Super Dimensional Fantasy Shop

Vol 4 Chapter 281: Conna: Call me

Fox Demon World

Bella looked at the sun and sighed, and another night passed.

I don't know which night it is, Bella sighed as he watched the rising sun.

The world should have seen everything.

Even left a legend that belongs to her.

One day

The northern demon emperor was frozen and roared by the white demon dragon descending from the sky.

One day

Before the poisonous power of Huandu Qingtian, the Poison Emperor, was paralyzed by the lightning from Tianer.

One day

The sky over the Western Regions turned across the sky on the second day, and the old czar of the Western Regions was crushed on the ground.

The three kings were all defeated by the same demon dragon. As soon as this news came out, the demon world was shocked, and the Dao League was shocked.

Only the King Power Patriarch smiled bitterly.

This Bella's noise is really big enough.

Fortunately, Bella hid her identity and didn't let the people around him know.

Otherwise, King Power Villa is what the swords refer to.

It can be said that all the forces in the world in the entire circle, except Tushan, have been visited by her.

"In this world, apart from the circle and proud country, only Tushan has not gone." Bella stood up from the eaves of the king's house.

Mumbled as he watched the sunrise in the distance.

In the house underneath, there lived the kingship hegemony.

This is also the permission of the Patriarch, otherwise it would be strange to let a stranger squat on the eaves of the Wangquan Villa every day.

"Let's go to Tushan today."

The light wings of the arc spread out, with a dazzling light than the sunrise, turning into a white dragon with a blue streamer, and flew in the direction of Tushan.


In the empty cave, Yu Chen quietly suspended in the air.

It's like a thinking person walking back and forth.


The pages of the book were turned, and scarlet words appeared in the writing.

"It's still a little bit, I'm almost able to complete this part of the content, then the second link can be opened."

"Let me take a look, the first page is the prologue, and the second page starts the real record."

"In other words, if you want to truly go out, you only need the last believer!"

With that said, the magic book is high and low in mid-air, expressing inner joy.

God knows that he has been in this place where the birds don’t **** since he came back. How did he live?

But now, everything will be different. Only the last person will be able to acquire new supernatural powers and gain more powerful power.

After he has the power to protect himself, he can truly walk out of the mountains and into the world!

He has a dream, he wants people all over the world to believe in him.

Seize the way of heaven and take control of the world!

Thinking about it, Yu Chen couldn't help falling into a beautiful fantasy.

As everyone knows, the danger is approaching.

On the other side, Thor took Conner into the mountains.

In front of the mountains, Thor stopped.


Taking a look at Li Yu, who was held by him in his hand, Thor said nothing emotionally.

"Then...over there!"

Li Yu shuddered when he heard Thor's words.

Pointing to the side tremblingly.

He hadn't forgotten, just now Thor took out a silver thing.

I saw a red blast from the small silver stone, and his other two brothers instantly turned into ashes.

He was the only one left to lead the way.

Facing this murderous female devil, Li Yu didn't dare to rise up a heart of resistance at all.

Looking in the direction of Li Yuzhi, Thor's pupils narrowed slightly.

"Master Thor, if you stay here, I will go."

"No, let's wait here..."

Thor stopped in the middle of speaking.

She remembered what Ling Yun had said to her before, and looked at Kang Na.

It's better not to stimulate her at this time, it won't be good if you do anything impulsively.

"give me."

At this moment, Kang Na stretched out her hand and looked at Li Yu.


Li Yu looked at Kang Na with a dazed expression, what did she say?

"I want black thunder."

This time, Li Yu understood. He took a careful look at Thor and nodded before he released a trace of thunder and lightning.

Immediately, Conna put her little hand behind her back and pulled out a small tail.

It's just a little surprising that the tail is like a plug?

Under Li Yu's bewildered gaze, Kang Na moved.

She put her tail on Li Yu's hand.

After that, Li Yu felt that the electric current in his hand was constantly disappearing, and it disappeared after a while.

"carry on."


The curious Li Yu released a trace of black thunder again.

Soon, the current is gone again.

"carry on."

Li Yu: "......"

After trying back and forth several times, he understood.

It turned out that the little girl in front of him was charging through his black thunder? !

Not to mention the lightning ability, it can also absorb the opponent's lightning to supplement oneself.

Do you think you are the Thunder Dragon Slayer Slayer?


"No, it's really gone!"

Ten minutes later, Li Yu lay weakly on the ground.

A dark magic book fell to the ground.

The chapter pages inside are yellow, which is obviously an overdraft.

"Sure enough, it is better to have enough energy."

Contrary to Li Yu, Kang Na looked satisfied.

Raising his cute little fist, he said with full vigor.

With electricity, she is equivalent to having self-confidence.

"Master Thor, let's go!"

After speaking, it turned into a thunder light and rushed into the mountains.

"Conna, wait for me!"

Thor yelled anxiously, mentioning Li Yu who was like a dead dog, and the dragon wings spread out and rushed out.

In the distance, Ling Yun received Thor's positioning.


Ling Yun standing on Diya Luca said something.

In an instant, Diya Luka made a roar, speeding up, no, to be precise, speeding up the surrounding time to achieve the power to cross the distance.

Wei Ya and others quietly chased after her.

Soon, everyone came to the front of the mountains.

"I felt Thor's breath." A voice came from the huge dragon mouth of Emperor Yan.


Ling Yun nodded, his infrared vision had already let him see everything.


Suddenly, a huge crash sounded.

Let everyone look away.


"Tor, Conna! It's right that I have no grievances against you, why do you aim at me like this?!"

A huge roar resounded through the mountains.

Endless blood emerges.

The mountains were covered with a faint blood red like mist.

A red book rushed into the air with a blood-red light.

There is no expression, if there is, then he must be very dazed and shocked.

Yu Chen was puzzled.

Logically speaking, this should be the modern magical world. Why did Torcona appear?

If it were the Dragon Maid World, it would be completely impossible for Li Yu to wear modern outfits and have supernatural powers.


With the sound of breaking wind, Thor and Conna flew out.

"It's up to your subordinates to want Conna as your sacrifice!"

"I'm special!"

With that said, Yu Chen understood. It is estimated that it was those three stupid men who saw that Kang Na was a child, so she started abducting.

"Blood Demon Big Hand!"

The magic book opened The blood-red mist around it turned into a big blood-red hand and grabbed it towards Thor.

This is one of the magical powers he inherited from the magic book.

There is no way now.

Head to head with Thor and Conna? Yu Chen didn't even think about it.

The most urgent task is to run away first, and then the wretched development.

Now that he has some strength, it is still possible to go to some remote places to fool people.

"Dragon Blast!"

Thor reached out his hand, and a red light flashed on the dragon charm.


The scorching flame whizzed past, directly swinging away the big **** hand.

Go straight to the magic book.

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