Super Dimensional Fantasy Shop

Vol 4 Chapter 390: Ai Li wakes up, throws you Ningko Vine

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"Huh? Can you still get it?" the rider asked in shock.

"Of course, as long as you are willing to go in and take a bath."

After giving an affirmative answer, Ling Yun snapped his fingers with a crisp voice.

Soon, everyone's sight changed and they appeared in a **** world.

The black mud glowing scarlet lay quietly in the lake.

"You got all the black mud here?!" Everyone looked at the black mud in the lake in shock.

"If you want to get a physical body, you can all try it." Ling Yun smiled.

"Forget it, this thing looks uncomfortable to me." Resisting the nausea, the rider shook his hand.

"It's a pity." Ling Yun shook his head disappointedly.

Originally wanted to let Webber use the spell to turn the rider into a red ponytail and then watch a rider play in the water.

Otherwise, since Iskandar doesn't have this idea, then forget it.

"It always feels like you are thinking about something very bad!" The rider looked at Ling Yun vigilantly.

"Ah, no, how could it be possible? How could I be the kind of person with a knife behind his back." Ling Yun shook his hand and said with a \'impossible' smile.

No body is better.

Weberna also has two magic spells. When the rider is still a servant, it is not very good to deal with riders with extremely low magic resistance.

The emperor was speechless for a while.

Ling Yun made him even more suspicious.


Suddenly, Ling Yun's expression moved.

"what's happenin?"

Saber on the side keenly caught Ling Yun's look.

"It's okay, it's just that Ellie woke up."

Ling Yun said, in an instant, everyone returned to the shop.

Empty the sofa.

Ling Yun controlled the imaginary space, and a pale and weak woman slowly emerged from the imaginary space and landed on the sofa steadily.

Feeling the change, Alice opened her eyes in a daze and glanced at the crowd, slightly surprised.

"Saber, and, Ling Yun, you are all here."

"I am..."

Although this body fits well with Ai Li's soul, after all, he was forced too tightly by Angola Manuel before, and her consciousness was very weak.

"It's okay, Alice, Ling Yun has rescued you!" Saber quickly grabbed Alice's hand and looked at Alice Phil with joy.

In this world, Alice can be said to be her only friend.

"Really? Thank you, but I just let you see my ugly side." Ai Li smiled bitterly.

At the same time, he was also surprised at Ling Yun.

She was convinced that she should have swallowed the consciousness of the Holy Grail.

Unexpectedly, Ling Yun actually rescued her.

"By the way, how is Kirishu?"

In Alice Phil's heart, although she was disappointed with this husband, she still couldn't help asking.

Before, the consciousness of Angola Manuel made Eri see the shipwreck problem that caused the collapse of Kiritugu Eomiya.

In her heart, she was already very disappointed with Eimiya Kiritugu.

But the other party is Ilia's father after all.

Many mothers are like this, obviously they can't go on, but because the children can only endure it silently.

Ling Yun: "He is fine, but now he is no longer different from the walking dead."

"is it?"

Ellie sighed.

"You have a good rest, decisively time to take Illya over, your mother and daughter will live with Saber and Sakura here in the future." Ling Yun walked to the kitchen and poured a glass of fairy spring water.

Although Ling Yun's view of this water is very plain, the life force contained in it is indeed very good.

It's a great tonic for the current Alice Phil.

"Thank you."

Supported by Saber, Alice sat up reluctantly, thanked Ling Yun and drank.

"Eri, the Holy Grail has been destroyed, let's live here peacefully in the future." Saber said suddenly.

"Hey?" Allie who drank the water was taken aback.

The Holy Grail is destroyed? Isn’t the Holy Grail oneself?

Was destroyed, then why didn't she and the three servants of Saber, Lancer, and rider return to the Hall of Valor?

"Your original body has been invaded by Angola Manuel. Fortunately, Avalon protects the soul and nothing happened. So I helped you recreate a body. As for the original body, I have destroyed it." Ling Yun explained flatly. Tao.


The shop was quiet for a short time.

Ali stared at Ling Yun blankly.

The created body, that is to say...

Thinking about it, there was a blush on his face.

If this body was created by Ling Yun, wouldn't it be that everything about me has been seen? !

Looking at the people around, Alice Felt wanted to find a gap to hide.

Oh, sorry, Illya, forgive mom!

"But, that, isn't it good for Alice Phil to go back? Why do I want to take over Ilia?" The rider said scratchingly.

Ling Yun glanced at the rider plainly: "What if I tell you that Illia is the container of the next Holy Grail?"

Alice's complexion changed abruptly.

She already knew what Ling Yun meant.

"I really want to cut your head and study, how many things we don't know yet." Kenneth said.

"Before this, I will blow your head." Ling Yun laughed, revealing his white teeth.

Kenneth: "..."

Can you chat happily together?

Ling Yun didn't continue joking, but pointed to his own bedroom and said, "Well, that's it for the time being, Saber, you take Ari to the room to rest. From now on, that room will belong to you."

He will return to his shop in a while, so this bedroom will be handed over to Saber and Eri.

"Relax, chuang is big enough."

Ling Yun said that he had personally inspected it.

"The next step is to deal with your business." Ling Yun put his gaze on Fujinomiya Ningzi who was playing soy sauce on the side.


Fujinomiya Ningko looked cute.

"Goodbye you." However, Ling Yun didn't give any explanation to the other party at all.

Hugging her directly, and throwing it at the door.

In the next moment, Ningko Fujinomiya disappeared directly.

"Is this what I said on the Internet about losing Lolita? It's really cool."

After throwing Fujinomiya Ningzi back to her world, Ling Yun patted his hand and said lightly.

Everyone who saw this scene was stunned.

It was lost too suddenly, leaving them no time to react.

"Are you really good to a child like this?"

For a long time, the rider said silently.

"If I have a good chat with her, believe it or not, this little girl will never go back, and the flow of time in the world is different from that of the world. Do you want her parents to worry?" Ling Yun glanced at the rider, out of anger Said.


Rider didn't know what to say for a while.

Because Ling Yun said nothing wrong!


the other side

In a commercial house, Gabriel, who returned to her own world because of the destruction of the Holy Grail, opened her eyes in a Looking at the familiar and strange room, she was a little dazed: "Are you back?"

In this room, there are still many unopened luggage.

Obviously, she was summoned by Ling Yun just after she moved.

Looking down at his hand, there is a dark card in the palm of his hand.

"It's not a dream."

"Ah, it's already this time." Gabriel glanced at the time shown on the black card and suddenly stood up from the floor.

"I'm going to prepare dinner, well, but I still need to buy some ingredients before that."

Thinking, Gabriel took the subsidy from Heaven and went out.

But when she went downstairs, the door of the small bungalow opposite the apartment just opened.

The next moment, a surprise sounded with a shocked voice: "Sister Jiabaili!"

Gabriel was taken aback when he heard the voice, stopped, and looked suspiciously.

I found a beautiful girl with long linen hair and a delicate face looking at her with joy.

"Are you?" Gabriel frowned her lovely brows, stared at the long flax-haired girl in front of her for a long time, and then slowly overlapped with a figure in her consciousness.

"Xiao Ningzi?!"

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