, The fastest update of the latest chapter of the Super Dimensional Fantasy Shop!

"No! Dog Lingyun, you mistaken me!"

Kevin looked at Ling Yun sadly.

If he could, he really wanted to chop Ling Yun.

At the same time, there was regret in my heart. I knew I would not threaten Fu Hua.

Also, why did he pretend to use this in the group.

If you don't say it, doesn't Ling Yun know it?

Heaven is a reincarnation, if you don't believe it, look up, who is forgiven by the sky.

Facing Kevin’s murderous gaze, Ling Yun continued to tease his little cat as if he was okay, and by the way instilled some life tips for his daughter: "Have you seen that gray-haired person? This kind of person is usually called a strange girl." ."

"Using the richest expression, speaking the most gentle words, but doing the most nasty thing behind his back."

"I didn't! Ling Yun, you guy defeated my character!" Kevin's 50,000-year mentality exploded directly.

"Is that so? But, I did call you Uncle Kevin." Scarlett said understandably.

Kevin: "..."


Kevin fell on the sofa in an instant, his whole person seemed to be gray and white, and his life was a bit dark.

Ling Yun: "Is it socially dead? It's a pity, I thought it would last a little longer."

"Owner, I need to understand what happened." Mei glanced at Kevin, then looked at Ling Yun and lifted his glasses.

"This matter, we have to start talking about the water in the Zimu River."


After listening to what Ling Yun said, Mei subconsciously exhaled.

She didn't know why. When she heard that Kevin and Hua got together, she couldn't help but mention it.

But when they knew the innocence of the two, they also calmed down.

Mei turned her head and looked at Kevin, who was sitting on the sofa with a good-looking baby: "So, do you still keep that water?"

"it's here!"

Not dare to hide anything, Kevin took out a glass bottle from the black card.

Inside, it is filled with water called the Zimu River.

"Is that this? You can get pregnant as long as you drink it. Is this something from a store? Is it really that amazing?"

Looking at the crystal clear water in his hand, which looks indistinguishable from ordinary water, Mei frowned.

At this time, Kevin also shook his head: "I tested this water with an instrument. It is ordinary water, and there is no difference at all."

"But this kind of water can really make a person pregnant instantly."

Kevin has done experiments with mice and Benghuiju. What's really nonsense is that you can get pregnant with just one drop.

"Is that so?" Mei fell silent.

However, thinking of the existence of the dimension shop is also a bit stunned.

Even shops that cross the world have appeared, so what is impossible?


If there is this, even Kevin and me, maybe...

Mei subconsciously looked at Kevin with his head down, pushed his glasses gently, lowered his head, and concealed his blushing face.


Mei's expression could escape others but could not escape Ling Yun's eyes. To be precise, it was perception.

Looking at the two people with their heads down, Ling Yun felt that they should strike while the iron was hot.

Ling Yun stood up suddenly, clapped his hands, and attracted the attention of the two: "Well, if you two have nothing to do, then go back, I am going to close the shop here."

"You should also have a lot to say to each other, right?"

Kevin and Mei glanced at each other.

"So, excuse me."

Soon, the two opened the door and left.

After the two left, Ling Yun took a look at the time. It was already dark and it was nine o'clock in the evening.

As the saying goes, one day apart is like three autumns, and he can't wait to take a rest.

"By the way, what about Qingzhu?" Ling Yun suddenly thought.

Xilin and Thor and his cheap daughter are all here, so why isn't Aya Qingzhu seen.

"She went to Sophie sauce, and Qiong and Kang Na went to the beach to play. Now it should be at the beach hotel." Xilin explained.

"That means you won't be back tonight?" Ling Yun asked.


Thor, who knew Ling Yun's thoughts, immediately rolled his eyes.

I don't know if it was Ling Yun's illusion, but Thor always felt more and more stable, and he was dying when he first met.

But this is not without benefits.

"Let's go, let's go, it's late, let's go and rest!"

Ling Yun pushed Xilin and Thor on the back with a smile on his face.

The two gave him a blank look, but they didn't refuse.

During this time they also miss Lingyun very much.

"the host!"

Suddenly, Esther trot over.

The two looked at each other for a long time.

"Bella, you sleep with Scarlett tonight."

After speaking, Ling Yun walked into the bedroom with the three daughters.

Bella, who was stunned but accustomed to it, was left in place.

Is she going to shout happily at this time: ‘Oye, I finally don’t have to sleep on the sofa anymore? ’

the next day

Ling Yun opened his eyes in a daze.

I saw a delicate face.

"Master, good morning."


Seeing the figure on his head, Ling Yun was taken aback.

At this moment, Esther was resting his hands on the pillows on both sides of his head, and a long silver hair covered Lingyun like a waterfall.

Looking up, the sun shines through the gaps in the hair, beautifully.

"what's happenin?"

"Master, can you also give me the way to use the Sky Lock?"

Esther bit his lower lip and said.

Last night, Ling Yun agreed to Xilin and Thor and gave them the methods and skills of the lock of the sky.

However, Esther had already fainted at that time. Although she had heard it dimly, she fell asleep at once when she was not physically strong.

This caused the present scene.

"That's it? No problem. Of course Esther wants to learn." Ling Yun smiled slightly.

"Well, get up first, Thor and the others should have already cooked breakfast."


One thing that seems to be small hides the university's question.

That is, don't be eccentric!


"Brother Lingyun, I'm getting up." As soon as I left the house, I saw Xi Lin who was watching TV and eating an apple.

Step on the sofa barefoot.

The posture is so bad that it is impossible to look directly at it.

"By the way, Brother Ling Yun, that fellow Zhou Rui will do it once after the day you left." Suddenly, Xi Lin thought of something.

"Huh? He's here to open the can?" Ling Yun paused.

"No, he put our tap water pipe into the reservoir."

Ling Yun: "......"

"??? He is a dog!" Ling Yun was stunned.

Don't you dare to play this way for the South-to-North Water Transfer Project?

Is this going to let Ling Yun feed a lot of people on his own?

“He said that the Dragon’s Nest has been repaired and the suspended International Newborn Competition can continue, but in order to let other countries truly feel the national power of Longguo, our tap water has been requisitioned as an endorsement.”

Suddenly, Ling Yun understood everything and looked at Xi Lin blankly: "Who is the spokesperson?"

Xilin suddenly smiled embarrassedly: "Hey, it's me."

"I knew ~www.readwn.com~ With a pop', Ling Yun stretched out his hand and patted his forehead.

You have lost all the face of the law firm!

"Then, what else did he say?"

"He said that the international community will continue to invite you to serve as the representative of Longguo."

"Wait, don't you agree?" Suddenly, Ling Yun seemed to have thought of something, and he paused and squinted at Xi Lin.

Xilin's head immediately shook like a rattle: "I don't have one!"

Ling Yun glanced suspiciously at Xi Lin.

"If you don't agree, it's horrible to chat with those guys."

Ling Yun subconsciously rang out Vija of Great Britain, shivering suddenly.

It looks like a hungry wolf has seen mutton.

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