Super Dimensional Fantasy Shop

Vol 4 Chapter 362: Crashed caster

   "Asshole! You are playing with me again and again?! You must be the messenger sent by that **** god!"

  Caster roared, and several black shadows rushed out from under his feet and rushed towards Lingyun along the ground.

  Ling Yun's eyes narrowed as he looked at the black shadows surging on the ground.


   pulled the trigger.

   A blue magic circle appeared around the silver arrowhead.

   The next moment, the shadows that were rushing towards Ling Yun disappeared in an instant.

   "Impossible, what about my magic?"

   Feeling that his magic has been eliminated, Caster's complexion changed.

   As a dark wizard who has been recorded in history, he naturally has unique attainments in magic.

   "I'm sorry, because of Tosaka Tokimi, I even look down on most magicians."

   "So, can you please leave the show quickly?"

   Ling Yun gave a chuckle, raised his hand slightly, and pointed the silver arrow in his hand at Caster.

   "Damn it! Don't think that the magic that destroyed me will look invincible in the world!"

   The Luoshan City Teaching Book, which was made of human skin, began to flip frantically.

   The black magic circle spread out under Caster's feet.


   Before the caster could chant, the magic circle under his feet shattered again.

   "I can ignore the magic, how many hole cards does Ling Yun hide." Alice looked at Ling Yun with a wry smile.

  Kiritsu's chances of winning are even slimmer.

   "Damn it!"

   Caster's complexion sank, and he looked at Ling Yun unwillingly.

   "As I said, magic is useless in front of me." Ling Yun smiled softly.

   "On the contrary, I will kill you." Ling Yun stretched out his left hand.

   applied the additional magic that he had just opened from the jar to the air.

   just in a moment

   Saber, who has a unique knowledge of wind, clearly feels that the originally smooth wind has changed!

   became mad!


   "Don't get too smug! You heresy!" Caster obviously felt the magic of the riot in the air.

   look terrifying.

   Lingyun's expression turned cold: "You are the heresy, right."

   was another shot that destroyed the caster's magic.

   Immediately afterwards, his left hand slammed forward.


   The terrifying storm directly blows the caster away.

   At the same time, raising the silver arrow with his right hand, as long as the caster's magic circle appears, it must be broken.ァ新ヤ~⑧~1~中文网ωωω.χ~⒏~1zщ.còм

   This makes Gildley, who is a caster, extremely irritable.

   My own magic was completely suppressed.

   "Sakura, go on." Throwing her silver arrow to Sakura.

   Ling Yun's free right hand applied the additional magic of the rock pillar to the earth.


   The next moment, the earth suddenly rises up several rock thorns!

   directly locked the caster flying into the air inside.

   "Who the **** are you?! I have no grievances with your Excellency, why are you aiming at me?" The caster, who was blocked in the air by Iwasabi, finally calmed down after realizing the gap between the two sides.

   "Of course it's because... I also like Jeanne."

   Ling Yun showed a pair of white teeth.

  Caster: "......"

   saber: "......"

   Alice Phil: "......"

   "Damn end, I used words to insult my holy girl again and again, unforgivable!"

  Caster exploded again after a short silence.

   Jeanne is his faith.

   Even if he is dead, no one is allowed to insult Joan.

   "It's paranoid love." Ling Yun looked at such a caster and smacked his tongue.

   "Also, in fact, I am not called end. This time the Holy Grail is standing, I will come as a diend."

   Ling Yun politely made a Western etiquette.

  Caster: "...Your sister!"

   "How many ranks do you guys have!!!"

  Caster roared, he was almost broken by Ling Yun.

   The other party hung him so many times, and in the end he didn't even know the other party's name and rank. The caster feels so frustrated!

   "I have no rank." Ling Yun spread his hands innocently.


   "Everyone said that I called in violation of the rules. Isn't that kind of thing casually taken?"

   "You play with me?" Caster's face sank.

   Ling Yun looked at Caster in shock: "I will be sad if you say that, aren't you having a good time?"


   "Whoever you are?! I remember your look, I will let you know that fooling me with Gildley will pay the price of life!!!" Caster said viciously.

   "By the way, are you so sure that I am not in disguise now?" Ling Yun looked at Caster in surprise.

   Why are you so sure?

  Caster looked stiff, and asked cautiously: "Then what do you really look like?"

   Saber and Ai look at Caster suspiciously.

   He was hit by Jiang Zhi, right?

   Actually, I don't blame the caster, mainly because Lingyun is too pitted.

   He has been scared.

   "This question, I think we will discuss the same when we meet again next time." Ling Yun smiled slightly.

   reached out his hand and grabbed it in the void.

   A fiery red longbow appeared in his hand.

   "It's another ex-class treasure!" When Ai Li saw Ling Yun take out the Houyi bow, her pupils shrank.

   Saber's pupils also flashed with surprise, how many ex-class treasures does this guy have? !

   "Exit, caster."

   Ling Yun smiled slightly.

   slowly pull the bow and arrow.

   The violent fire element appeared in the void, and the ground under Ling Yun's feet was directly dry and cracked.

   Sakura is protected by a cloud of clouds, it's natural, but Saber and Ai Li's foreheads are covered with sweat.

   The long arrow condensed by the flame aimed, and Caster only felt a palpitation.

will die! Will definitely die!

  Caster has never felt that death is so close to him.

   Finally, he couldn't help it.

  No, I can't die, I can't die before the holy girl who saves me!

   I thought of the caster here yelling to the sky.


   The next moment, through the ability of Lingshu, the figure of Caster disappeared directly in place.


   Ling Yun stared at the caster who disappeared in mid-air for a moment.

   "Fuck, I am young, and there is no space blockade." Ling Yun put down Hou Yi's bow and patted his head.

   "Ling Yun, why are you here?" Saber walked over and asked after Ling Yun controlled the rock thorn to return to the ground.

   "It's just taking my little master out to stroll around, how about you?"

   "The same." Ai Li said. First release https://(www) https://m/.x81zw./com/

   "Are you worried?" Ling Yun asked as if he could see Alice's mind.


   Knowing that Ling Yun has the ability to predict the future, Ai did not avoid it, but nodded.

   "Ellie, are you hiding something from me?" Saber looked at the vague conversation between the two and realized that things are not simple.

   "Let's talk while walking." Ling Yun gently hugged Sakura and said.

   "Oni sauce, your gun." Sakura obediently handed the silver arrow to Ling Yun.

   "Thank you Sakura." Touching Sakura's head, Ling Yun smiled and took the silver arrow and threw it into the system space.

   After finishing speaking, she rubbed Kozakura's soft cheek with her face.

   "Hee hee, it's a bit itchy."

   Ai Li looked at the two with a look of envy.

  If the Holy Grail is completed, she will never see Ilia again.

   "My main concern is Keiji. If I know the truth about the Holy Grail, I don't know what it will be like."

   "Actually, you don't need to care too much about Ai Li, Keishi is not worth your too much effort." Ling Yun said suddenly.

   "Huh?" Ai Li was taken aback.

   don't quite understand what Ling Yun said.

   "Since the Holy Grail has been contaminated, have you considered living for yourself?"

   "You said and laughed, since I was made, my destiny is already destined." Alice shook her head with a wry smile.

   became the little holy grail, which is the meaning of her being made.

   Even her son Ilia was made to become the container of the little holy grail.

   "What does it mean to make? Isn't Sister Ai Li a human?" Sakura asked curiously, lying on Ling Yun's body.

   "Actually, I am a human being." Allie smiled slightly.

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