Super Dimensional Fantasy Shop

Vol 4 Chapter 404: Holy relic? I have gone for too much of that kind of stuff!

   The next moment, the scarlet light directly flooded Lin Qin!

   In the light that could destroy everything, the Xuanyuan sword and armor in his hand were turned into fragments in the beam and dissipated in the air.

   Before everyone reacted, the dazzling light blocked people's sight.攫攝攫

   After about ten seconds, the light slowly disappeared.

   Countless water vapor evaporated from seawater also slowly dissipated.

   Liao Han stared at the empty midair and the unscathed noise, and instantly understood what had happened.

   her little face turned white immediately.

   "Sister Lin Qin!"

   The cry of grief and anger resounded throughout the sea.

   Everyone was silent, and there was no sound on the entire beach.

   Tachibana's eyes are red.

   Looking at the unscathed noise, the pupils are full of anger!

   The armor around his body has a faint black atmosphere.

   Fengmingyi, Xiaoinuga Miku, and Xueyin Chris looked at the crying girl who was sitting on the ground and felt very uncomfortable.

   "Wait, what are you going to do?"

   At this time, Feng Mingyi looked at Liao Han who stumbled and stood up from the ground, and asked puzzledly.

   Liao Han wiped the tears from his eyes with one hand, and slowly raised his head, watching the giant noise silver teeth bite.

   "The noise now has no troublesome armor!"

   "Don't you mean it?!"

   Xiaohi shrinks his pupils towards the future, and has a bad feeling in his heart.

   "Compared with gunfire, I have never lost Liao Han!"

   took out a sacred relic crystal from the armor on his waist, Liao Han stared at the bust noise that had walked to the beach and hit the protective cover continuously, his anger could no longer be covered!

   "Isn't it a laser? Watch me shoot it back!"

   "Xiaohan, go back!" 厺厽品书网 厺厽

   At this time, the indifferent voice suddenly sounded, making Liao Han a daze, staring blankly at the white-haired girl who was preventing the giant noise from attacking in the distance.

   "Sister Xueyu..."

   Her condition is not very good at the moment, her eyes are closed tightly, blood and tears are streaming out.

   A pair of thighs were trembling. If it weren't for the force of the will to support, she might have fallen down at this moment.

   "Leave the following things to me, you can go back." Reluctantly smiled at Liao Han, the girl named Xueyu turned around.

   "Sister Xueyu!" Liao Han's expression changed.

   But just when she was about to rush out, her calm voice interrupted her.

   "Enough has been done, you can rest, leave it to me next."

   At this moment, a calm voice came from behind everyone.

   Everyone can't help but be taken aback.

   The little fat man also turned his head, facing Lingyun.

   "Sister Lin Qin!"

   It's just that when they saw Ling Yun's unconscious figure in his arms, everyone's pupils couldn't help but shrink.

   Violent Lori Liao Han no longer cared about others, ran over like the wind.

   But how can Ling Yun let her approach?

   At the proper position and with proper strength, Ling Yun directly threw the unconscious woman in his arms towards Liao Han.

   "Sister Lin Qin!"

   Regardless of shock, Liao Han hurriedly caught the woman who was thrown down by Ling Yun.


   The faintly blacked Tachibana sound was also restored, and she looked at Ling Yun puzzledly.

   However, Ling Yun didn't want to explain at all.

   directly shouted at the white-haired girl in the distance: "Next, hand it over to me, you guard the barrier well."

  Who knows, Xueyu shook his head after hearing it: "There is no way, even if you have a way to kill the noise, it won't work without the holy relic."

   "Holy relic?" Ling Yun laughed after hearing this. Someone in the world told him that there is no holy relic?

   "I have too much of that kind of stuff!"

   Ling Yun gave a chuckle.


   The next moment, accompanied by Weng Mingsheng in the space.

   Countless golden halos opened behind it.

   is densely packed, illuminating the somewhat gloomy sky.

   is like a Venus, extremely dazzling!

   "Let me see, is it your Babylonian capital or my Babylonian treasury?"

   In the dull eyes of everyone, the corner of Ling Yun's mouth raised.

   The next moment, in the countless halo behind, countless treasures slowly stretched out.

   Knife, gun, sword, axe, trident, all types!

   "My dear, what kind of skill is this? If I have this skill, what girl can't make it?!"

   "Sorry, your face value determines your upper limit."


   The man was shocked and envious, the envy of Lemon!

  The female ones are full of eyes!

   It's convenient, and it's golden!

   Feng Mingyi and the others also stared blankly at the golden light in the sky behind Ling Yun.

   Under the gray sky, it illuminates people's faces like dawn, bringing a little highlight to the gray pupils.

   At the moment the King’s Treasure appeared, the Special Disaster Team was so quiet that there was no sound at all.

at last......

   "How is it possible!!!" 巘戅戅

   A terrifying sound broke the silence.

   "Holy relics! All are holy relics! And extremely complete holy relics!"

   "What did you say?!" Zhou Rui was also surprised, looking at the man in disbelief.

"You can't go wrong!" The man quickly operated on the keyboard, his eyes filled with horror, "These are not fragments and crystals, but the most complete weapons in human history! They are simply the holy relics. Relic! Unbelievable, unbelievable! This may be the true Babylonian treasure house!"

   The man said very excitedly.

   As if seeing the faith in life.

   "Huh." Zhou Rui also exhaled calmly, unable to calm down in his pupils, and looked deeply at the figure on the screen.

   "Ling Yun, you guy will really surprise me!"

at the same time


   Ling Yun didn't even know the horror of Zhou Rui and others.

   I'm excited.

next moment


   A breaking wind sounded.


   In the horrified eyes of people, the noise that even the swan song could not cause a single bit of damage before was directly penetrated by a large piece of flesh and blood by the treasure!

   "Sure enough."

   Seeing this scene, Ling Yun's pupils flashed for a moment.

   After getting the guess in my mind.

   Immediately afterwards, several treasures burst out, with huge impact and destructive power, directly sinking the noise into the sea, turning up a large piece of sea water!

  At this moment, the whole world is quiet.

   Everyone was dumbfounded.

   Especially Liao Han and other war girls.

  攫攫攫. The first time I saw such a crushing battle!

   But Ling Yun didn't care at all.

   continued to wave.

  厺厽 Tianlai novel 厺厽. "Shoo!"

  The King’s Treasure is another round after shooting one round. Because the King’s Treasure has an automatic recovery function, it seems to be inexhaustible and inexhaustible!

   The battle girls have been fighting so hard until now that the noise that has not been completely defeated has already been defeated and defeated.

   Even the ones from Babylon couldn’t keep up with the speed of being killed!

   The noise that once caused countless people's headaches is like ants and ants, being tortured and killed without any technology!

   For a time, countless yellow sand splashed on the beach.

   The roar of explosions, one after another deep pits, densely packed!

   After simply clearing the battlefield, Ling Yun narrowed his pupils at the busted noise that slowly stood up from the sea.

   "Next, it's you."

   slowly stretched out his hand.

  巘戅Fiction 戅. In the next moment, a Lingshu disappeared.

   "Saber, I'll leave it to you next."

   light flashed, and a brave and heroic woman with silver armor and blue long skirt and golden ponytail appeared in front of him.

   She opened her eyes slowly, a little confused, but quickly adjusted her state when she saw the dashing noise that kept moving forward.

   Don't underestimate the combat literacy of the Knight King!

   "Is it my illusion, why do I feel that she and the knight King Weiya Pendragon of Great Britain look like?"

   "You said so, it's true, it's almost like carved out of a mold!"


   " It is very likely to be a bastard!"

   "...You're even more tugging, it's an egg, you."


   "Saber, liberate the treasure." Ling Yun smiled slightly.

   "Yes, master!"

   Saber said.

   The next moment, accompanied by the disappearance of the Wind King enchantment.

   A silver long sword was exposed in front of everyone.

"That is!"

   At this moment, all the representatives of various countries who watched this scene with satellites shrank their pupils, and stood up from their seats in shock.

   Wei Ya, who is far away in Great Britain, also narrowed her eyes.

   Gawain and Lancelot beside him are not calm!

   They looked in horror at the long sword exposed after Saber had dispersed the Wind King barrier.

   "Why, that's...Excalibur!!!"

   At this time, Ling Yun also slowly stretched out his hand.

   The golden light bursts under the noise.

   covers the sea area with a diameter of 100 meters, and the golden light shines from the bottom of the sea.

   Ling Yun's extremely calm voice sounded in everyone's ears: "In the name of Ling Yun, I am here to liberate the frame of the lock of the sky!"


   The sound of chain entanglement and collision sounded.

   In the shocking gaze of everyone, countless silver chains glowing with golden light in the golden sea slowly stretched out, bursting into the sky.

   like that, as if to connect the sky and the earth!

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