, let the computer scan it."

"it is good."

   The face code picked up the tablet and scanned it.

   "Ding! The scan was successful!"

   "I'm going?!" Ling Yun was stunned when he heard the prompt.

   quickly took the tablet in Mianma's hand, and saw that there was a progress bar on the tablet that was exactly the same as that on the Nishinomiya Glass phone.

   This... the shop is leaking!

  :. :

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