Super Dimensional Fantasy Shop

Vol 4 Chapter 346: Go home and play with the tap

"Hahaha! Stupid miscellaneous practitioners, look up to the king's British capital!"

Enter the golden ark, Vimala.

Gilgamesh stood on the top and looked at the world that had become a vast ocean below, and laughed into the ears of every hero.

"It's horrible. A great flood can be created in an instant." Lancer looked at the golden glitter in the distance and exclaimed the strong.

At its feet is a scarlet spear.

At critical moments, it is also beneficial to have a longer gun.

And in his arms, it was a certain director Ken.


The sound of the water being repelled sounded.

Inside a spinning tornado, Saber and Alice Phil stood there intact.

After seeing this scene, Lancer jumped and jumped in front of Saber, thanking him sincerely: "It's a great help."

Saber shook his head.

She is sheltered by the goddess of the lake and can breathe even underwater.

But Alice Phil is different.


"Unexpectedly, I was fortunate enough to see the legendary Ending Sword. Archer, I am really more and more interested in your identity." The rider laughed.

The two bulls rushed out of the sea, pulling the wheels of divine power, and reached the same height as Gilgamesh.

On the chariot, it was the rider and Webber with a pale face.

"Almost died!" Webber patted his chest in fear.

Seeing Gilgamesh's pupils were full of fear.

Jin Shining folded her arms, glanced at Iskandar casually, and did not look at the water quietly.

Suddenly, his pupils shrank.

On the sea, endless seas roll.

An extremely huge white beam of light rushed towards the sky with the sea water.

Rainbow falls

The figures of the three Ling Yun also reappeared in everyone's eyes.

The blue barrier blocked the roaring flood water around.

"Master is amazing!" A certain angel has completely reduced to the existence of shouting six six six.

Sakura quietly pulled Lingyun's clothes corner, her purple eyes filled with determination.

"Damn it! You guy is more tenacious than a cockroach!" Gilgamesh looked at Lingyun angrily.

Obviously, he has already used the ending sword.

Why not die!

"Unfortunately, your Ending Sword is good, but it is only aimed at ordinary people. For heroic spirits, especially heroic spirits with special abilities, your flood is the same."

"After all, the gods don't fear the sea."

"Are you saying you are a god?"

Jin Shining roared.

The calm sea dislikes a huge wave, which is enough to destroy a city.

But it only turned into raindrops after touching Lingyun's lightsaber.

"I mean, I can kill even a god, how could Xiaolang kill me? Like water? Or go home and play with the tap." Ling Yun chuckled, not at all. cover up.

"Damn miscellaneous repair!"

Jin Shining looked at the smiling face and his teeth tickled with hatred. The next moment, there was endless light emerging from behind him.

Immediately afterwards, one treasure after another came out.

"Boom boom boom!"

Like a carpet bombing, the torrential sea was bombarded with numerous waves soaring into the sky.

The roar of explosions continued.

A good inherent barrier was broken.

But Ling Yun didn't panic, staring at the golden glitter in the sky and narrowed his eyes, waving the Demon Demon Sacred Sword suddenly.


The white beam of light forced the endless sea water back.

Wherever the beam of light passed, there was a shattering sound.

Pieces of world fragments fell, revealing a dark void.

Chi Chi Chi Chi!

The sound of water evaporating sounded.

In the endless ocean, a white beam of light divides this sea area into two.


The earth seemed to be unable to bear the light, and a big crack appeared unexpectedly, and the floods instantly found a point of venting.

All rushed towards the cracked ground.

The peaks are broken and suspended in the dark air.

Iskandar silently watched the analysis of his inherent barrier collapse.

"Rider..." Webber called him worried.

Rider shook his head, staring blankly at Wang Yang who had fallen into the endless void.

Is this the sea at the end?

It's really at the end of the world.

Alice Phil looked at the shattered world around, as if thinking of something terrifying, her pupils suddenly widened.

"This is...could it be the legendary treasure of the world!"

Lancer was taken aback, and then looked at Alice Phil in shock: "What did you say? The legendary treasure that can destroy the world!"

Saber solemnly looked at Ling Yun under the light: "That fellow, what kind of hero is that?!"

"The existence of being a hero will be freed from the shackles of time, whether it is the past or the future, that is to say."

"This guy is likely to be a hero from the future!" Kenneth said suddenly.

He just said why Ling Yun is so inconspicuous and his dressing style is also very modern.

If it were the heroes from the future, then everything would make sense.

"You guy!" Gilgamesh looked at the light saber that was hacked, his face full of madness.

The endless magic power of both hands gathered, and the ending sword was re-facing Lingyun by him.

But just when he wanted to re-liberate the real name of Terminator Sword, his whole body stiffened.

Then the magic quickly collapsed.

"Damn, the magic power is consumed too much, and the Shichen can't keep up? Damn it!" Gilgamesh, covering his chest, stepped angrily on Vimana.

Just let yourself watch the fanatics who have mocked yourself get away with it?

For Gilgamesh, it was more humiliating than killing him.

But now the form is compelled.

If he doesn't hide, once he is brought back to the Hall of Valor, then he might lose his revenge against Ling Yun forever.

Looking at the lightsaber that was getting closer, Gilgamesh finally realized that it was not time to fight hard, gritted his teeth, looked at the sky and shouted: "Friend, save me with all my strength!"


The sound of chain straightening sounded.

Entangled fiercely on Jin Shining's body.

The white light flooded the world.

Everyone stretched out their hands to cover their eyes.

The next moment, the world of inherent barriers shattered.

Whether it is the flood, the desert or the sword of Lingyun.

All disappeared at this moment.

Only the dark night sky is left.

Everyone returned to the port again, and a berserker that fell on the ground.

"came back!"

Keiji Weimiya, who had been waiting, looked at the people who appeared suddenly, and quickly pointed them at them with a sniper lens.

"Ahem! It's a bloodline of rubbish."

Ma Tong Shinji looked at the right hand with only one Ling Shu left, and a touch of resentment appeared on the young face.

By this time, Shinji Maki had no qualifications for a magician.

Even if he now uses countless engraving insects to maintain this body, forcibly changing and spending a lot of magic power still has a big impact on him.

"Ling Yun, count you as good luck this time, next time, I must kill you!" Ma Tong Shiner finished speaking sinisterly, and he left the sewer.

Jian Tong's house was destroyed, and he had to find a place to live.

High in the sky, Jin Shining was embarrassedly tied by two chains extending from the treasure of the king.

Looking at Ling Yun below, the scarlet pupils were full of murderous intent.

"I will definitely return this kind of humiliation. Before this king comes to kill you, don't die easily!"

"I'm looking forward to it." Ling Yun hit Hache.

Anyone knows how to put it hard, but it's hard to do it.

If Gilgamesh is willing to be brought over by Gong Ling Yun might even give him a bit thin face.

Jin Shining snorted and dissipated as starlight.

Yanfeng Qili left quickly after seeing this scene.

In the same place, only the rider remained, and Saber had not left their two masters.

"Hahaha, Ling Yun, I didn't misunderstand you, this kind of strength is really strong!" The rider looked at Ling Yun and laughed, his pupils full of approval.

No more words to subdue Ling Yun.

After all, his strongest hole cards have been destroyed by the opponent, and a king who can't even beat his own hands, even if the opponent admits it, he himself will be ashamed.

"So you agree with me?"

"Of course, the strong are worthy of respect." The rider was taken aback for a moment.

"Well, let me develop the jar first."

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