Super Dimensional Fantasy Shop

Vol 4 Chapter 278: Magic book

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"Huh? You are here too." Sophie took a sip of the milk tea, and Sophie noticed Xia Yuan and Zhou Nan.

"What is this? A new dog?" Sophie raised her head.

Looking at Diya Luca who has been paddling high in the sky.

Diya Luca: "..."

If it is not incapable of speaking, it must want to curse.

You are a dog, your whole family is a dog!

"Ahem!" Xia Yuan and Zhou Nan lowered their heads and coughed, but their complexions were a little flushed.

"What are you talking about? This is my mount, what kind of dog, this is the **** of time." Ling Yun corrected.

"and also…"

"Aren't you a vampire? Is it okay to drink milk tea?"

"Who said that vampires can't drink milk tea, black tea and coffee can be good or not." Sophie said with a special affair.

"Today's shop is very lively, so many people came at once."

"Umm, why is that person glowing?"

Sophie was naturally referring to his classmates.

"The things from the shop are making a joke. It will be fine later."

"Sit down first, it's not good to stand all the time, Qingzhu, go get them a glass of water, Xia Ran is apple juice, Sophie will give her a bag to **** the ice, remember it is the red one."

As a master, you can't let such a large group of people stand.

"Got it." Lingqing Zhuluoluo stood up generously, smiled at Lingyun, and walked towards the kitchen.

"Unexpectedly, I haven't seen you in such a short time, Ling Yun has another beauty in your shop."

Xia Yuan joked.

Even Xia Yuan had a glimmer of surprise in his eyes when he saw Qing Qingzhu.

It's not that he has never seen a beautiful woman, but it is the first time that he has seen such a dusty woman.

"Many people, is today a day worth celebrating?"

The imaginary space opened, Xilin walked out of it and saw the momentary steps in the shop.


"Xilin, one of the mistresses of the shop." Before Ling Yun spoke, Zhou Nan on the side finished speaking.


Xia Yuan showed an expression that all men understand.

"So is the beauty just now?"

"Basic exercise, don't 6." Ling Yun coughed lightly, pressing his hand in the air.

It seemed that Zhou Nan wanted to kill him.

He hasn't even held a girl's hand until now, Ling Yun now has three wives.

Sometimes the gap between people is so big.

"Xilyn, did you bring things back?"

"Of course, but there seems to be a lot of people." Xilin looked at the people in the shop in distress.

There are eleven people in this shop alone.

She was afraid that the vegetables she bought were not enough.

"It's okay, don't forget what I do?"

Ling Yun gave a chuckle.

The core of the law of reason is not in vain.

Did you think of anything?

It's just that you don't spend money without spending money.

Moreover, he is not a tool man, and he will not make his own food when he has no alternative.

"Counting the time, Thor and the others should almost be back."

Ling Yun asked after putting Diya Luca away.

"Playing games?" Ling Yun asked, shaking his phone.

Xia Yuan: "..."

Do you think I can fight or not?

the other side

Conna turned into a dragon and flew towards the distance.

Thor, who was talking and laughing with Scarlett and Emperor Yan, suddenly stopped.

Wrinkled Qiong's nose: "Kanna's breath?"

"That little girl also came to this world? Yes, every time I was kicked out, which time didn't come to you." The Emperor Yan was surprised.

"Father, you take Scarlett back first, I'll take a look." Throwing Scarlett into the arms of Emperor Yan, Thor solemnly said.

"Okay." Emperor Yan nodded.

The next moment, Thor shook his wings and flew in the direction Conna was.

"It's another guy who doesn't make people worry about it." After Emperor Yan finished speaking, the dragon wings spread out behind him and flew to the Dimension Store.

"Why? Why do all of them like Lingyun so much? Why is Kang Na not doing it well."

On a lawn, Conna stood there lost.

Unwilling to wipe away the tears.

I came to see Lord Thor with anticipation, but found that Lord Thor was already in Lingyun's heart.

After finally having a playmate, it turned out to be Lingyun.

Conna seemed to feel the deep malice from the world at this moment.

"Hey! There is a little baby here."

"I'm not staying at home this night. Are you lost when you come to this kind of place alone?"

"Who?!" Kang Na who heard the voice wiped away her tears and looked around warily.


The next moment, three big men walked out of the grass.

They are... (cough cough, you know everything)

"Who are you?!" Kang Na looked at the three warily.

"Little sister, why are you crying here alone?" the headed man asked with a smile.

"It's none of your business!"

"Oh, she told me it's nothing to do with us. Didn't you find Mom and Dad and got lost?" The man laughed at his classmate as if he had heard something funny.

The other two also laughed.

On this quiet grassland, it is like the whisper of an evil spirit.

"I'll just say it once, get out of the way!" Kang Na's soft and cute voice was full of cold air.

An electric ball emerged in the center of the palm.

She could only feel endless malice in these three people.

"Yo? I didn't expect to be a rare Thunder Awakener!"

The leading man saw the electric ball in Conna's hand.

Not only was he not afraid, but he also showed a smile of joy.

"I really picked up the treasure, so we met such a rare little guy." On the man's left was a man with a scar on his face. He took out a knife and licked the bright blade with a look. Said darkly.

"Jie Jie Jie, if you dedicate you to Lord Moshu, Lord Moshu will definitely give us stronger power."

"Praise you, the great lord of the demon realm, the record of creation that records the evils of the world, please grant me the black thunder that sweeps everything for you!"

In Conna's surprised eyes.

A black book appeared in front of the leading man.


The pages of the book were turned, and as the man's words fell, the books merged again and disappeared.


Conna was awakened by the sound of an electric arc.

"Little sister, go back with me obediently!" The headed man smiled darkly and stretched out his hand


The black thunder rushed towards Conna like a mad snake.

It seems to swallow Conna!


Feeling the danger, Kang Na's pupils shrank slightly and quickly blasted the electric ball out of her hand.


The two arcs cancel each other out.

"Who are you?!" Kang Na frowned. UU reading www.

She had a hunch that the three people who suddenly appeared must be hiding secrets!

"Is there any strength? It seems to be a little difficult to win, the second child, the third child, let's go together." The man answered the question.

"Praise you, the great Lord of the Demon Realm, the record of the creation of the evil in the world, the abyss is for you! The cage of the Demon Abyss!" The scar man smiled slightly.

"Praise you, the great lord of the demon realm, the record of the creation of the evil in the world, the man who devours the endless sea, the great water!" The last thin man

Whisper softly.

The three can be said to complement each other.

One paints the ground as a prison, the other uses water to control the enemy, and the third is injured by lightning.

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