Super Dimensional Fantasy Shop

Vol 4 Chapter 354: Inherent enchantment-far away ideal town

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"Really? You didn't lie to me?" The desperate girl seemed to have found the last straw, looking at Ling Yun hopefully.

"Really, more real than gold." Ling Yun smiled.

"it is good!"

Saber puffed up his face again, and looked at the last jar ready to go.

Take a deep breath.

Under everyone's gaze, he stretched his hand to the jar.



Winterwood Hotel

This is Kenneth's stronghold in Fuyuki City, surrounded by magic to protect the safety of the two.

In addition to the servants of Kenneth and Lancer, there is another human here, whose name is Sola Nazelai Sofiali.

Sola is a woman with short red hair, and the daughter of the Minister of the Clock Tower Spiritualism Department and Kenneth's fiancée.

The reason why Kenneth came back so anxiously was because of her.

If Kenneth usually goes to bed early.

But after experiencing the things just now, I'm afraid it's a little bit difficult tonight.

Sora was already asleep.

But Kenneth and Lancer sat silently on the sofa.

Around it is the magic of sound insulation.

"About those pictures, there is something credible."

After a long time, Kenneth raised his head and looked at Lancer.

Lancer's face was solemn.

"If it's that person, I think it's probably 100%." ​​Lancer's expression changed, but he still spoke.

"Sora, Kirishu Uemiya... really disappointed me." Kenneth sighed.

He really likes his fiancée, but the other side actually bypassed him and fell in love with Lancer, and even forced himself to transfer Lancer's curse in the end.

Lancer is the same, anyone who sees that kind of picture will not feel good.

His wish was shattered, and instead he was ordered to commit suicide by his own master.

If he didn't know the cause and effect, he would still hate his master so much.

It now appears that it is all the pot of the villain Kirishu Eomiya.

"Master, please allow my rudeness!"

Lancer suddenly knelt on one knee in front of Kenneth, lowered his head, and said silently.

"Lancer, you are not to blame for this, I can only say that my arrogance made it all." Kenneth raised his head.

After experiencing a death, he obviously knew more about himself.

"But it's not all bad things, at least let me see that you are a true loyal person." Kenneth smiled as he said.

After feeling the trust of Kenneth, Lancer smiled and lowered his noble head: "Thank you for your trust in Maser, Udi Lumudo Audi will definitely bring you victory!"

"Just do your best, after all, there is still a Lingyun." Kenneth waved his hand, disapproving.

"Yes." Lancer also gave a wry smile.

Kenneth turned his gaze and looked at the two broken jars on the table. There was an inexplicable light in his pupils: "Ling Yun, who are you on earth?"


the other side

Endless purple light blooms

With the appearance of that light, the joy on Alice and Saber's faces couldn't be concealed.

"Don't be too happy, maybe it's the lowest purple." The rider couldn't help but said sourly.

He admitted that he was sour.

Think about his ten consecutive cans, except for a guaranteed bottom, basically a few blue.

And saber? Liang Zi also has many blue items in magic costumes.

The gap in this made him feel bitter.

"Rider, don't attribute your fault to Saber, Saber may be a pure European." Looking at the sour rider, Ai couldn't help laughing.

rider: "..."

In Saber's expectant gaze, the light finally dissipated.

Ling Yun couldn't help but raise the corner of his mouth when he saw the message on the purple ball of light.

[Intrinsic Enchantment—Remote Ideal Hometown]: The sleeping place of King Arthur, the perfect king, your courtiers have been waiting.

Saber looked at the introduction on the purple item tremblingly.

Especially with the last sentence, Saber couldn't help it. The king who never shed tears had tears in his eyes.

"That's it! It's it! I really made it!" Saber murmured in disbelief.

"Congratulations, Saber." Ellie hugged Saber lightly, and she could clearly feel the latter's trembling body. There is no such thing as a legendary knight king, she is completely a little girl.

Can't help patting Saber's back lightly.

"What a lucky little girl, maybe it is because of this kind of good luck that you have become the legendary knight king step by step." Iskandar felt a little tired.

The rider who had exposed his hole cards now sees Saber really open to the inherent barrier, the whole person is not good.

"Don't worry, you also have hole cards."

As soon as Ling Yun said this, Iskandalton stared at him while blowing his beard.

It looks quite dry.

Ling Yun took a funny look at the rider, and finally turned his gaze to the joyful Saber: "Saber, I have to remind you before that, because the inherent barrier you opened is a purple item, so the highest can only have There are one or two Knights of the Round Table. You can unlock more Knights of the Round Table unless you strengthen or get a promotion card. Of course, it is possible to forcibly manifest, but the consumption of magic power is a very scary figure. You can’t afford it. That's it."

"Ling Yun, you really know how to do business." The rider said strangely.

Use the relationship between monarch and minister to let Saber come to shop for consumption.

Give you a hope, and then give you countless debts.

It's really a black shop.

"As a store owner, a series of (krypton gold) measures must of course be arranged." Ling Yun smiled slightly, as if he didn't care about the rider who had something to say.

"Just steal it. If the Knights of the Round Table gather, won't you be hanged and beaten? Don't forget Lancelot. With his eponymous knight, Iskandall is ready to wait. Beat it, that level of battle can't be won by the number of people." Ling Yun looked at the rider teasingly.

Rider's complexion collapsed immediately.

Thinking of Lancelot's explosive combat power, the rider scratched his head angrily for a while.

"Enough, enough!" Saber didn't care.

She is already very lucky!

Very lucky!

She was extremely envious since the rider showed the king's army.

Now that she can meet her old friend again, she is already very content.

At the same time, this inherent enchantment also means that the Knights of the Round Table did not betray her! there has never been!

Looking at the excited Saber, Ling Yun gave a chuckle: "It's not too late. Try it?"

"it is good!"

Saber immediately took a deep breath.

The light ball disappeared, and finally there was an extra one on the saber's hero panel.

Skills: far away ideal town (A+)

"As long as you have accumulated enough points, I will upgrade the inherent enchantment to a golden item at that time, and it can be converted to the same EX level as the rider."

Ling Yun smiled without caring about the rider's face that was more uncomfortable than eating a fly.

"Now, let's take a look at the place where the legendary Knight King sleeps."

Accompanied by saber chanting ends.

The scenery in front of everyone changed again.

The chirping birds sounded.

"This is really, UU reading I almost like this place." The rider admired the scene of birds and flowers around him.

Endless grasses, flowers blooming, tall and lush trees, creeks and rivers crisscross.

Smoky, like a fairyland on earth.

Everything around is different from his king's army, and it is full of warmth and beauty.

"Is this the place where the legendary Knight King sleeps?"

Looking at the empty grassland around, Ai said curiously.

"Rider, look there!"

Looking along the place Webber pointed to, soon everyone saw the castle standing in the distance.

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