Super Dimensional Fantasy Shop

Vol 4 Chapter 313: Gao Wen's Brain Supplement

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"New varieties?"

"It's a new kind of elves, do you know?"

"You idiot, you all say you are a new elf, how would I know." The person next to him looked at him with an idiot look.

"I'm a little confused, I haven't turned around." The man scratched his head embarrassedly.

"Diya Luca, it turned out to be Diya Luca! My God!" In the distance, Yue Lin looked at the blue Pokémon that appeared surrounded by countless formations, his eyes protruding.

Said in shock.

The Yue family is also a well-known family in the capital. There are people in the family who hold important positions in the military, and they have a certain understanding of these legendary super mythical beasts.

Thanks to the blessing of the family, he got a good elf.

"This is a big event. The owner of the Dimensional Shop owns the legendary super mythical beast, and it is also the **** of time, Yaluka. If he wants to destroy the world, it is estimated that no one can stop it!" Yue Lin was excited! Said.

Although Xiao Xiao didn't speak, his hand was tightly clenched.

In this way, he would never catch up with Ling Yun.

"Diya Luca?!" Gao Wen next to Wei Ya was stunned for a moment, and then stared at the elves in the sky.

"Why, do you also know?" Ling Yun turned his head when he heard the shocked sound behind him.

"I don't know or not, it's a super divine beast! Long Guo's Zhou Rui can only be recognized as a super divine beast, but no one has ever been able to subdue a super divine beast." Gao Wen shook his head.

"Not anymore now." Ling Yun stretched out his thumb and pointed at himself.

Gao Wen: "..."

If you don't talk to you, your kid is poisonous.

There was a touch of jealousy in his eyes looking at Ling Yun.

Not only the powerful dragon, but even the super mythical beast Emperor Yaluka in the fairy world legend has been subdued by him.

He suddenly understood why Wang would like him...wait! Maybe not like it?

Suddenly, there was an excitement in Gawain's mind.

Weiya turned her head when she noticed Gawain's gaze.

At that moment, he met Gawain's line of sight.

Wei Ya glanced at him suspiciously and then set her gaze on Ling Yun again.

But Gawain's heart trembled fiercely.

In his cognition, the glimpse of sight just now should be a warning.

Why did Wei Ya come to Longguo, why did she want to approach Lingyun.

Do you like Lingyun?

No, it's not!

Gao Wen overthrew all previous brain supplements and started a new brain supplement.

My king was to get close to Lingyun, investigate him, and finally kill him while he wasn't prepared!

I think it should be Ling Yun's strength that caused Long Guo and Wang's jealousy. Why did you join Zhou Rui to trap him in the hotel? Why didn't you tell him about such an important thing?

I'm afraid I will disrupt the situation!

In Wang's judgment, Ling Yun might have threatened Great Britain, so he wanted to approach him and kill him!

‘That glance just now should be a warning to me. Gao Wen noticed that Wei Ya, whose gaze had been on Ling Yun, murmured in her heart.

Thinking about it, Gawain looked at Wei Ya admiringly.

Worthy of being our Knight King of Great Britain.

The queen of the empire that never sets!

Their will and character are really not something they can speculate at will.

Before, he mistakenly thought that Wei Ya and Ling Yun had a leg.

"Damn! I'm tarnishing my chivalry!" The more he thought about it, the more he blamed himself.

"What's wrong with you?" Wei Ya asked.

"Don't worry, my king, I'm all your sword!" Gao Wen knelt on one knee and solemnly made a knight salute.

He swears here that no matter what the king does next, he will not interfere with the king's will!


Wei Ya's Gao Wen with a question mark on her face.

Shook his head.

This child, shouldn't he have a brain disease, it seems that Lancelot will have to go back and correct his thoughts.

Well, let's start with Lancelot next door.


"Are you really an elf?" At this time, Blue River reacted and stared blankly at the mighty Diya Luka in the sky.

The fire-breathing dragon subconsciously took a step after feeling the pressure of the super mythical beast.

Unlike when facing Bellenas, it felt an instinctive oppression when facing Dia Luca.

It was like facing Tianzhe.

"Such as fake replacement, by the way, did you not see that it came out of the pokeball?"

The corner of Lan He's mouth twitched.

Ling Yun's words really made him unable to refute.

"Fire-breathing dragon, calm down, even if an enemy who knows that you can't defeat it doesn't even have the courage to fight, we will stop here forever." Looking at the trembling fire-breathing dragon, Lan He took a deep breath.

"Although my decision is stupid, would you be stupid with me once?"

Hearing what his master said, the fire-breathing dragon stopped shaking.

After a short silence,

"Roar!" A roar full of warfare sounded, and the fire-breathing dragon ejected a flame.

Warm up his cold body, looking at his master, it gradually calmed down.

Bearing the pressure from the blood, raised his head and solemnly looked at the Emperor Luka who was like a king in the sky. In those cold pupils, the fire-breathing dragon seemed to have seen the end of time!

"Is it the chief of Blue River? Regardless of his strength, this bond alone is worthy of respect." Zhou Xile, who had known Lingyun and Diya Luka for a long time, was not shocked, but looked at Lan He admiringly.

Ling Yun also nodded, applauded, and said in admiration: "Yes, although it is stupid to say that it is foolish not to escape and surrender when knowing that it is invincible, but if you don't even have the courage to face the strong, then the emperor Yaluka will be your lifelong shadow of the fire-breathing dragon."

"Courage?" In the distance, hearing Ling Yun's words, Xiao Xiao took out a red and white elf ball from his clothes bag.

"Hey, don't you think it is." Yue Lin on the side grinned at this scene.

"Don't worry, I'm not that stupid yet, and the competition will start tomorrow. I won't choose to hurt my partner." Xiao Xiao put away his pokeball.

"I'm afraid you can't help it."

"Shouldn't it be you who were the happiest at that time?"

"This makes me sad. At any rate, we are also friends from childhood to adulthood." Yue Lin chuckled and squinted his eyes.

"Have you ever heard a word?"


"Squinting eyes are all monsters." After saying that, Xiao Xiao ignored Yue Lin and moved a little closer to the battlefield.

Standing in the same place, Yue Lin was stunned for a long time, and finally couldn't help laughing.

"Interesting, maybe this is correct..." The eyes under Yue Lin's frame were strangely red and blue.

"You are very good, I suddenly don't want to crush you." Suddenly, Ling Yun's voice came.

Let everyone froze.

"So, let me see where your strength can reach."

After Ling Yun finished speaking, he turned his eyes to Xilin and Thor.

"The fire-breathing don't get it wrong."

"X or y"

"Well, look at him, give him an x." Ling Yun fumbled his chin and said.

"Okay." Thor nodded, and took out a keystone with a strange pattern from the black card.


Xilin nodded, opened the imaginary space, and Thor put the strange stone in her hand.

In an instant, the same imaginary space opened up in front of Blue River.

"What is this?" Qiong asked curiously.

Ling Yun smiled and replied: "A kind of stone."

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