Super Dimensional Fantasy Shop

Vol 4 Chapter 326: Be the most beautiful yourself

The audience in front of the TV stared blankly at the collapsed beasts from the third perspective.

In an instant, countless monsters were created.

"Ling Yun, he has become so strong!" He Lin'an resisted the shock in her heart, looking at the flat Lingyun on the TV with a complicated expression.

She couldn't believe that this was Ling Yun who failed the college entrance examination three months ago?

Those who have not become the awakened can become an existence on an equal footing with the bigwigs of other countries without seeing them for three months.

This is simply fantastic.

"that is!"

On the other side, Wang Ye, who had been shot through the bedroom with a spear of Yakong before, stuck his face on the TV.

He stared fiercely at the spear of Akong behind Xi Lin.

That spear is exactly the same as the one shot through his house before!

"It can't be wrong, it really is Ling Yun!"

At this moment, Wang Ye's heart was extremely angry, but also extremely terrifying and powerless.

Now Ling Yun has grown to the point where he can only look up, even if there is resentment.

"What? Son, do you know Lingyun?" Wang Ye's father, the old Wang next door looked at his son in surprise.

"Well, he is my high school classmate." Wang Ye said complicatedly.

"Oh? Really?! If you are classmates, such a strong classmate never heard you mention it, but since they are classmates, they must have some friendship with each other. Go out and get in touch with each other more in your free time. Don't worry. Money, as long as we can have a good relationship with Lingyun, our Wang family will never have any worries..." Lao Wang said a lot, and suddenly found that his son was not talking, and asked a little curiously: "Son? Son? Why are you not talking?"

Wang Ye's face suddenly became pig liver color.

He really wanted to tell his father.

People can't afford it anymore!


"You! What did you do!" Yue Lin looked at Ling Yun in surprise and anger.

The fact that his deceased became the opponent's person did not shock him. What really frightened him was that Ling Yun was able to turn an ordinary wild boar into a very tricky existence in an instant.

"Now, you are a lonely person." Ling Yun smiled slightly.

"You fellow!" Yue Lin's eyes were gloomy.

I don't know what I'm thinking.

He glanced at the densely packed Collapsible Beast around him, his face suddenly darkened.

Say it early!

If you said earlier that you could make so many troops in batches in an instant, I would like to make some wool.

Xilin drew a huge imaginary space on the edge of the barrier, and people retreated in an orderly manner.

"Retreat in an orderly way, understand? If someone shows me pushing, just interrupt the leg." Xilin said with a smile.

He was smiling, but everyone shuddered and said the scariest words with a gentle smile.

Everyone nodded pecking rice, obediently lined up to evacuate.

Although the enchantment is powerful, it doesn't work in the face of the imaginary space.

The two are not in the same dimension at all.

For a moment, Yue Lin, who saw this scene, wanted to scold his mother.

Today this TM is kicked to the iron plate.

Zhou Rui and others looked very strange.

They were all prepared to fight to the end.

Unexpectedly, the turning point was so big.

At the same time, they also secretly remembered Ling Yun's words that in future battles, they would never give the enemy a chance to grow.

"Huh! It's just that some trash fish have been added." Although Yue Lin had no bottom in his heart, he couldn't lose on the surface.

"Pavanti's army is ready."

Ling Yun was too lazy to talk nonsense with the other party, built a recliner, lay on it, and yelled casually.


Suddenly! A dozen Pavanti roared.

The students and spectators have all been evacuated, and there are only agents from a few countries left here, plus members of the 15th National Congress of the Republic of Korea.

In addition, the guards were also evacuated, and the battle of the big brothers followed, and their rookie chickens staying there was also troublesome.

Still watching the live incense outside.

Pavanti stepped heavily toward the ground.


The ground cracked, and Zhou Rui felt a pain.

These later stages are all money and can't stand your creation.


"Hahaha! Did you see it? Finally, I don't harm Yanghai City anymore, hahaha." At this moment, Yang Chuan in Yanghai City's Extraordinary Bureau smiled at his secretary like a second fool.

As he spoke, tears flowed down unconvincingly.

The baby is bitter!

God knows that in three months, Yanghai City has experienced a year of total disasters in the country, which is still the greatest.

Because of the steady stream of disasters that led to economic depression in Yanghai City, his political achievements did not increase but retreated.

The cold air gathered, and finally, the blue cold current surged on Parfanti's body.

Finally gathered in the mouth.


More than a dozen blue ice rays burst out suddenly.

Numerous knights in the sky rushed out with shields and sharp spears.

The dead men also rushed forward.

"Get out of here!" The yellow light shield unfolded in front of Yue Lin, blocking Pavanti's blow, but because of the terrifying impact, he had to step back a few steps.


At the next moment, countless sharp spears blasted on the shield, and the dead men blasted on the shield with punch after punch.

"Damn it! This body is too weak to use my best ability. Is the defense already barely enough?"

Yue Lin gritted his teeth and looked at the collapsed beasts that were only one centimeter away from him.

He violently took out something similar to a jar from the space bag.

"Die to me!"

However, as soon as he took it out, the imaginary space opened, and a hand came out of it and snatched it over.

At the same time, Ling Yun's voice sounded: "What is this thing?"

I saw that he was playing with what Yue Lin had just held in his hand.

"What?" Yue Lin quickly turned his head and looked at his empty hand with a dazed expression on his face.

And this stupefaction caused a gap in the shield.


A crack appeared in the shield, and soon, it shattered Yue Lin had only time to utter a word, and in the next second, he was flooded by countless collapsed beasts and blue freezing light.


The mountain shook for a while. Fortunately, everyone flew in the air, and no harm was caused. Ling Yun was also forced to fly from the recliner into the air.

Regardless of that, Zhou Rui looked at the long nest that had been blasted through a hole, but also wanted to cry without tears.

Ling Yun: Prompt, it seems that Longchao is a hole in the first place.

Zhou Rui: ...bye, I don't want to talk to you.

Zhou Nan, who was lightly eating melon in the Beijing Transcendental Bureau, said that it was no surprise.

When Ling Yun appeared and didn't damage a few places, it was simply a humanoid natural disaster.


The dust dissipated, Yue Lin lay half on the ground, bleeding from the corner of his mouth, and the surrounding ground was covered with crystals condensed by cold air.

There are frozen collapsed beasts around it.

"I have never seen a dog like you!"

Yue Lin struggled to get up from the ground, watching Ling Yun gritted his teeth.

Just as soon as he got up, his throat was sweet.

A mouthful of blood spurted out, turning the ice crystal in front of him into a blood crystal.

"Huh! Do you think that you can be the most beautiful yourself with the most glamorous lipstick?"

Ling Yun snorted coldly, and a trace of contempt flashed in his pupils.

With a wave of his hand, countless keys of truth stand in the void.

The icy blue muzzle aimed at Yue Lin.

"Come here! The most rascal way to fight in history!" Zhou Rui vomited.


Xi Lin snapped his fingers crisply, and countless imaginary spaces emerged behind the Key of Truth, arranged in a row, densely packed, roughly estimated to be dozens of them.

The bigwigs of various countries took a step back in silence.

Looking at Ling Yun was like looking at death.

This man can't afford to provoke, can't provoke!

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