Super Dimensional Fantasy Shop

Vol 4 Chapter 284: The forgotten Bella is remembered again

"Super Dimensional Fantasy Shop (

The system left.

Going away with a sulky stomach.

Although it's everyday to be stunned by Ling Yun, it doesn't make sense to be so stunned in front of your hands?

"Hello, Lord Lingyun, my name is Qingling. I used to be one of the systems under Master Dimension." The cyan light ball in front of me was high and low.

"I ask you, what function do you have before you lose your ability?" Ling Yun asked curiously.

"My function is actually the same as the normal system, that is, the exchange shop is opened, and you can get exchange points by killing the strong. Or you can use the exchange points to strengthen your weapon skills." Qing Ling said very much.

Ling Yun: "What you said, my system doesn't have any! To be precise, I don't have any."

"Master Dimension is special. He possesses the ability to connect to the heavens and all realms. The highest system like mine can only open a few worlds, but Master Dimension can ignore all rules and laws and open items in any world through a jar. , Is an extremely powerful system." Qingling seems to have a different worship for the system.


Ling Yun curiously.

I didn't see it.

Although Qing Ling only said part of it, Ling Yun also heard some things.

Ling Yun rubbed his chin, his system seemed very hanging.

"Okay, let's not talk about it, let's talk about you."

"Ling Yun-sama, say, I will do my best!" Qing Ling's tone suddenly became serious.

The one in front of him is the host bound to Master Dimension.

The status in her heart is naturally the same as the status of the dimensional system.

"Don't be so nervous, I'm easy to talk, come, how about this picture?" Ling Yun stretched out his hand.

A picture appeared in his hands.

"It looks good." Qing Ling nodded honestly.

"Then can you become like this?" Ling Yun asked expectantly.


"Then change!"


The next moment, the cyan light ball burst out with a soft white light.

The cyan light ball gradually elongated under the extension of the white light, and finally turned into a white figure.

The light gradually disappeared, and a woman with long straight silver hair and wearing a white school uniform appeared in front of Ling Yun.

"I'll go, it's the same as it really is." Ling Yun exclaimed.

"This is just the most basic form of change."

The white-haired girl opened her amber eyes and said softly.

"That's amazing too." Ling Yun exclaimed.

I looked at the girl, except for her tone of voice, everything was exactly the same.



Ling Yun opened his eyes.

Looking at the scenery passing by in front of him and Conna and Thor who also stood on Diya Luca behind him.

"Ling Yun, you are awake." Thor said.

Nodded to Thor, Ling Yun looked at Kang Na who was pouting aside, and couldn't help but smile: "Why? Still angry?"

"Humph! Why do you even have to **** Xiao Ran after taking Master Thor!"

"Unfortunately, there is no way, Xiao Ran knew me earlier than you." Ling Yun smiled and rubbed Kang Na's head.

"Don't worry, Xia Ran won't abandon you, and you won't lose her friend. As for me, I have to show respect in the future. I can end Yandi's son-in-law now."

Ling Yun raised his eyebrows.

Sure enough, the prestige of his father-in-law was still great. After feeling the curious gaze of Conna, Emperor Yan gave her a cold look, and Conna didn't dare to speak.

"Xiao Kangna, ignore him, let's play."

Qiong hugged Conna in his arms from behind Conna.

"Qong, don't make trouble." Ling Yun scratched his head helplessly.

Soon, everyone returned to the shop.

"How's it going?"

"Not an extraterritorial creature."

Ling Yun replied Zhou Rui and walked towards Scarlett.

"Come on, Little Scarlet, let dad hug you."

The daughter of soy sauce came back, and Ling Yun urgently needed to add her daughter's attributes.

"Isn't it an extraterritorial creature?" Zhou Rui frowned at the door.

Seeing Wei Ya, shaking her head, she stopped saying anything.

"Ling Yun, the day after tomorrow is the international freshman competition, and I have prepared the places you want for you."

Turning his head, he looked at Ling Yun who was holding Scarlett and opened his mouth.

"It's just, is it really okay?" Zhou Rui hesitated.

Esther and Celine were not worried.

He has either personally experienced the strength of the two.

The only thing he worried about was Kasuga Yeqi.

This islander, he checked the information.

Before entering the shop, he was a little white, and he had no experience in battle. When the time comes, he will be confused if he sees his opponent.

"Don't worry, your worries are unnecessary. As long as you win with one hit, there will be no problems."

Ling Yun naturally knew what Zhou Rui was worried about.

It's just that Ling Yun doesn't care about his worry at all.

"International freshman competition? I didn't expect Ling Yun to participate? I remember that several of Yang Hai High School were admitted to Jingcheng University. If you play, Ling Yun will probably be shocked to death." Xia Yuan joked.

"Xia Yuan, you are wrong, this time Ling Yun went as a reputation inspection."

Xia Yuan: "......"

"Yes, participating in this kind of competition in accordance with Ling Yun's strength is tantamount to abuse."

"Okay, don't talk about it, sit down and eat, anyway, it's just the hot pot everyone is free. There are enough ingredients."

A red light flashed in Ling Yun's hand, and the original ingredients were copied directly.

"I really envy you." Zhou Rui also opened the core experience card of Li Zhi Lv. UU reading

That's why I know how awesome this ability is.

Of course, he also knows how difficult it is.

Even when copying an ordinary part, Zhou Rui was forced to memorize a lot of knowledge.

The things made are still crooked.

I don't know how much knowledge I have accumulated like Ling Yun.

"I'm really curious about what is in your head."

"Brother Lingyun, do you know where Bella is?"

At this moment, Xilin walked out of the bedroom.

"It's strange, it's impossible for Bella to leave without telling me."

Xilin frowned and said to herself.

"Bella? I asked her to go to the world of hegemony and do something for me."

"I think she usually doesn't have time to relax, so let her go around and relax after she finishes her work."

Ling Yun replied.

Naturally, Xia Yuan and others who had opened jars in the Dimension Store didn't care, but in the ears of Wei Ya and Zhou Xile, the ordinary conversation between Ling Yun and Xi Lin was no less than a thunder.

What do you mean?

The world of kingship hegemony? !

The owner of this shop even possesses the ability to let people travel through the world and break through the dimension wall? !

Wei Ya, who doesn't know anything about the Dimension Store, is the most daunting.

To be honest, her knowledge of this shop was nothing more than bringing her back from space and having a meal.

In addition, Zhou Rui told her a lot about Lingyun.

But she really didn't know the magic of the dimension shop.

"So, too, since Bella has followed me, she has never played according to her own will." Xilin nodded.

In her heart, Bella is not an attack and a mount, but a family member.

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