Super Dimensional Fantasy Shop

Vol 4 Chapter 306: The conversation between Zhou Rui and A

   "Okay, you go first. You still need to go to the town place over there. Recently, the frontier has started to be unstable again."

   Number A said with a deep gaze.

   Zhou Rui's heart is full.


   is also a little nervous, you know, his son is there!

   "Are you okay?"

   "Don't worry, there is no problem for the time being, coupled with the fact that the beast shot in time, it did not cause any substantial harm."

   "We can deal with them when the mainland is free." Zhou Rui said solemnly.

   "Hmm." Number A nodded, then as if thinking of something, he said: "By the way, how is the progress of the elemental wizard you reported earlier?"

   "It has been conceived."

   Speaking of this, Zhou Rui's expression was overjoyed.

   reached out his hand, and on the back of his left hand, there was a green notch that resembled a wing.

   "Come out. My contract spirit, Smoff!"

   fell with Zhou Rui's voice.

   The green hurricane blew by.

   A green eagle appeared on Zhou Rui's shoulder. Referred to as the topographic.

   It has sharp eyes, and even the A has never backed down.

   "Yes, it's about Tier 6 in terms of strength alone." Number A nodded and affirmed.

   In fact, he was quite surprised inside.

   Do you know this is only a few weeks?

   It has been less than two weeks since the incubation, and it has been able to grow into this kind of place.

   Number A admitted that he underestimated this new elemental spirit.

"According to Ling Yun, because Smoff was the first batch of elves born and possessed of the origin of the wind system, all possessing the talent to become higher elemental elves is equivalent to a super divine beast!" Zhou Rui touched Smoff. Smooth feathers.

   Under A's puzzled eyes, Zhou Rui said something that shocked him.

   "Super monster?"

   This time, the number A is not calm.

   He suddenly sat up from his position.

   looked at Zhou Rui steadily.

   Long Kingdom already has elves. If you now have an elemental wizard that is stronger than the elves, then the benefits will be huge for the entire Long Kingdom.


   Zhou Rui's gaze is also extremely serious: "I won't be joking about this matter."

   Knowing that Zhou Rui did not lie to herself, Number A took a deep breath: "This is really true. It seems that humans must re-examine the elemental spirit world."

   "By the way, I remember you said in your report that the higher elemental elves can be turned into weapons after signing a contract with the host?"

"Yes it is."

   Zhou Rui stretched out his hand.

   Smoff on his shoulder let out a cry.

   There was a strong wind in the room.

   Zhou Rui in the eyes of the wind stretched his hand forward.

   Soon, the green hurricane gathered and turned into a spear.

   Fairy Magic Costume——Smoff!

   "A spear? It's really a weapon for you."

   "Speaking of which, you are now the first person in the whole Long Kingdom to have a super mythical beast." Number A gave Zhou Rui a teasing look.

   "Ahem, don't laugh."

   Zhou Rui almost choked to death.

   Don't look at his superficial appearance, but Zhou Rui knows that the A number in front of him is the real boss, and it's just because of the leader that he can't shoot at will.

   Then someone would like to ask why Wei Ya, the Knight King of Great Britain, can walk around at will.

   The situation in Great Britain is a bit special.

  The title of her family is the King of Knights, and her favorite thing is to take her Knights of the Round Table to charge forward.

   is both a king and a knight!

   "I remember that the summoned object of the Eagle Sauce Kingdom is a beast body, right?"

   "Yes, it is said that they, like us, signed a contract with a world called Alien Beast. Any college student can summon his own alien beast through a specific magic circle."

  "The angels of the Vatican, the alien beasts of the eagle sauce, the gods of the Central Alliance, the warcraft of Great Britain, the elves of the Long Kingdom, and the ice world of the last Northern Emperor"

   "This freshman competition is interesting."

   "But this is nothing for us." Zhou Rui smiled brightly.

   "Also, I really don't know how you thought of it, not to mention the other, it's Xilin. You can hang a small country directly." Looking at the information in front of him, Number A slapped her tongue.

   This time Long Guo is going to hang up the various countries.

   "However, it turns out that the Dimension Store is indeed on our side." Zhou Rui said.

   "Hmm." Number A nodded.

   But as for what he thinks inside, it is estimated that only he himself knows.

   "Okay, that's the end of the chat, go ahead."


   After a salute, Zhou Rui left.

   "The Dimension Store, although I am implementing loose management for you. But if you dare to do things that endanger Longguo, you will have to pay the price even if you fight for my life!"

   After Zhou Rui left, a red light flashed in A's pupils.

   Maybe Ling Yun didn't think about anything, but everyone was innocent and pleaded guilty. The little power revealed by the Dimension Store every time made A extremely surprised.

   This is like a king in ancient times. Although he has no intention of rebellion, he has the ability to rebel!

   What would the emperor think in such a situation?

   Of course, number A is not the emperor.

at the same time

the other side

   Zhou Xile took Ling Yun and others into Beijing University.

   Countless students pointed to them along the way.

   Xilin, Thor, and Aya Kiyoshi are naturally indifferent.

   They have long been accustomed to indifference to the crowd.

   But Qiong's face is a bit thinner.

   I have been alone all the time, when was it watched by so many people.

   so much so that when I walked, I kept pulling Ling Yun's sleeve.

   This made Ling Yun very excited.

   Didn't expect Tsundere's surface to win and hide social fear?

   As expected, girls are cute when they are clumsy.

   Too shrewd is not good.

   "I remember you seem to be the Knight King of Great Britain? How come you come to participate in this kind of activity?" Ling Yun turned his head and looked at Wei Ya and asked.

   "Yes, shouldn't the king of a country guard the country? Is it really okay to come out like this?" Thor also asked.

"It's okay. Before I came, I gave everything to He does the work, I don’t worry, and Wang is only away for a few days. If the country is in such a short period of time, the country will be messed up. , Does this also show that there is a problem with my governance?" Wei Ya explained to Lingyun and Thor with a smile. A genius remembers 噺バ一Chinese m.x/8/1/z/w.c/o/m/

   Gao Wen, who followed behind, looked at Wei Ya who was talking and laughing with Ling Yun and others with a dazed expression.

   Is this really their knight king?

   How does it feel like the sister next door?

   "Who the **** are they? Let the chairman personally lead the team."

   "Stop talking, don't you see the two behind?"

   "Huh? Who?"

   "The training room is silly, right."

   "The woman in the quilt is the knight king of Great Britain, the man is Ling Yun, the hero who defeated the Tianyu Emperor!"

   "Secondly, I feel that they are here to watch the international freshman competition."

   "Knight King? Really or fake, I only heard the name, this is the first time I have seen a real person."

   Hearing what the person next to him said, the student finally reacted. New 81 Chinese network update the fastest mobile terminal: https:/

   Then, there was a new question in his mind.

   "But... this kind of big guy will come to see us rookie games?"

   "Who knows, maybe this is the fun of the big guys."

   After hearing this, the classmate nodded in a sensible way: "Well, it makes sense."

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