Super Dimensional Fantasy Shop

Vol 4 Chapter 294: This one blow runs through the sky!

   "Don't run, since it's a fight, then fight it upright, what are you running?" Ling Yun's confused voice sounded.

   Just hit it well, what do you run?

   The only fun like this is gone.

   Looking around, Xia Yuan ran faster than the rabbit.

   a cloud of dust rose under his feet. It has become a beautiful scenery on the grassland.

   Xia Yuan, who was running wild on the ground, rolled Ling Yun's eyes directly after hearing this: "I can go to you! If you are really upright, put away the battleship under you!"

   "What the **** is it to ask foreign aid!"

Xia Yuan turned his head, and there was no cloud in the sky. It was a group of warships composed of black and black warships. Especially after seeing the scarlet-glowing figure on the largest warship, there was a burst of mmp in her heart. .

   "How can you say that? You didn't know me the first day. After analyzing and constructing this is my ability."

   Standing in front of the battleship, Ling Yun spread his hands, shrugged, and said indifferently.

   My ability has been denied?

   "It was a mistake that I decided to fight with you!" After Xia Yuan let out a bit of grief, shouted into the distance: "Diya Luca."


  The dragon chant sounded, and Diya Luca, who got rid of Thor, appeared at Xia Yuan's feet through the cracks of the world, and brought him back to the sky.

   "Don't say that, look, Diya Luca has lent you, and I also take this opportunity to let you run in." Ling Yun looked at Xia Yuan in the distance and smiled slightly.


   The breeze blew, Thor, in the state of the dragon, unfolded his dragon wings, and stood obediently behind Ling Yun.

   Xia Yuan: "I believe you a ghost."

   He didn't believe a word of Ling Yun's words!

   "The next blow, I hope you can catch it." Ling Yun chuckled.

   In the void, a chessman in crystal state appeared.

   Countless warships retreated around Lingyun, hiding in the void.

"that is?"

   Xia Yuan's eyes are still sharp.

   I saw the chess in Ling Yun's hand all at once.

   Although he didn't know why Ling Yun would take a western appearance, he would not naively think that it was an ordinary chess piece.

   "Should it be a nirvana, right?"

   For no reason, Xia Yuan panicked.

   has already run very hard, if he gets rid of his face again, he will be completely lost.


   Ling Yun raised his head and smiled brightly at Xia Yuan.

   The eyes of Xia Yuan with flashing white teeth are a bit dizzy.


   The next moment, the chess piece was pressed into the void by Ling Yun, and there was a collision sound.

   In an instant, the whole space changed!

   The sky became gloomy.

   There is a feeling of rain in the mountains.

   Then, a huge metal weapon that resembled a spiral covered Ling Yun and Thor.

   Several metal floating plates emitting light blue light are quietly suspended in the air, forming half of the wings.

   "This..." Xia Yuan dullly looked at the starkiller emerging in the void.

   gave him an invisible pressure.

   "Do you know? Once, someone used this trick to penetrate the planet, but he didn't need it because of me. Do you know why?"

   Ling Yun's voice came.

   But that smile in Xia Yuan’s pupils is comparable to a devil!

   "Why... why?" After swallowing, Xia Yuan asked nervously.

   "Because he had to pass through the planet to win the opponent was killed by me."

   "What? Damn it, despicable!"

   Before Xia Yuan could react, Ling Yun had already activated the Starkiller. Soon, a blue beam of light penetrated the space, and the thick cloud layer was directly penetrated.

   Looking at the oncoming beam of light, Xia Yuan bit his teeth and shouted loudly: "Diya Luca, hold on, then...time bursts!"


   The next moment, a white beam of light penetrated the sky.

   In the distance, several people who were fighting stopped, staring blankly at the blow that dispelled the clouds and penetrated the sky.

   Ling Yun stretched out his hand and put it on his eyes, blocking the sunlight, and nodded when he looked at the broken mountains and rivers in the distance.

   "This blow runs through the sky."



   Along with a white light, Xia Yuan came back.

   honored to be back to town!

   "Damn it!" Xia Yuan's face was full of anger.

   But then there was a helpless sigh.

   What about anger?

   can't beat it again.

   He raised his head for a moment.

   I thought I was the first to leave, but I didn’t expect another one?

   Kasuga Ye Dome sat on the sofa, and in her hands, a white slime was rubbed into various forms by her.

   She couldn't figure it out, so she was quit by one move.

   is too embarrassing.

   But from this incident, I also understand how weak I am.

   Her confidence that had not been inflated for two days was ruthlessly pierced by Xilin.

   "Huh? Are you back too?"

   At this time, Qiong noticed Xia Yuan.

   "Well, yes, I was beaten back by Lingyun's wall-hanging trick." Xia Yuan sighed, and also sat on the sofa.

   "One move..." Kasuga Noaki was depressed.

   She was also brought back by a trick.


   There is another white light in the shop.

   Cao Yanbing's figure appeared.

   The three of them glanced at each other calmly and sighed.

it goes without saying.

   Difficult brothers.

   Next, Ayoshitake returned first.

   Connor Sophie followed.

   Finally, Ling Yun took Thor, Xilin, and the two girls who were eating melons back to the shop.

   Ling Yun felt two faint glances as soon as he came back.

   One is from Xia Yuan, it goes without saying.

   There is another one from Cao Yanbing.

   It can be said that the battle between him and Xia Ran was a bridge led by Ling Yun.

   After returning to the shop, all his injuries have recovered.

   But it was the first time he was beaten so badly.

   Although Xia Ran tried his best to be merciful, the flame whip that Scarlet turned into was too much damage.

   so much so that the combo is superimposed under the burn effect.

   Cao Yanbing felt that he had suffered all the injuries in this life.

   "Don't look at me like that. Everyone chops each other, uh, cut and rub to make progress together."

   Ling Yun suddenly changed his words halfway through.

  Oops, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com almost said what was in his heart.

   "Ling Yun, I suddenly understand why Zhou Nan hates you so much." Xia Yuan suddenly said.

   "I don't like being liked by a man, thank you."

   Xia Yuan: "......"

   is right, but you don’t understand what I mean!

   "Ling Yun, what was the weapon before? It's terrible!"

   Xia Yuan still had some lingering fears when he recalled killing his weapon.

   I always feel that satellite lasers are nothing more than that.

   Even if it was the time burst of the super mythical beast Emperor Yaluka's trick, his knowledge resisted for a while.

   "It's nothing, it's just a weapon, as many as you want." Ling Yun said casually.

  He didn't lie to Xia Yuan.

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   Starkillers are at most golden items. For Ling Yun, who has the core of the orange rank ruler, it is easy to copy data.

   Xia Yuan: "......"



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