Super Dimensional Fantasy Shop

Vol 4 Chapter 380: Challenge Book/Kenneth Attack


   Lingyun is holding Sakura in one hand and Esther in the other, walking in the streets of Fuyuki City to meet the gazes of passers-by.

   "It's another peaceful day."

   "Oni sauce." Just when Ling Yun was sighing peaceful days, Kozakura pulled her arm.

   Ling Yun turned his head and saw a man in a sweater walking towards them.

   Ling Yun raised his brows: "Jian Tong Yan Ye?"

   "Thank you!"

   The visitor had no extra words, but bowed to thank you.

   "Which one are you talking about?"

  Ma Tong Yanye glanced at Sakura hesitantly.

   "Sakura, you go over there with Esther first."


   Sakura glanced at Lingyun, then at Tong Yanye, and finally the chicken nodded while pecking at the rice.

   After the two left, Ling Yun turned his gaze to Jian Tong Yanye: "Let's talk."

   "Thank you for giving Sakura a stable life. I can see that Sakura is happier than toshitoki's house in Tosaka."

   "She is my sister now, taking care of her is a matter of course." Ling Yun said flatly.

   "Well, there is one more thing, thank you for killing Tosaka Toshimi!" When Ma Tong Yanye said the name, his face was full of pleasure.

   This man took away his beloved woman and devalued his self-esteem for nothing!

   "Tosaka Tokichen is dead?" Ling Yun's eyes narrowed.

   "You didn't do it?" Jian Tong Yanye asked in surprise.

   "Tosaka Tokimi is Sakura's father no matter what, I will abolish him, but I won't kill him." Ling Yun said.

   "That kind of beast is not worthy to be Sakura's father."

   Looking at Yan Ye, Ling Yun shook his head without explaining anything.

   What does the death of Tosaka Tomomi have to do with him?

   "Isn't this a good thing for you? You can regain the chance of Tosaka Aoi." Ling Yun smiled slightly.

  Tong Yanye's expression dimmed: "I don't have any expectations of that kind of thing, what can I give her? My only wish now is to watch Sakura and Rin grow up healthy."

  From beginning to end, the man in front of him has never had any ambitions, but rather longs for that kind of ordinary day.

   "After the Holy Grail War is over, I will take Sakura to leave Higashigi City."

   Jian Tong Yan opened his mouth at night, and finally turned into a sentence: "Yes, it's a good thing for Sakura to leave this sad place early."



   Just as the two were talking, the sound of a sword collision sounded.

   Ling Yun quickly turned his head.

   "Something happened?!" Jian Tong Yanye's mind was also tight.

  Because the sound did not come from another place, it happened to be the direction where Sakura and Esther left.

   Ling Yun did not speak, and appeared in front of Sakura in a flash, looking at the figure in the pitch-black tights holding the dagger in front of him, his eyes narrowed slightly: "assassin!"

   Astor appeared with the Demon Demon Sacred Sword in his hand. Assassin thought that it was the Assassin who attacked Astor and they were forced to retreat by Astor.

   "Sakura, are you okay?" Jian Tong Yanye also ran over quickly.

   "Ouni sauce, Uncle Yan Ye..."

   "Yanfeng Qili!" Ling Yun looked at assassin with gloomy eyes.

   Should it be called assassin?

   In the case that he can't open and perceive, he can approach himself within two hundred meters without any sound.

   "So, you killed Tosaka Toshimi, right?" Ling Yun looked at Assassin's pupils and suddenly a touch of light was lifted.

   "What? Father he...dead?!" Sakura's pupils shrank, and she looked at Ling Yun in disbelief.

  Assassin did not speak, but shot out a letter quickly, and then fled without looking back.

   "Can you run away?"

   Ling Yun sneered.

   The golden halo opened, and the lock of the sky burst out from the inside, locking the limbs of assassin.

   Then a treasure shot out from the King’s Treasure, and penetrated Assassin’s chest.

   Seeing the disappearance of assassin, there was no expression on Ling Yun's face.

   is just a clone.

   "Decisive battle, Liudong Temple? Interesting, the two **** have joined hands." Looking at the letter in his hand, Lingyun scorned.

Gauntlet? Two jumping clowns.

   "Isn't there more people? It's good, I'll see who has more people then." He snapped his fingers crisply, and the challenge book turned into ashes.

   "Yanfeng Kirei, the lover of Tosaka Tokichen? I didn't expect him to kill Tosaka Tokichen." Jian Tong Yanye sighed.

   "Ouni-chan, Uncle Yan Ye, father is dead, what do you mean?" Sakura tightened Lingyun's hand and asked with a trembling voice.

   "I'm not too clear about this, but I think it should be Yanfeng Kirei and the dirty inkstone of Ma Tong." Ling Yun gently touched Sakura's head.

   "Jian Tong's dirty inkstone? Is he still alive?!" When Jian Tong Yanye heard the name, his expression suddenly changed.

   Like Kozakura, he has unbearable memories of this name.

   So he didn't like his father very much since he was a child.

   Ling Yun nodded: "Well, although I haven't shown up yet, there is no way to hide the dirty breath."

"Do you need my help?"

   "An ordinary person who even has a magic circuit, how can you help me?" Ling Yun smiled.

   Lingyun's words made Jian Tongyan night's eyes dimmed.

   "Go and accompany Aoi Tosaka, maybe this is your last chance."

   After finishing speaking, Ling Yun hugged Sakura, holding Esther in one hand, and his figure disappeared in place.


   Suddenly, a crisp voice rang behind Jian Tong Yanye, causing him to quickly turn around.



   It's just that when he sees the figure clearly, his pain shrinks.

  The visitor wore a pair of black ponytails and his pupils were dull.

   "Uncle Yan Ye...I heard it all, it was Yanfeng Kiri who killed his father..." Rin Tosaka said blankly.

   Tosaka Aoi and Ma Tong Yanye didn't tell Rin about Shichen's death, so Rin at this moment heard that Tosaka Tokichen had died, as if a mountain in his heart had collapsed.

   at a loss.

   "Rin" Yan Ye's hand that reached mid-air froze.

   He didn't know what words to use to comfort Rin.

   In fact, in his heart, whoever killed Tosaka Tokimi made him happy.

   But seeing Rin like this, he was full of guilt.

   "Why, I obviously asked him to protect his father, but he..." Tosaka Rin was puzzled.

   was originally just following Uncle Yan Ye around, but I didn't expect to know this kind of thing. First release https://(www) https://m/.x81zw./com/

   "Why, what the **** is it! Ryudong Temple? I'm going to ask Yanfeng Kirei." With a bite, Rin Tosaka turned quickly and ran away.


   Seeing this scene, Tong Yan Ye was and quickly caught up.

   If I took the liberty to go at this time, I would definitely not survive with Rin's strength.


   accompanied by an explosion

  Lancer led Kenneth out of the smoke.

   In the flames, the pitch-black berserker let out a deafening roar.

   picked up the steel bars on both sides and shot it towards the lancer.

  呯! Boom! Boom!

  Lancer's complexion condensed, his left hand vigorously exerted force, and the scarlet spear lifted the steel bar easily.

   "Didn't berserker have hatred with Saber? How did you find us here?" Kenneth was puzzled by the lancer's right hand.

   I stayed in the hotel well, and suddenly a black sword fell from the sky. A genius remembers 噺バ一Chinese m.x/8/1/z/w.c/o/m/

   "Master, we seem to be caught up." Lancer smiled bitterly at the assassin who suddenly appeared around him.

   "Hey, think we're a bully, don't you?"

   After jumping from the arms of the lancer, Kenneth said uncomfortably.

  Lancer gave a wry smile: "I guess so."

   "This is the second time this is special. Is the master of Fuyuki City so unethical for magic?!" Kenneth said angrily.

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