Super Dimensional Fantasy Shop

Vol 4 Chapter 283: Kasuga No Dome exits

"Super Dimensional Fantasy Shop (

"Come on, brother, I will do it lightly."

Xia Ran randomly flicked the whip to the ground.


In an instant, a groove was punched into the ground, and the flames instantly burned the surrounding grass to ashes.

Cao Yanbing: "..."

"Yu Jin, how many times can you carry the whip?"

"Master, I..."

Yu Jin opened his mouth, not knowing what to say.

"Forget it, I know if you don't tell me, don't worry, I will assist you from the side." Cao Yanbing smiled bitterly and shook his head.

"Please help me take care of my brother."

Cao Yanbing walked to the melon-eating noodles and Nishinomiya Glass, and solemnly handed the younger brother in his arms to the two of them.

"Come on." Face Ma stretched out a hand to cheer him up.

"I will!" Cao Yanbing nodded solemnly.

Turning his head, a trace of determination flashed in his pupils.

Looking at Xia Ran on the opposite side.


Reaching out, a group of deep red flames like purgatory emerged.

Vaguely you can see the small flame lotus blooming and disappearing.

"bring it on!"

"Yu Jin, let's go!"

"Yes, Lord!"

"The Yan King breathes!"

Accompanied by Xia Ran's soft drink, it sounded.

The whip was thrown out.

A flame tornado flew up quickly, rushing towards Cao Yanbing with a wave of fire that burned his skin.



Ling Yun shouted at the sky.

Thor in the distance paused and turned his head: "Ling Yun, what's the matter?"

Ling Yun beckoned.

Thor said a word to the two dragons and flew towards Ling Yun.

Soon, a small mountain of Thor fell from the sky.

"Hey!" Lingyun jumped from the ground in Thor's curious eyes, and jumped onto Thor's body.

"Xia Yuan, if you win, I will lend you Diya Luca for a week, how about it?" Ling Yun standing on Thor's back looked down at Xia Yuan.

"Are you serious?" Xia Yuan's pupils lit up.

As a member of the underground world, I have been exposed to many things, so I also know some very precious and rare items.

These things are either in the hands of other countries, or they are in the hands of the Beastmasters in the suburbs.

With his strength, it is really difficult to obtain these.

But if there is Tiya Luca, then everything will be different!

Although he doesn't need it now, he still has a daughter.

"Lest I bully you, just ride it and fight me."

Ling Yun threw the master ball in his hand.

Diya Luka appeared from inside.

"Ling Yun, you mean, I can ride Diya Luka to fight with you?" Xia Yuan suddenly felt a sense of surprise.

Happiness came so suddenly that he was a little embarrassed.

"Don't worry, even if it's a sacred beast, it can't be my Thor's opponent." Ling Yun smiled recently.

Laugh, the happier you laugh, the cooler you cry.

"It's not necessarily!"

Xia Yuan gradually calmed down.

He has a certain knowledge of sacred animals.

That is the existence of the rule of control and the possession of the mansion!

If there is Tiya Luca, maybe it can win!

But Xia Yuan ignored one point.

Why did Di Ya Luka appear in Ling Yun's hands.

Under Xia Yuan's curious gaze, Ling Yun stretched out from the back of his hand, and soon, the white Demon Slayer Sword appeared.

"Xuan Tian."

Xia Yuan didn't doubt that he had him, fighting, it was normal to have weapons.

With a soft drink, along with the blue flowing water, the ice blue spear appeared.

Stand on the back of Diya Luka.

The next moment, Thor and Tiya Luca took off at the same time.


Then the heads of Thor and Tiya Luca collided with each other.

There was a sound wave during the shock period.

Seeing Ling Yun and Xia Yuan fighting.

Others are not idle.

Sophie rode on Conna, and together with Qiong and Aya Kiyoshi, looked at Celine on Bella's back.

"Come on." Xilin laughed, calmly.

"Don't be too proud, don't cry if you lose." Qiong said slightly unhappy.

It's such an understatement in the face of three people.

Later Qiong obviously thought that Xilin had exaggerated.

However, since Qiong had just gained strength, it was very important for her to teach her how to be humble at this time.

"Don't worry, even if I cry, I will only cry in Brother Lingyun's arms." Xilin smiled slightly.

As if he didn't care about Qiong's words.

"Tsk." Qiong said uncomfortably.

The strategy of angering the enemy failed.

"Burning ghosts!"

Reaching out, a huge battle axe appeared on a wave of fire.

Gently threw an axe flower, and Qiong stepped on it gently and rushed towards Xilin in the sky.


Regarding this, Xilin didn't even look at it, and whispered Bellenus's name softly.

The ice-blue dragon eye lights up.

The chill gathers.


Absolute cold enough to freeze everything into a dragon's breath and roar out.

"Nothing swallows inflammation!"

Aya Qingzhu quickly stretched out his hand, and the black flame blocked the blow.

"Conna, Long Lei!"


Convergence of electrical energy.

Kang Na, who is full of food and drink, is full of power!

When Bella was restrained, Qiong rushed up smoothly, raising her hands to refuse

Crossed the red arc, and slammed towards Xilin.


Chuckled lightly.

Xilin poked out her hand in the imaginary space.

The key of emptiness was taken out, facing Qiong.

"not good."

"Checkmate!" Xilin waved to Qiong, and whispered softly.


The next moment, huge imaginary energy fell from the sky.

With an extremely terrifying twisting force, Qiong directly exits the field.

Only a little spark is left in place.

The golden pupils were icy with nothing.

After fighting for two minutes, Kasuga Nodome, exit!




Diya Luka's whole body hit the! "

Thor uttered a dragon chant, and a chaotic roar came from his mouth.

The orange flame burned the blue skin a little red.


A miserable cry sounded.

A silver light gleamed from Diya Luca's huge claws.

Split the flame.

Alloy claws!

An orange light appeared in his mouth.

Destroying the death light blasted out, blocking Thor's dragon flame for a while.

"Ling Yun, it's too much!"

"Huh? I didn't, what are you running."

In the sky, Lingyun walked in the sky.

Xia Yuan looked resentful.

If you say singled out, just single out.

But why do you have so many floating cannons behind you.

"Let me experience Gilgamesh's compulsion." Ling Yun folded his arms.

Wandering in the void.

The Key of Truth behind him shot out blue lasers from time to time, hitting Xia Yuan with a bewildered face.

A series of elves such as the tyrannosaurus and bidiao were all dead.

Without exception, he was shot dead as soon as he came out.


This side

Cao Yanbing lay on the ground, Yu Jin had disappeared.

The skin was open and fleshy, and the blood was scorched.

"Stop fighting, I surrender, I can't get close at all!" With a wry smile, Cao Yanbing surrendered.

This is a fight, it's obviously abusive.

Xia Ran had the power of breaking the rocks with a single whip.

Even his Yu Jin dissipated after receiving five lashes.

Surrounded by flames, Xia Ran stood quietly in front of Cao Yanbing.

Like the queen of flames.

The father and daughter formed a clear contrast.

Discussion: When there is a double-standard male protagonist, the importance of choosing male and female after reincarnation.

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