Super Dimensional Fantasy Shop

Vol 4 Chapter 269: Ling Yun, you mistaken me!

"What's the situation? Become a Buddha?" Zhou Nan said subconsciously.


   "What nonsense are you talking about."

   Ling Yun slapped Zhou Nan on the head.

   Looking at the face that gradually became transparent, Ling Yun's eyes flickered, and he stretched out his hand.

   The power of the shop is mobilized by Ling Yun.

   The next moment, the world turned into black and white.

  Time is forbidden.

   Zhou Nan and others still have the expression and posture of Time Pause Money on their faces.

   In this black and white world, only Ling Yun can walk.

   walked to the face of Mian Ma, Ling Yun asked the void: "System, what's the situation? Come out and explain."

   "Host, don't worry, Mianma's body is repairing."


   Ling Yun was taken aback, this look almost faded away, would you tell me to fix it?

   Then, Ling Yun's gaze became weird: "System, although I usually frustrate you, but it's not stupid. I want to return the mentally retarded system."

   "Of course, it's better to trade the old for the new one."

   Ling Yun added.

  System: "……"

   "Host, please trust this system. After scanning the health code, the face gradually recovers. The reason why it gradually becomes transparent is because some of the unnecessary energy accumulated in the face needs to be removed."

   "What do you mean?" Ling Yun touched the threshold a little, but it was a pity that he got stuck there.

   "Ghost, does the host know?"

   "Yeah." Ling Yun nodded.

   A kind of ghost with extreme resentment.

   "From the host's cognition, it can be understood that the Yin Qi in the face is gradually dissipating."

   "Why do you dissipate? Isn't it better for the spirit body to be more solid?"

   "The host has a lot of yin qi, which is good for the spiritual body, but not very good for the human body. The imbalance of yin and yang is terrible."

   Ling Yun's pupils suddenly opened.

   "Do you mean that the face is becoming human?!"

   Ling Yun said in shock.

   Reshape the body, this is too terrible!

"Yes it is."

   Ling Yun was not calm after hearing the system's answer.

   turned out to be true!

   A small health code has such a terrifying ability? At least this must be a golden object.

   "Huh, I really don't know how powerful a civilization can be to create this kind of QR code!"

   Ling Yun took a deep breath, only need to swipe lightly, even the soul will become healthy for you.

  This kind of's terrible!

   Two-way foil is incomparable.

   "It seems that the erasure of the QR code in Zhou Nan's hand is correct."

   His eyes condensed.

   I don’t know how much trouble it will cause if this thing goes out.


   "It's better for me to keep it personally." Ling Yun chuckled and took out the phone exactly like Zhou Nan from his pocket.

   Before he exploded Zhou Nan's phone, he had already re-enacted one exactly the same.

   The kind where the data has not changed.

   Click to open the photo album.

   Seeing the QR code lying quietly in the photo album, the corner of Ling Yun's mouth couldn't help but a slight curve was drawn.

   "I have to thank Xiao Glass and Zhou Nan for that stupid boy."

   Ling Yun raised his head and looked at the face in front of him again.

   Since you know that there is nothing wrong, there is no need to worry.


   After the crisp snapping sound, the original color reversed.

   The colorful world is back again, and Zhou Nan and others who were banned before have also recovered.

   "Ling Yun, you must think of a way, if you continue like this, your shop will be charged with murder."

   "Don't worry, there will be nothing wrong with your face. If you disturb her now, it will really happen." After that?   Ling Yun looked at Zhou Nan in surprise.

  Why is this kid so obsessed with the code?  Should not...

what! An eighteen-year-old fell in love with a twelve-year-old.

   How many years should be sentenced?

   is worthy of scrutiny.

   On this side, Zhou Nan saw Ling Yun's calm eyes?   also gradually calmed down.

   On the face of the face, he reminded him of his sister who was far away in his hometown.

   That's why I'm so anxious.

  Looking at the face that gradually became transparent?  Ling Yun's expression moved.

   Although the face has never done anything that hurts the world, but because it has been a spiritual body for a long time, the soul has absorbed too much Yin Qi. Far beyond the tolerance of the human body.

   Just when the face code was about to dissipate?   Countless star-like light spots gathered in an instant.

   came from all directions.


   Other people held their breath, covered with light?   formed a figure.

   "What's the situation?" Zhou Nan exclaimed in surprise.

   "What's the situation?  Of course it's resurrection?" Looking at the look of the dog's eyes, Ling Yun explained with a smile.

   Cao Yanbing who came over suddenly shrank his pupils when he heard Ling Yun's words.

   But he was not in a hurry to find Ling Yun, his eyes fixed on the glowing figure.

   true and false, at a glance!

   Just then?   A beep sounded.

  "Ding! The health code reminds you?  Your body has recovered.

There are thousands of avenues, life is the first, cherish life away from death, here is the empty boundary. "

   Lingyun: "......"

   Zhou Nan: "......"

   Cao Yanbing and Yu Jin: "..."

   This tip, absolutely!

   is really conscientious customer service.

  After this voice fell?  The light that permeated the face began to fade.

   Start with the feet first.

   Ling Yun quickly made a piece of clothing and threw it to Mian Ma.

   And the face code was also moved, putting on the clothes before the light dissipated.


   then?   buttocks, jumped off the counter.


   "It hurts, it hurts!"

   slumped on the ground with a painful face?   clutched his red feet, tearful eyes.

   Seeing Ling Yun was speechless for a while.

  It used to be a spirit body, of course, it’s okay to jump wherever you want?  But now it’s an entity?  The most important thing is that the face is not wearing shoes.

   It doesn't hurt to jump off the counter.

   "Let's put it on." Ling Yun made another pair of shoes and put it in front of Mianma?  A pair of socks were included.

   Mianma glanced at Ling Yun with a reddish face.

   I don’t know how to make a full set of clothes, there is still empty under her!

  Cool and swish.

   Otherwise, why do you think the noodles jumped off the counter in a hurry.

   The wind blows...cold!

   Of course, this kind of thing will not be said, and it is impossible for Ling Yun to know.

   Zhou Nan and others were completely shocked, pointing to the face and speechless:

   "Ling, Lingyun, face her..."

   "As you can see, it's resurrected." He stretched out his hand and rubbed the head of the dough code, and smiled.

   " The face code is also a smile.


   Looking at the calm and calm Ling Yun and the face of her curiously looking at her body, Zhou Nan couldn't help but screamed.

   "What is it called? It's so noisy." Ling Yun stretched out his little finger and took out his earwax.

   "Ling Yun, you mistaken me!" Zhou Nan looked at Ling Yun and yelled after a brief period of bewilderment.

   The look in his eyes was as if Ling Yun had raped his sister.

   "Do you know what the value of this QR code is! It was so easily lost by you!"

   Finally regained a healthy body by scanning the health code? !

   He really didn't expect a small QR code to have this ability? !

   If he knew it, he shook his wool!

   Now... Regret!

   The kind of regret and regret.

   Unfortunately, there is no regret medicine in the world... Wait!

   Zhou Nan's pupils stared, and quickly came to Ling Yun.

   "Ling Yun, I remember you said that as long as you open the can, the more obsessed the people, the more complex the desire to open the things, right?

   "It seems to have said that." Ling Yun nodded.

   "Then I want to open the can, now! Immediately! Immediately!" Zhou Nan almost shouted.

   It can be seen how anxious he is in his heart.

   This time it was completely wrong "100 million"!

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