Super Dimensional Fantasy Shop

Vol 4 Chapter 287: Giant Tree of Resuscitation

"Super Dimensional Fantasy Shop (

"You have no choice."

Bella calmly scanned the demons below.

Tu Shan Honghong was silent for a while.

Bella was right. She, no, to be precise, Tushan has no choice now.

Once the giant tree of misery dies, Tushan will soon become a dead place that is no longer suitable for the survival of any creatures.

Shi Kuan and Fan Yunfei also calmed down.

Shi Kuan looked at Bella with canthus eyes, her shriveled lips gradually opened, and a hoarse voice sounded: "Do you really have a way to revive the afflicted giant tree?"

Bella did not answer, but looked at Tu Shan Honghong.

She is the strongest here, so Bella subconsciously ignored the others.

The kingship hegemony here also questioned Ling Yun.

King Power Hegemony: "Owner, can you?"

Ling Yun: "Are you despising me that the golden item level after my upgrade is the core of the Law of Death?"

King Power Hegemony: "..."

Report that someone openly opened a plug-in for his doll!

Wangquan Hegemony took a deep breath: "Owner, is there still a shortage of people in the shop? It's okay to watch the door, as long as you know me."

Ling Yun: "Expression: eat melon; no, next one."

Just kidding, my shop doesn't raise men.

He is enough.

King Power Hegemony: "Don't be so unfeeling, dead ghost~"

Ling Yun: "......"

Risa: "Hey!"

Ling Yun: "Let me go, don't you disgust me, okay? Dongfang Huaizhu can't satisfy you anymore? How about trying Dongfang Qinlan? Putting you under your feet, you should like that feeling."

Ling Yun in the shop felt a bit of cold, and quickly plunged his face into the hair behind Scarlett.

Smell the faint fragrance and slowly relax.

King Power Hegemony: "Ling Yun, believe me or not, I will let you kneel down in front of me."

With the move of being 100% empty-handed, the kingship hegemony can be said to be proud of spring breeze.

When an old guy in the clan refused to accept his decision, he let him kneel down in the eyes of all Daoist disciples!

So that all the elders look at the hegemony of kingship like the devil.

When people are old, the most important thing is their face and reputation.

Elder XX openly kneeled and apologized for disobeying the orders of the contemporary Patriarch, and he would die if he thought about it!

Ling Yun: "Believe it or not, you were shot into a sieve when you made the move."

The moves of others may be interrupted because their moves are all made by the body.

But the key of truth made by Ling Yun is a genuine weapon.

The kingship hegemony is powerful, but the body is still the standard of ordinary people.

To put it simply, prepare to get shot.

King Power Hegemony: "..."

Rick: "The world is terrible, I can't help but tighten Hubby in his arms."

Ling Yun: "Shut up, say your Spiral King Kong thorn Bi. I hope that Hugh will not be too happy then. This person will be easily excited when he is happy. When the machine is happy, the bottom will be tight, tut."

Ling Yun: "I don't want a **** among my guests."

Limlu: "Ah, it's actually not impossible. Or @里克, give me Hughbi, I'm a liquid, I'm not afraid of pain, even if it's iron, I can go deep into it."

Rick: "!!!"


It's really too much!

Peeping at the screen, Rick threw away the soap in his hand angrily.

"Rick, what's the matter with you?"

Hubby raised his head and looked at Rick curiously.

How can you throw away the soap after halfway through the bath?

Even a robot needs to be well maintained.

"Huh, it's nothing, it's just being eaten by someone." Rick exhaled and smiled at Hubby.

Rick: "@利姆露, I want to reward you with a curry stick!"

Limru: "Thank you, it just happened that I haven't eaten curry for a long time. By the way, I can analyze the composition of the curry stick, and then I will go back and hit you."

Take advantage of your strength and fight to change the stars!

Rick: "..."

Rick: "@凌云, I'm reporting, this sage is cheating!"

Ling Yun: "The great sage is Limru's wife. How can this be called cheating?"

Ling Yun: "@里克, in your original work, you have to rely on Jikai to turn around. People who eat soft rice and eat their mothers have the right to report a fart. It would be nice if you didn't seal your account."

Rick: "..."

Although you are telling the truth, isn't it a bad idea to expose people like this?

Limru: "???"

Limru in the tent was startled.

What is it... the great sage is his wife?

He didn't believe that Ling Yun would aim for no reason.

Ling Yun: "Don't care, you will know later."


After a short silence, Tu Shan Honghong first dissipated the demon power.

The red eyes calmed down.

"Sister." Ya Ya and Rong Rong were taken aback.

After seeing Tu Shan Honghong's gesture, she also put away her demon power.

"If you can save the afflicted giant tree, I will apologize for the previous imperfections." Tu Shanhonghong said flatly.

After seeing this scene, the other demons also put away their demon powers.

A dead horse is a living horse doctor.

They also don't want their love to leave like this.

Fan Yunfei glanced at Bella deeply.

"If you can't revive the giant tree of misery, even if I fight this life, I will kill you!"



Along with a mist, he turned into a dog, Shahu?

But soon he was caught by a black-haired girl.

Bella looked at the demons around her, her back light wing moved.

Flew towards the collapsed giant tree of misery.

After landing, she stretched out her hand and touched the tree trunk.

She quietly looked at the broken tree.

Reach out and melt the ice on the tree.

"Bella, the shopkeeper said yes."

At this time, the kingship hegemony flew over from a distance, stepping on the kingship sword.

"This sword?!"

The demons felt a little and turned their heads quickly.

When I felt the heavy pressure from that sword, my heart sank.

"You can't go wrong, it's the King Power Sword!"

Which monster would not know the King Power Sword, it was one of the strongest magic weapons in the world.

It can be said that few monsters are not afraid of the King Power Sword.

"Royal Patriarch, what do you do to come to Tushan?"

Tu Shan Honghong raised her head, her eyes turned scarlet again.

In the past few years, the Daoist people have come to Tushan.

Were all driven away by her.

But now the head of the royal family came here and brought the sword of royal power.

"Don't worry, I'm not here to find fault." King Power Hegemony laughed.

He didn't care about Tu Shanhonghong's attitude at all.

Turned his head to look at Bella and nodded: "The owner said it's okay."

"Then Lord Lingyun said when I can go back?" Bella turned her head to look at King Power Hegemony.

"Ahem, it's enough to save the afflicted giant tree." King Power Hegemony coughed lightly.

"it is good."

Bella turned around, and under the gaze of many demons, her wings spread out behind her.

Soon, the light wing turned into jet black, and endless death spread.

Let all the monsters look dignified.

"Is it really okay?" Tu Shanrong couldn't bear it.

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